Billy Joel’s Yellow Star Buzz

Billy Joel stole the show on Monday night when he performed wearing a yellow Jewish Star on his suit jacket. He wore it as a gesture of solidarity and protest to President Trump’s speech in which he said Neo Nazi’s and the left were both violent in Charlottesville. Even if it was true both sides were violent, leftists don’t like being compared to Nazis.

Though Billy Joel isn’t generally outspoken on his political views it’s not the 1st time he’s worn the yellow Jewish Star in concert making a clear political statement.

One of the songs he performed was called ‘Goodbye to You’ with singer Patty Smith while pictures flashed on the screen of former white house staffers that either quit or were fired by President Trump and a picture of the president too.

2 months ago Billy Joel was interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine and said: “I prefer not going into politics” but that didn’t stop him from expressing his dismay and disappointment that Trump got into office. He mentioned that Trump’s success in getting into office astounded him and proved to him that “many strange things can and do happen.”

Billy Joe’s picture with the Yellow Jewish Star went viral and created a lot of buzz on social media. Some people called him a ‘true hero’ and others thought he lost his mind.

Billy Joel’s parents are both Jewish but Billy publically declared more than once that he is an atheist. So that explains those who were puzzled by
Billy wearing the Yellow Jewish Star. They tweeted: “What exactly is he protesting about?”  Someone else asked: What complaints does he have against a president whose children are Jewish themselves? Is it because Muslim immigrants to the US tend to be anti-Semitic? About what is he protesting?”

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