A first for Israel: A baby born in week 22, survived and released from hospital

Aaron was born to Eli and Roxanna Chaba in the 22nd week, and the doctors gave the couple no hope. But the miracle happened, and after a five month stay in the neonatal ICU, Aaron was just released healthy to his home.

“I am a father,” Eli Chabad said emotionally on Tuesday when taking his healthy son home.

“This is the first time to our knowledge that a baby has survived who was born in this week. This is another example of the capabilities of the medical world today and how it can care for infants born very early and help them to survive,” says Prof. Dror Mandel, the director of the neonatal ward at the Ichilov Medical Center.

He said, “This success is thanks to the warm and loving treatment of the medical and nursing staff and is an outstanding achievement for us. It changes what we know about the survival of babies from this week on.”

The happy parents have these encouraging words to say: “Every parent with a baby in NICU should know there is a chance that their baby will make it. Never despair. Look at us …”

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