Assad is Hiding From US Threat

Media outlets in the Arab world report that since the US attack on the military camp from which the planes that bombed the hospital in Hama took off with chemical weapons, President Assad has gone underground, into hiding
After the chemical attack in Idlib, the US reacted harshly: Last Friday, US President Donald Trump ordered the attack firing 59 Syrian Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian base from which the chemical attack was carried out in the Idlib region of northern Syria.
In addition, Trump made it clear to Congress that the United States would not hesitate to attack targets in Syria again if necessary. “I acted in accordance with the vital security interests of the United States, and we won’t hesitate to carry out further actions as necessary in order to advance our vital political interests,” the president said in his speech to Congress.
US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Hailey, also said that the United States wants to oust Assad from power: “The United States does not see an option for a possible solution in Syria as long as Assad is in power.” If reports of Assad’s hiding are true his decision to hide was were probably influenced by Nikki Hailey’s words and President Trump’s speech to congress.
The media reported that for the last two days Assad refrained from making or receiving phone calls and refrained from using any technological means. The media noted that throughout the six years of fighting in Syria, even at moments when his defeat seemed to be imminent, the president avoided hiding. But now things are different.

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