Five years ago Einat Burstein received the bad news, her fetus was dead. This was devastating to her, for Einat was remarried. She and her new husband waited two years for this pregnancy and they thought “finally our prayers were answered”. But it wasn’t to be.
In her 8th week of pregnancy Einat went for her first checkup. The doctor looked at the ultrasound and listened and said; “there’s no heartbeat.” Einat was crestfallen. Instead of having a baby she’d have to go have a procedure to remove the dead fetus.
A week later Einat went to have the procedure done. This was something she feared. The doctors the instruments, all the activity around her and the doctor was doing one more ultrasound…
The nurses shouted: “There IS a heartbeat! The fetus is alive!!!” Einat burst into tears of happiness. The procedure was not necessary; everything was going to be okay. Einat called up her husband to tell him the great news. She was dressed and out of the clinic in record time, really happy to go home and complete this pregnancy to term.
All subsequent checkups showed a fetus developing perfectly normally and today five years later Gitty is a beautiful young girl loved by her older siblings from Einat’s first marriage and by her father who adores his first daughter.
“One of my girlfriends had a similar story” Einat tells us. “She had a long stretch of time doing difficult fertility treatments and finally got pregnant only to find out there was no heartbeat. I advised her to wait and when the doctors checked her 2 weeks later, they did hear a heartbeat. Today her son is a healthy one year old.”
Miracles do happen! Don’t take the miracle of life for granted!
If you have misgivings or doubts and need advice (in Israel) please don’t hesitate to call the IMA department of Hidabroot. We’re here for you. For IMA inquiries, assistance and guidance for future mothers or for women considering abortion call 073-222-1333 or cell: 052-955-1591 or mail kalina@htv.co.il