Israel-Hamas Negotiations End without Any Deals

Israel news:

Handicap Protest: Highway 4 southbound is being blocked by handicapped protesters demanding an equalizing of the handicap stipend to the minimum wage in one shot instead of gradually in 4 years. The current deal will benefit 20% of the handicapped instead of really dealing with the problem and giving the handicapped what they need. The rest will continue to live below the poverty line.

A new Israeli medical breakthrough will reduce the risk during catheterization in operations on the brain.

The last Israel-Hamas meeting to negotiate the release of the bodies of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul in Cairo ended with no concrete results and no date was set for future negotiation.

Hamas makes Gaza buffer zone with Egypt according to Egyptian demands.

World News:

Poland is purchasing a ‘Patriot’ missile system from the US as part of an early warning system against Russian aggression. Poland will be equipped with the ‘Magic Wand’ missile developed by Rafael Industries in Israel together with Raytheon. It’s an 8 billion dollar contract of which Rafael has a 1 billion dollar stake.

Trump and Putin met: There are 2 versions of how the meeting went. Both presidents issued a statement that “it was a good meeting and that Putin hopes Trump is convinced there was no Russian interference in the US elections.” But Nikki Haley had a different version of what took place: “Trump went head to head with Putin and everyone knows Russia interfered with the elections.”

Jared Kushner tells the New York Times: 2 weeks after Trump's becoming presidential candidate, Trump and Kushner met with a Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya who has ties to the Kremlin. They discussed Russian children adoption laws, specifically a law that forbids the adoption of Russian children in the US which was once passed by Putin. It is expected that the fake news establishment will turn this previously undisclosed meeting into a full blown conspiracy about the elections.

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