The Arab League Declared Hezbollah a Terror Organization

Israel News:

An IDF soldier hit by stray fire from the Sinai: Last night a soldier was lightly wounded when a stray shot from the northern border of Egypt hit him. He was evacuated to the Soroka Hospital in Beer Sheba. The IDF did not fire back into Egypt.

Now required- new parks will need shaded areas: Municipalities, planners, developers and builders will be required to set up public spaces that are protected from the sun. This was decided in a joint committee between the interior ministry and the ministry of the environment.

Obesity a national plague: 21% of all first graders are obese. The health ministry is publicizing statistics preparing for the new labeling law that it wants to pass forcing food manufacturers to state the nutrition content of their foods.

World News:

The Arab League Declared Hezbollah a Terror Organization: The foreign ministers of the Arab League organized in a concerted effort against Iran. One of the first things they did is to declare Hezbollah a terror organization.

Angela Merkel cannot assemble a coalition and her Free Democratic Party announced they were withdrawing from coalition negotiations. “It is better not to rule than to rule in a false manner” is what they said.

Argentina continues its search for the missing submarine that disappeared last week with a crew of 44. Mayday signals didn’t help find them and the stormy seas are making the search more difficult. There are large signs at the naval base of the submarine saying: “Argentina be Strong”.

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