Take Part in this Urgent Mission to Save Jewish Souls

To all of our dear partners in kiruv:

Hidabroot, the world’s largest Jewish television network is joining forces and launching a worldwide initiative with a mission to promote Jewish education and fight assimilation by making our content widely available in English, French and German. This international media network will include the following:


·         A television channel

·         An internet website

·         An extensive Video library

·         A dating website

·         A radio station

·         A printed magazine

·         A digital newsletter

·         And more


If you’d like to learn more about our organization, please visit the following sites:


A promo of the organization:


A promo of Hidabroot around the world:

The new English site:


The Video library:


The Sheva Brachot dating site:


The 'Ask the Rabbi' Website:


This is a critical time in the history of the Jewish people that calls for urgent action. We must do something NOW to save our Jewish brothers and sisters around the world before it is too late.


We are turning to all kiruv organizations, rabbis, communities, and lecturers from around the world, asking them to take part in this urgent mission to save Jewish souls.


If you are interested in collaborating with us, please let us know.

Here are some ideas of what we are looking for:


·         Rabbis and lecturers who wish to load their materials onto our site

·         Kiruv organizations that would like us to professionally film their lectures

·         Colleges, universities, communities and synagogues that would like us to coordinate kiruv events or initiatives

·         Websites or books that would like to load their materials to our site

·         And more


*All media content is strictly aligned with orthodox Jewish law and is subject to rabbinical approval.

Please contact 323-984-7349 for additional information  or erezm@htv.co.il

Thank you for all your work in bringing the Jewish people closer to their Father in Heaven.

We look forward to working with you.


Erez Maimon

Hidabroot Worldwide

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