Australian Diver Befriends Shark

Rick Anderson, an Australian man befriended a female Port Jackson shark. Whenever she sees him she comes to cuddle with him. “I started playing with her about seven years ago when she was just a pup about 6 inches long,” Anderson said. “I approached her carefully so as not to spook her, then began to gently pat her. Once she got used to me, I would cradle her in my hand and talk soothingly to her through my regulator.”

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Anderson has been scuba diving for 27 years and runs a dive school. He also said: “Over the following seasons, she’d recognize me and would swim up to me for a pat and cuddle. She soon got used to me — to the point where she will swim up to me when I’m going past, and tap me on the legs until I hold my arms out for her to lay on for a cuddle.”

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“Most divers seeing this for the first time can’t believe it,” he added. “I don’t feed her or any of the other sharks I play with — I basically treat them like I would a dog.”

It seems all of creation thrives on affection. We needn’t be stingy with it! Hug someone today! 

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