Anti-Israel Protests at Hebrew U in Jerusalem

This Past Wednesday Arab students at Hebrew U protested Israel’s occupation calling to ‘uproot the conquest’ and ‘the Golan Heights is Syrian” and Zionists get out” among other chants.

This protest was in response to the developments taking place on Israel’s northern border and unfortunately it isn’t the first time such a protest took place on university grounds. Just this past May students had a solidarity protest with the prisoners who were hunger striking and the shouted chants of getting the Zionist enemy out of the conquered land.

Students registered a complaint of incitement against the protesters but the file was closed (due to lack of incentive as many of the professors agree with the protesters and lecture on their just position). A complaint was registered again this time and the university issued a statement that “the protest was done without permission and arrangement with the administration.  Every protest /political activity must get prior consent from the dean of students. The university takes violations against its charter seriously and also doesn’t allow any expression that can lead to violence.”  

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