First World-Wide Tisha B’Av Marathon to Be Screened This Year

Jewish Rabbis

Don’t spend this important fast day just waiting for it to be over

This year, it’s never been easier to get inspired and connect to the Temple and its contemporary meaning for us!

Hidabrut, the premier outreach organization whose web site has caused a revolution in bringing Jews back to Judaism, has come up with another innovative program to bring Judaism to the masses.

Hidabrut has scheduled a Tisha B’Av Marathon for this Sunday that will include lectures by 50 rabbis, 4 live stream locations, and lectures and videos in 3 languages — Hebrew, English and French.

The webcast event can be seen here on the Hidabrut website at from  9:00am on the 14/08/2016.

The best speakers in the world, the most inspiring ideas — all in the comfort of your home for free!

Pick and choose from a large number of videos that will touch your soul and bring you to yearn for the Third Temple. Don’t let this Tisha B’Av pass without getting inspired!

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