Israel news:
Next heat wave: The Ministry of Health warns the public to stay out of the heat and to make sure to drink a lot these next three days. If you are dizzy tomorrow during the fast of the 17th of Tammuz you may be suffering from dehydration and should consult with a rabbi who will probably tell you to break your fast.
The Board of Pharmacists in Israel demands the right to fair competition against the Israeli Kupat Cholim (HMO) pharmacies. Many medications can only be purchased through the Kupa pharmacies, which is unfair competition to the pharmacies and inconvenience to the patient. They prepared a paper stating their position that was distributed to the MKs and the Ministry of Health. The more available a medication will be the lower the price and the more accessible it will be to the patients.
From 11:00 this morning until 9:00 tonight ballots will be open: 52,000 Israeli Labor Party members will be able to vote for their new party head. Isaac Herzog is out of the race and the choice is between Amir Peretz and Avi Gabai.
More Israeli Vacation establishments close for Shabbat: They reap many spiritual and physical benefits including not paying double salaries for Shabbat, quality time with their family and sellout crowds during the week. For more on this see article:
World news:
The US and Russia broker a cease fire in Syria: On Sunday 12:00 noon a cease fire was declared in Syria. Assad remains in power but Iran is distanced from the borders and is not allowed to be involved in the area. Prime Minister Netanyahu blessed the initiative and said they would be vigilant in making sure the Hezbollah doesn’t get any armaments from Iran nor does it build fortifications along Israeli borders.
A 128 year old man named Herman Gutenberg who lives in a small village in Argentina claims he is Adolf Hitler. He decided to divulge this information since the Mossad stopped tracking Nazi criminals last year. Two British journalists who wrote a book “Grey Wolf: The Escape of the Adolf Hitler” think the claim is possible since forensic reports of the skull found in Hitler’s bunker and the DNA show it wasn’t Hitler’s skull. The man’s wife says he has dementia but wouldn’t deny he was Hitler.
Bishop Manfred Scheuer from Linz Austria resigned from heading the Pax Christi peace organization claiming the organization is Anti-Semitic. He said: “The organization always criticized Israel and I believe that criticism was Anti-Semitic.” He also mentioned an incident when representatives of the local Jewish community were mistreated in May when the PA ambassador Salach Abdel Shafi spoke. The organization supports the BDS movement and actually accepts funding for the movement.