Joe Biden Convinced Ukraine to Vote for the Anti-Israel UN resolution

Reports indicate that US Vice-President Joe Biden personally interfered in order to persuade Ukraine to vote for the anti-Israel resolution passed Friday at the UN Security Council.

In retaliation to Ukraine's vote, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a visit to Jerusalem by Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman, scheduled for this week. Israel maintains that the passing of the resolution weakens the Jewish state, strengthens terrorists and destroys any chances for a resumption of peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. The PA has no incentive to come to the negotiation table when the international community can do the job for them.

On Monday, Ynet reported that according to Israeli officials, “Groysman, a Jew thought to be one of Israel’s main supporters, wanted his country not to be involved in consultations about the resolution. However, following a telephone conversation with US Vice President Joe Biden, Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko decided to vote in favor of its passage.”

The Jerusalem Post also reported on Monday that: (Environmental Minister) “Elkin said openly that Biden spoke to the Ukrainians, and that they would have abstained had he not intervened. A source said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s office confirmed that Biden called, but would not confirm nor deny that the conversation had to do with Israel.”

Biden’s office said the call focused on issues specific to the Ukraine and vehemently denies the accusation. They said the phone call had nothing to do with the UN resolution.

The Netanyahu government in response to the UN vote, is  conveying to all those who participated in the vote that Jerusalem does not take these diplomatic attacks lightly, particularly when countries that are recognized as friends, like Ukraine support the vote.

Netanyahu criticized the Obama Administration for assuming a major role in the passing of the resolution. “From the information that we have, we have no doubt that the Obama administration initiated it, stood behind it, coordinated on the wording and demanded that it be passed,” he stated.

These reports fit with our reports earlier today about Egypt’s claim that the U.S. collaborated with the PA initiating and spearheading the vote.

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