Police Finally End Reign of Terror by Turkish Gang Across Dutch City of Zaandam

A Turkish mob of teenagers have been terrorizing the city of Zaandam in the Netherlands for the past few months and boasting about it in a series of uploaded videos that they posted on the Internet.

In one shocking clip last weekend, the gang can be seen relentlessly chasing after and attacking local Dutch civilians.
In another video, one of the attackers wields what appears to be a crowbar in the square outside a supermarket.

Another chilling video captured the gang laughing while they beat up a passerby after knocking him off his bicycle.
In other videos, the gang – nicknamed the 'Erdogan warriors' by local press – have shown off their weapons while boasting that they will “kill” people who anger them.

Two weeks ago, a news crew was attacked and pelted with eggs by the terrifying mob. Police only arrived after an hour.

Angry citizens met at town hall to protest the attacks and demand a response by authorities. Cinderella Meijer, who works at a local youth centre, said the migrants had been banned after ten years of receiving benefits from the center and then stealing from it and damaging it. “They even threatened us with a firearm when we tried to stop them from smoking inside.”

Finally last night, dozens of police raided the neighborhood where the migrants live and arrested 12 people, including mob ringleader 19-year-old Ismail Ilgun, who posted the videos of the attacks onto YouTube.

The police also announced there would be extra surveillance in the neighborhood as well as a temporary ban on public meetings of youth. 
Ilgun has apologized for his “stupid” behavior and claimed “We are young and inexperienced and don’t know anything about television and the media.”
It remains to be seen if the Netherlands authorities are moronic enough to accept this excuse for the Muslims terror and violence spree, or cares more about its terrorized citizens by immediately deporting these “scum”, as Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte described them.

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