Abdul Razak Ali Artan Injures 11 at Ohio State University

A Somali refugee who arrived in the United States two years ago together with his family, Artan drove onto the Ohio State University campus yesterday and, according to authorities, plowed into a group of pedestrians before getting out of his car stabbing people with a butcher knife.

Thankfully, minutes after the attack began, Officer Alan Horujko, after engaging the knife-wielding terrorist, opened fire and killed him.

Fortunately, Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs is treated this as the possible terrorist attack it almost certainly was: “We have to consider that it is that possibility,” Jacobs told reporters. “You know, we had an attack earlier this year with a man with a knife causing multiple injuries. So we’re always aware that that’s the potential, and we’re going to continue to look at that. That’s why our federal partners are here and helping.”

May such tragedies cease from upon the earth.

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