75,000 People Evacuated in Bali for Fear of Volcano Eruption

Israel news:

Quadruplet preemies released from Laniado hospital in good health: The Levi Family from Kiryat Zanz, Netanya had quadruplets 6 weeks ago which were premature. They were watched and cared for in the neonatal unit which helped them along their first few weeks until they were strong enough to go home.

World news:

New type of robbery in North Carolina: A North Carolina woman was driving home from work late at night when she spotted a young boy sitting at the curbside bent over. She stopped the car and was about to approach the boy when 2 men appeared out of the darkness and tried attacking her. Fortunately she locked her doors and windows and managed to get away and report it to police. The police found what was really a doll dressed up and posed like a small boy abandoned in distress. The would be assailants were apprehended and they were3 juveniles ages 10, 14 and 17. Police warn not to stop for children on the roadside at night for fear of similar assaults.

Rabbi Kanievsky: “Mexican Jews should come to Israel but meanwhile they should pray more earthquakes shouldn’t come.” Rabbi Kanievsky answered this to Jerusalem City Councilman Rabbi Cohen who asked what the Mexican Jewish community should do in light of the earthquakes that struck Mexico. Rabbi Cohen was sent to ask the question by the Mexican Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Tawil.

75,000 people were evacuated on the island of Bali, Indonesia as volcano Mount Agung threatens to erupt. The Indonesian government issued a statement that tourism is safe and the volcano is far from tourist spots. Also if there is an eruption flights will be re-routed to avoid the volcanic ash.

Spain blocks Catalonian websites to thwart their independence referendum according to the Catalan regional government. Court orders made passing information on how to vote illegal and the Catalonians are crying ‘foul’. They say this is the behavior of dictatorships like China, North Korea and Turkey. 

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