9/11 Responders Suffering From High Cancer Rates and Other Illnesses

Newsmax reports that 9/11 responders and cleanup workers at Ground Zero have suffered from a dramatic rise in cancer rates in the decade and a half following the 9/11 attacks that destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 411 emergency workers were among the dead on 9/11, and since then, the number has risen to 1,064. 

5,441 people, most of whom are between the ages of 55 and 64 years and were emergency responders or cleanup workers, have 70 different kinds of cancers thought to be tied to 9/11, many of them aggressive forms.

“The diseases stemming from the World Trade Center attacks include almost all lung diseases, almost all cancers, issues of the upper airways, gastroesophageal acid reflux disease, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, panic and adjustment disorders,” Dr. David Prezant, co-director for the Fire Department of the City of New York’s World Trade Center Medical Monitoring Program.

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