Israel news:
More mortar fire during Netanyahu’s visit to the Golan: When visiting Katzrin in the Golan Heights a mortar shell landed in the vicinity a few minutes before Netanyahu spoke. Soon afterwards, the sound of an IDF counter attack could be heard. Netanyahu said “Who strike at us we will strike back.” Unfortunately after he finished his speech and left the area another shell landed in the Golan.
Ancient cloth from the time of King David and King Solomon was found in the Timna Valley. It was woven with red threads and indigo threads and such expensive cloth tells us the person who wore it was wealthy. It survived the onslaught of time since it was found in a very arid area.
Parents of cancer patients are losing patience and they protested, astounded at the insensitivity of the health system that let their children fall through the cracks and not get their life saving treatments. The Supreme Court opened its hearing yesterday but the judges urge the parents to negotiate with the ministry of health. The parents said this was suggested 3 months ago and it was ignored by the ministry so their frustration is mounting.
Ambassador David Friedman addressed the reform and conservative movement ‘crisis’ and their threat to stop supporting Israel. He said: “I never thought a Jewish organization would consider cancelling its support for Israel…The aim is not victory for one side but understanding and co-existence.”
World news:
Germany may cancel large drone purchase with Israel: Germany signed a $652 million contract with Israel to supply the Eitan drone which is very large and can stay airborne for over 24 hours straight similar to what the German’s already use and need more of. But the Social Democratic party that originally helped back the government tender and include it in the government budget backed out and now opposes it since they can be armed with missiles and bombs. Generals in the German Army respect the political outlook of the party but attack the decision from a professional military view.
A cyber-attack from malicious ‘ransomware’ programs hit the Ukraine, Russia, the US, UK, Holland, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, and Spain. Israel also got hit. Banks, airports, oil companies and more comapnies were targeted. Computers were locked down by the malicious program with a request showing on the screen to pay $300 to reinstate the computer’s function. In Israel cyber security experts recommend companies not to pay the ransom. They recommend always backing up your files and keeping current with Microsoft updates.
Trump’s immigration visa law partially accepted: Refugees and citizens from 6 Muslim countries have renewed criteria for getting entry visas to the US. They must prove direct relation to someone in the states and grandparents are too distantly related for this. Business visas must also have accompanying documentation about the business and not just be a method of entry to the US.