A Quick List of the Basic Laws of Yom Tov

The Gemara says: “There’s no difference between Yom Tov and Shabbat except in regards to food.” For this reason, some actions related to food preparation are permitted, while others are not.

Here is a list of laws pertaining to the festival of Sukkot:

We light the candles on the eve of the holiday and recite the following blessing:

Blessed are you, Hashem our G-d, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the light of Yom Tov.”

A new flame may not be ignited

One may light a fire using a preexisting flame

One may cook on Yom Tov for the need of Yom Tov ONLY

One may not cook on Yom Tov for the following Yom Tov after it – Eiruv Tavshilin cannot be done for this purpose

One may not cook on Yom Tov for Shabbat, unless Eiruv Tavshilin was performed

One may not extinguish a flame on Yom Tov, therefore, when a person is finished with the stove, he may not turn off the gas. Rather, he may use a kettle, fill it up with coffee or water, and wait for it to overflow onto the flame. Once the flame is extinguished, he should turn off the gas

One may not increase the intensity of the flame. This action is forbidden as it is considered igniting; therefore, the person should set the intensity of the flame in advance

One may lower the flame if he’s afraid the food might burn.

One may use a grater on Yom Tov

One may squeeze lemons for food purposes, but not other fruits

One may take a shower, even with hot water (something you may not do on Shabbat)

All the laws of Muktze are the same as Shabbat, some are even stricter on Yom Tov

One may freeze ice or break it

One is permitted to make seltzer

One may carry from one domain to another (this is forbidden on Shabbat unless there’s an enclosure)

One may take painkillers

And of course, remember the commandment: “You shall rejoice on your festival!”

Chag Sameach!

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