A Sad Ending: Itamar Ohana’s Body Was Found

Yesterday Liron Karadi and Nachman Itach who were found in the Kinneret were buried. They were swept to the middle of the Kinneret when on a becah mattress and drowned. Hours later in the same are the body of Itamar Ohana was located by navy sonar and pulled out of the water by divers. He was 19 and lived in Kiryat Shemona.

After finding Itamar’s body, Police took him by police boat to the Degania police station for the family to identify him.

Shimon Ohana, Itamar’s father posted on Facebook saying that he was convinced they would find Itamar. A writer for NRG Yair Krause posted on his facebook page: “Shimon Ohana was totally convinced they would find Itamar… He said “I prayed that the others should be found first and I was sure that Itamar would be found afterwards.” Perhaps Itamar was found in the merit of his grandmother Rachel whose tears soaked the stones on the shores of the Kinneret and shook up the ground to surrender what it had taken.”

“I promised Shimon and Rachel we’d meet again today or tomorrow.  I thought about praying to meet them the next day at the funeral. It was a strange wish to want to go to the funeral of their son. The bad news was also a release that we and the whole family was hoping for”, Yair concluded his post.

Hananel Ohana, Itamar’s brother posted a short video on facebook thanking the hundreds of volunteers who helped search for Itamar saying: “We painfully announce the death of my brother Itamar who was found and taken out of the water. The feelings are difficult. Before he was found we didin’t know if he should be found but now that he was found and out of the water we know for certain he is no longer with us. We must come to terms with this and continue to live. We want to thank all of the Nation of Israel, all the volunteers who were with us from the beginning to the end. We send our condolences to the 2 other families, Karadi and Itach and we hope for good tidings for the Nation of Israel.”

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