10 Islamic Jihad Terrorists Injured in a Tunnel Collapse in Gaza

Ten Islamic Jihad terrorists were injured when a terror tunnel leading into Israeli territory collapsed in Gaza late on Tuesday. A few other terrorists were also reported missing following the tunnel collapse in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood of Gaza City.

Just 4 days ago, a 22-year-old Hamas terrorist was killed when a tunnel collapsed on him in Gaza. In mid-July, two Islamic Jihad terrorists were killed in two separate tunnel collapses, and in early April, five diggers hit the dust in a tunnel going through Rafah in southern Gaza on its border with the Sinai Peninsula.

Hamas has been busily reconstructing its terror tunnel network reaching into Israeli territory. Media reports have speculated that a secret Israeli weapon instead of rains or flooding was responsible for the cave-ins, but there has been no admission by the Israeli government to this effect.

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