Israel news:
Run over Terrorist Attack at Tekoa-Maale Amos Junction: A 20 year old soldier was hurt in a terror attack when a terrorist tried ramming into a group of soldiers. From the impact he knocked down a lamp post which fell on a solider. The terrorist wanted to continue his bloodlust got out of the car to try and stab more soldiers. He was shot immediately by the soldiers of the group.
Jerusalem terror aborted: On Sunday a terrorist was stopped by the Jerusalem bus station. He was found to be armed with a knife.
Avi Gabai is voted the new head of the labor party: The results surprised many people as the whole day it seemed that Amir Peretz would win. Avi Gabai got 52% of the votes and Amir Peretz got 47%.
An 82 year old Holocaust Survivor from Bet Yitzchak in the Sharon region came back to his house and discovered 2 Palestinians from the Tulkarem region that broke in. He shot them both killing one and critically wounding the other.
Israel is making a study to show historical Jewish ties to Jerusalem in reaction to UNESCO’s patently false resolution denying any such ties. For related article see:
Despite denial of both sides Hamas still has representatives in Cairo to negotiate a prisoner swap according to Arab media.
World news:
Iraq officially declares victory over ISIS: The Iraqi prime minister in an official statement said that the Iraqi army defeated ISIS in Mosul having cleaned out the last pockets of resistance these past few months. President Trump also blessed Iraq upon their victory.
A senior Russian military official met with Hezbollah according to Lebanese media. He met with Nasrallah and is believed to have given him a message from Russian leadership pertaining to the fighting alongside Assad in the Syrian Civil War.