Abu Mazen Visits S. Arabia in Wake of Trump’s Jerusalem Recognition

Israel news:

Woman to be compensated 2.1 million shekel for bus driver driving with her locked in the luggage compartment: The woman left one daughter at the curbside when she got off the bus in the winter of 2009 to get her baby buggy from the luggage compartment. The bus driver started driving with the woman inside it with her baby. They suffered trauma and asked the Egged bus company for a paltry 30,000 shekel compensation which was denied.  The woman then filed to Israel’s National Insurance for trauma treatment and sued the Egged Bus Company getting 800,000 shekel from Israel’s National Insurance and 1.3 million from Egged’s insurers.

2 young teen age girl serial IDF soldier attackers were arrested after footage showed how they wantonly would hit soldiers knowing nothing would be done to them. Recent footage showed Ahad Tamimi hitting an officer repeatedly. The other teen arrested was her cousin.

World news:

Austrian Chancellor Kurtz hopes to have a good relationship with Israel though Israel is keeping its distance since the extreme right Freedom Party which was originally formed by a former SS Nazi in 1950. Israel is reviewing its relationship with Austria at this time.

King Abdallah II of Jordan visiting the Vatican spoke of Trump’s declaration with the Pope; predictably they said it brings danger to peace in the region.

PA leader Abu Mazen went to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for an official visit to King Salman and his son, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. They talked about President Trump’s declaration of recognition that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. Abu Mazen is upset the UN Security Council couldn’t pass the resolution to rescind US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital because US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley vetoed it. Shamefully there were 14 out 15 member nations that voted in favor of the anti-Israel resolution. Prime Minister Netanyahu called Nikki Haley as true Maccabee standing up for the truth in face of opposition.

Abu Mazen is also calling out to Russia and China to become the new peace mediators since Trump ‘disqualified himself’ by declaring Jerusalem Israel’s capital. He sent delegations to Moscow and Beijing to ask them to take a more active role in the peace process.

An Egyptian air base near El-Arish in the Northern Sinai Peninsula was attacked by terrorists with mortar fire killing an Egyptian soldier and wounding 2 others.

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