3rd Truck Hit a Bridge within a Week

Israel news:

Netanyahu about his upcoming meeting with Putin: “Iran is trying to base its armies in Syria and this is a problem for the entire world. I plan on discussing this with Putin.”

Border Police stopped 2 people driving a truck full of weapons parts meant to reach a Palestinian village near Hebron. They were parts to assemble M-16 rifles.

A 3rd truck hit a bridge in one week when another crane truck hit an overpass on the Ayalon Highway. 2 days ago a truck piggybacking a bulldozer lost the bulldozer when it hit an overpass that knocked it off the truck. A week ago a truck driver was killed when his crane opened and knocked a concrete column off the over pass on Highway 4 crushing him.

World news:

The US sanctioned Chinese and Russian companies that do business with North Korea. China responded saying: “This mistake should be immediately corrected to prevent harm to future cooperation.”

The White House was locked down yesterday when a suspicious package was found near the White House fence.

Venezuela President Nicholas Maduro says: “I plan on meeting Putin soon; He is a man of peace.”

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