Gazan Salafists Threaten to Launch Rockets at Israel

Israel news:

Salafists threaten: “We’ll send rockets to Israel because the Hamas took control of one of our training camps.”

Fire in Tel Aviv Sheraton hotel on the 7th floor: No one was hurt and the source of the fire was a short in a communications junction box.

The Court in Petach Tikva extended the detention of the terrorist caught in Netanya with a knife in his possession for another 4 days.

A forest fire broke out in the Ein Shofet forest in the Southern Carmel region. Fire fighter planes are at the scene and at this point the fire is believed to be under control.

A Rahat resident who posted his intentions on social media to do a terror attack was arrested and accused of wanting to carry out terror

World news:

Abu Mazen blames Trump’s administration: “We’ve met about 20 times and I still can’t understand the way they work as far as the peace process.”

ISIS claims “US forces killed 40 in a residential area in A-Raka in Syria.”  

Spanish police: “We rule out the possibility that the Barcelona terrorist succeeded in escaping to France.”  But so far they said he was killed 3 different times without confirming it.

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