More Unrest in Jerusalem

Israel News:

A policeman and soldier were wounded Jerusalem riots last night as tensions about the temple mount haven’t yet subsided. The Mufti of Jerusalem instead of calming his masses riled them up by telling them to refuse to go through the magnetic gates to the Temple Mount, something that Israelis have done on their way to the Western Wall for years. Stones were thrown and fireworks shot at security forces that wounded the soldier and policeman.

Traffic safety will be taught starting from kindergarten this coming school year.

Ashalim River in Southern Israel is still reeling from the environmental damage that happened 3 weeks ago when millions of gallons of acid spilled into the river from the Rotem Amfert Phosphate Company. Corpses of antelope, and birds were found next to the pools of toxic waste dying after they drank their last. Parts of the river are pure white as the acid leached lime out of the rocks and into the river. The National Parks and chemists have brought heavy equipment to remote parts of the nature reserve by helicopter generators and pumps to pump the acid out of the river and fresh water pools for the wildlife to drink from until the river is restored to normal.  The nature reserve is closed to the public. (From Israel Broadcasting Corporation News)

Israeli study shows that employees in family businesses take less leave. Also in companies where the criteria for promotion and rewards are clear people are less likely to take leave as it will hold back someone from promotion and rewards.

World news:

Vice President Mike Pence stated: “There will be a day when the embassy moves to Jerusalem. The Trump administration will always support the State of Israel.

More Cracks in Antarctic Glacier: A few weeks ago a large glacier the size of the state of Delaware detached from the ice covering Antarctica and is believed to be slowly moving toward the sea. Because it is so big it was thought to be very slow in its movement and not considered an immediate threat. However more satellite flyovers providing up to date photographs these past few days reveal that there are multiple cracks in this large glacier. This means that many smaller pieces are likely to break off and plunge into the Antarctic sea ultimately endangering shipping in the southern hemisphere seas.

4 Kurdish security officers were killed when a car bomb went off at their checkpoint in Northeastern Syria last night. No one has yet taken responsibility for the car bomb but the Kurds were the target of ISIS attacks and it is assumed that they will take responsibility for this bomb too. 

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