60 Second Headlines: Netanyahu Going to Meet Trump

Netanyahu is on his way to meeting Trump. Before he boarded the plane he commented: “President Trump and I see eye to eye the threats and opportunities in our region. We will talk about both things and also about upgrading our strong commitment in many areas. I intend to steer this commitment to the benefit of our national interest and all Israeli citizens.”

Israel news:

Bat Yam crane collapse:  Two construction site foremen were taken in for questioning about the crane collapse.


Because of too many incidents of stone throwing on the Husan road, the IDF blocked the entrance to the Palestinian village opposite Beitar Illith.


Yair Lapid commented: “Most Israelis don’t believe the Palestinians therefore we will need to remove 4 million Palestinians from among us.

Pollard: It is reported that Netanyahu will ask for easing restrictions on Pollard.  

Foreign Ministry announces: “Since Israel has no formal relations with North Kore, if an Israeli gets into trouble there, no Israeli representatives can provide him with assistance.”

World news:

The Pentagon warns: “North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is a security threat to the United States.” The pentagon was referring to the recent test of a ballistic missile which proves the greatness of the danger.

The Iraqi army reports: “We successfully tracked the convoy that took ISIS leader Abu-Bacher Al-Baghdadi along with other senior ISIS members.” According to their report they blew up the house where the senior ISIS members were having a meeting, 13 were killed but the leader was not among them.

France: Regional Councils reported that at least 4 people died in avalanches in the Tignes Ski Village area of the French Alps. 9 more people are still buried under snow.  

A Middle East survey reveals that Lebanese citizens are the least satisfied with life. The survey found that only 6% are satisfied with their lives.

Israel weather:

Rain from Northern Israel to the Northern Negev along with scattered thundershowers. Temperatures lower than normal with snowfall on the Hermon. The cold weather is expected to stay until the weekend.

Temperatures: Kiryat Shemona  13-6, Katzrin 10-4, Safed 8-3, Tiberius 17-8, Nazareth 12-5, Haifa 15-8, Tel Aviv 15-9, Jerusalem 9-4, Ashkelon 15-10, Ein Gedi  21-11, Beersheba 14-7, Arad  12-5, Mitzpe Rimon 11-4, Eilat 21-9.

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