Iran Contributed to Temple Mount Unrest

The Islamic Republic was deeply involved in the Temple Mount unrest that lasted for 2 weeks in Jerusalem. According to reports, Iran sent funding to the massive mobs of rioters which protested the magnetic gates on the Temple Mount. In ‘Israel Today’ it was reported that thousands of rioters every few hours received food packages including a varied selection of complete meals and drinks. The packages had a sticker on them with a motto from Khamenei saying: “Palestine will be freed! Jerusalem is ours!” A picture of Al-Aksa and the Palestinian flag was the background of the sticker.

The Palestinian media claims that a non-profit associated with the Iranian Youth Movement was the supplier of the meal packages. Arab media outlets associated with the Revolutionary Guard in Iran reported that Iranian non-profits were behind “the supply of meals to the heroes who are fighting to free the captured Al-Aksa until victory against the Zionist captors.”

A senior PA official said: “It’s clear that the Teheran Government with its long arms was behind this meal campaign. We’re talking about amounts of money into the millions. The Iranians found a gap through which to send the Palestinians the message that Iran is the one looking after them. The sticker with Khamenei’s motto on it made it clear who was behind all these meals.”   

The senior PA official said that Iran’s intention to provide meals was known to the PA but it didn’t share the information with Israel because they froze security cooperation with Israel. “In regular PA territory we’d never let them bring in the packages, we’d never let them get a foothold in our territories as it would come back to us like a boomerang from the reaction of the other Arab nations. It seems the Iranians understood that they could get away with campaign without Israel asking too many questions. We had knowledge of large funding earmarked for these food packages but as our instructions were to stop the cooperation with Israel we followed those instructions.”

In case you’re wondering about the Temple Mount situation, after over 1,200 Jews visited the Temple Mount yesterday on Tisha B’Av the Jordanian Foreign Minister Aiman Safdeye stated: “The extremists broke into Al-Aksa” and claimed this is a continuation of breaking the status quo. More lies and inflammatory rhetoric from people Israel signed a peace treaty with. Safdeye’s comments were made at the conference of Muslim Foreign Ministers in Turkey. According to Safdeye, ‘one crisis ended but many more crises’ which will be more dangerous will break out because of Israel’s constant violations like today’s violation where 1,080 ‘extremists intruded on the Temple Mount Plaza which is a record since 1967.” 

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