500 Million Yahoo Personal Info Accounts Hacked — in 2014

It was just discovered that in late 2014 “state-sponsored” computer hackers swiped personal information from at least 500 million Yahoo accounts in what is believed to be the biggest digital break-in at an email provider.

The stolen data includes users’ names, email addresses, telephone numbers, birth dates, scrambled passwords, and security questions and answers used to verify an accountholder’s identity. The company said the attacker didn’t get any information about its users’ bank accounts or credit and debit cards. 

The breach raises questions about the checks and balances within Yahoo, which has experienced a steep drop in revenue during the past eight years.
Last month, the Motherboard tech site reported that a hacker boasted that he had account information belonging to 200 million Yahoo users and was trying to sell the data on the web.

This massive security breakdown became known just when Yahoo was negotiating a $4.8 billion sale to Verizon Communication, which now says it will approach the deal more cautiously.

Nevertheless, Yahoo is far from going under due to this breach. Yahoo’s total market value primarily consists of a stake in Chinese e-commerce leader Alibaba Group which is currently wort

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