Preparations for Going to Miron on Lag BaOmer Are Massive!

The Israel Police are wrapping up their preparations for the massive pilgrimage to Miron for Lag BaOmer which begin after this Shabbat ends and all of Sunday. The Anniversary of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s passing away is the largest religious event of its type in Israel with hundreds of thousands of people visiting his grave in Miron.

The police organized their preparations into three parts:

Stage one which began a week ago on Tuesday already has seen the increase of police presence in the general area of the gravesite to keep law and order.

Stage two the main part of this logistical campaign starts after Shabbat 9:15 at night until Sunday night 12:00 when hundreds of thousands will visit the site. 5,000 additional police and soldiers will be found at all major intersections leading to Miron, in a wide security circle around the general area of the site and in a third tighter ring at the site.

Stage three: After the visitors leave at 12:00 midnight beginning Monday morning the remaining police will reorganize to bring the site back to normal routine.

As every year there are established public bonfire lighting ceremonies. The first will be that of the Boyan Hassidim after Shabbat at 1:15 am on Sunday morning. The last ceremony will be Sunday evening at 7:00 pm form the Toldot Aharon Hassidim.

Police have blocked off the site and there will be massive parking lots for private cars and free shuttles to the site from those parking lots. Public transportation is the preferred way to go as they get up to the site into designated parking areas. There are special arrangements for the wheelchair bound and handicapped who can go to the Safsufa parking area and get an Ezer Mitzion Shuttle straight to the site.

May G-d accept all of our prayers; from those who visit and from those who elect to pray at home.

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