Itai Shechter: “No Apologies for Where I Came From nor for my Faith.”

The media in Israel went wild when after scoring a victory goal Itai Shechter put on a kipa and said Shma Yisrael. Now Itai, in an emotional “Instagram” post declares that he has no intention of apologizing for his faith. Some people commented that he just acted out of flattery and it wasn’t appropriate. But Itai animatedly stands his ground.

“I am Itai Shechter and I’ve been playing (professional) soccer for more than a decade. I am a believing person from birth, a scion of a devoutly religious family. Both my grandfathers were religious people that influenced me greatly in my education and in forming me as a man. I am not flattering nor do I apologize. The kipa I put on in 2010 and last Wednesday I did because I felt it appropriate for that situation. I saw a boy with a kipa and I asked myself, “why not sanctify G-d’s name in such a game?”  I felt good about it. I’m very happy I did it, that I prayed and said Shma Yisrael.”

‘I didn’t do this to be defiant. I just felt that I wanted to thank G-d for this. I’m not embarrassed about my Judaism, I don’t deny where I came from and I’m not afraid to do what I feel. That is me. A nation that doesn’t know it’s past is poor and its future is in doubt.” Itai concluded.

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