Let's take a journey into the mystery of the universe with a look at the amazing prospect of the “City of the Future” – but first, a few words of introduction.
In the past, cities were built by both public and private initiatives, but without any underlying plan linking one building and the next; rather, the sum total of all the houses and buildings constituted the city. For thousands of years, this was how towns and cities grew; until modern times, when governments reached the conclusion that it was no longer possible to permit the expansion of cities in such a disorderly, uncontrolled manner. The building of every new city must be planned down to the level of each street, house and public building. To implement this idea, modern countries invest vast sums in the planning of new cities. The results are amazing.
The cities of the future will be built using the most sophisticated technologies available. Let us imagine how they will look:
With a diameter of some 10 kilometers, a vast system of sensors will control the millions of entry and exit points in the giant electronic wall surrounding the city. Using the information gathered by the central control room, the sensors will open and close gateways and allow the entry of raw materials and goods needed by the city.
The exact quantity of any required item and no more will be allowed through the relevant gateways into the city, which will then be shut closed by the sensors. Any materials or goods not pre-approved by the control center will be unable to enter the city. All goods entering the city will be sent along pre-determined routes to the exact location where they are required for manufacturing. The same guardian sensors will also open and close the gateways to allow the removal of unwanted trash, which moves out of the city along conveyors.
In the exact center of the city, there will be a special round hall of enormous size – a kilometer in diameter. Stringent security systems will guard this hall against any unauthorized intrusion, because it contains the secret technologies that make everything in the city work, including its advanced industrial manufacturing systems. Data will be stored in orderly banks of digital media containing billions if not trillions of pieces of information and codes.
With infinite accuracy, an endless line of robots will retrieve the data; unquestioningly completing every task they are given.
The city itself contains:
A large number of manufacturing plants, equipped with highly sophisticated machinery to produce precious goods from different materials.
Assembly centers supplied with the components manufactured in different plants to assemble them into complete goods.
The plants and centers are connected by an unlimited number of streets, pathways and corridors planned in impeccable order to facilitate the orchestrated, mechanized movement of materials at maximum speed to their destinations, without ever having been touched by a human hand.
Everything works automatically according to the data and codes read by the robots at the control center, which then pass on any necessary instructions to manufacturing plants, assembly centers and transportation systems using sophisticated internal communications systems.
From a bird’s eye view, we can see all the halls and buildings beautifully set out in pristine order. Traffic flows along the city’s streets in a choreographed ballet of innumerable transportation mechanisms moving silently and smoothly along the streets and by-ways in and out of the buildings and halls. At the center of the city, the control center is the heart and timing mechanism for this incredible coordination effort.
If we haven’t yet finished being amazed at the incredible technological capabilities in the city of the future, there is another important piece of information that you must hear (but hold onto your seat!).
The city, complete with all its halls, facilities, barriers and advanced systems, connected to the control center with its highly sophisticated software, has the ability to use the most advanced technologies to automatically duplicate everything found within its borders, whenever needed, and create another new city exactly like the original, complete with all its wonders.
Indeed, if mankind ever does reach this level of technological sophistication, it will be a very significant milestone in human development, which will most certainly be defined as nothing less than the realization of science fiction dreams through scientific prowess.
Is this in fact true?
Is it not true that the model for this city has been in existence ever since the Creator of the Universe first created life on Earth?
This “City of the Future” exists in every living cell in every living thing. To actually see these cities, we only have to look at a single living cell, with a size of less than one-hundredth of a millimeter, under high magnification. A magnification of one thousand million will show us a city, exactly as we have described here, with a corresponding diameter of 10 kilometers.
To put this into proportion: magnifying a cell one thousand million times is the same as placing one million cells in a line one beside the other and then placing, adjacent to that line, nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine more groups containing one million cells, one after the other. The result – one cell magnified one thousand million times. Picturing it this way can help us understand in tangible terms something of the real significance of the descriptions given earlier.
Let us look again at an individual cell, but this time from a different angle:
The cell nucleus is the large, round control center at the center of the city. Stored within it are the orderly ranks of molecular chains, which make up the DNA, wound together in spirals.
The DNA contains the code for each attribute and aspect of a living creature: eye color, the wave in the hair, body structure, facial structure, fingerprints, susceptibility to disease and much, much more. This is the site which stores the billions of pieces of information required to run the manufacturing plants and assembly centers in the cell. These activities are governed by the arrival of the raw materials, entering the cell through the myriad openings in the cell wall with each material being transported, as if by conveyor belt, to exactly the right manufacturing hall, where it is needed. The gateways in the cell wall are controlled by sensors, which are also controlled using the information stored in the DNA unique to the life form to which the cell belongs. In accordance with these instructions, the gateways will be automatically opened for the passage of the raw materials required for the manufacturing processes underway and will not permit the passage of unwanted materials. Gateways open automatically to allow waste materials to leave the cell and be excreted beyond the integrity of the “city” walls. Another special mechanism constantly monitors all the processes, in order to immediately recognize and correct any manufacturing faults.
To think that this advanced city has been planned in a way that will allow it to duplicate itself, complete with all its sophistication – that is far beyond the scope of the human intellect to grasp.
How many of these cells exist in a human body?
Some one hundred trillion (100,000,000,000,000)!
Let’s try to imagine “only” some, one million such systems.
Does anyone have any lingering doubts about whether the creation has a designer?
Without doubt, if research into molecular biology had been sufficiently developed in Darwin’s time, he would not have dared put forward his theory of evolution, which describes random development, with no design or designer. However, the reality at the time was different. When looking at a single living cell through the primitive microscopes then available, all that could be seen was a small point with tiny particles moving within it. It was impossible to deduce from this information the multitude of complex, marvelously sophisticated systems constantly at work in every cell.
We can now understand better what Sir Frederick Hoyle, the famous astronomer and Nobel Prize winner for physics, meant when he said: “The current scenario of the origins of life is about as likely as the assembly of a fully functional Boeing 747 by a tornado whirling about in a junkyard.”