3 Killed in Car Crash in the South

Top of the news:

Trump in his press conference before meeting Netanyahu said; “one state or two states I’ll agree to what the two sides agree to”. At the meeting they said they would come to an understanding about the settlements to strive for peace. Netanyahu also asked Trump to formally recognize the Golan as part of Israel. They also discussed moving the embassy to Jerusalem and Netanyahu said “Trump heard our position and is working on it”.

Israel News:

Two young women were critically injured from smoke inhalation in the town of Segev Shalom.  They were unconscious when admitted to the hospital.

Baby dies from crib death after being admitted to Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak for treating his stopped heartbeat.

Fatal car crash in the south: 3 people were killed and four injured in a crash next to an army base near Mitzpe Rimon. Route 40 was closed to traffic.

The Haifa court delayed the emptying of the ammonia tanks until the appeal against it is decided upon and the Haifa municipality responds to the appeal.


A Pilates room was installed in the Knesset but did not have proper permits. The head of the Knesset ordered it sealed off. The Knesset claims the construction was “done in innocence”.


Rocks were thrown at a bus traveling in the Mount Scopus tunnel. One passenger was injured.

Rocks were thrown at the Jerusalem light rail near the Shuafat junction. No one was injured but the train car was damaged.

World News:

Trump offered the National Security advisor position to a former senior member of the military after Michael Flynn quit.

The U.N. secretary says “the only solution possible for the situation between the Israelis and the Palestinians is establishing two states”.

The head of the CIA met with PA head Abu Mazen in Ramallah parallel to Trump’s meeting with Netanyahu in Washington.

Israel weather:

Thursday rains will continue from the north to the south with occasional thunder showers or hail. There is a chance of flooding.

Friday will be clear to partly cloudy and colder. Shabbat will be cold but not rainy.

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