
Two Years After the Synagogue Massacre, Har Nof Residents Still Suspicious

Two Years After the Synagogue Massacre, Har Nof Residents Still Suspicious

People in the neighborhood say “we suspect any stranger who is walking around the area.” A special interview with Eitan…
France Backtracking on Its Mideast “Peace Summit”

France Backtracking on Its Mideast “Peace Summit”

French diplomats say that France is concerned that bullying Israel to make dangerous concessions is likely to ruin relations with…
Teachings of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl

Teachings of Rav Mordechai of Chernobyl

Also known as the Chernobler Maggid, the son and successor of Rav Menachem Nachum and the author of “Likutei Torah.”
New Israeli Drone-Based Sensor System Detects Explosives From a Distance

New Israeli Drone-Based Sensor System Detects Explosives From a Distance

The laser technology system created in Tel Aviv can remotely detect hazardous materials, explosives, and drugs.
Kivi Bernhard and the Life Lesson he Taught Microsoft

Kivi Bernhard and the Life Lesson he Taught Microsoft

Kivi Bernhard refused to attend a Microsoft conference and a large sum of money because he observes Shabbat. How did…
Chareidi City of Elad Contributes the Highest Percentage of Combat Soldiers in Israel

Chareidi City of Elad Contributes the Highest Percentage of Combat Soldiers in Israel

The Israel Defense Forces just published their data of the 2015 draftees and here are some of the interesting facts…
Watch: Hypnotic Clip – Awesome Color Display

Watch: Hypnotic Clip – Awesome Color Display

What happens when acrylic colors mix with milk and soap? Watch fascinating video and discover
New Drill Mentally Prepared Elite IDF Soldiers for War Horrors

New Drill Mentally Prepared Elite IDF Soldiers for War Horrors

In the drill, soldiers encountered life-like bloody and burned fake body parts strewn on the ground.
Fraud: Gravestone Company Owner Sold Cemetery Plots He Didn’t Own

Fraud: Gravestone Company Owner Sold Cemetery Plots He Didn’t Own

A monument company owner masquerading as an agent of a burial society defrauded the public out of millions of shekels.
RARE PHOTO: Trump’s Father Donated Land for a Cheder

RARE PHOTO: Trump’s Father Donated Land for a Cheder

A rare picture has surfaced in the last few days of Frederick Christ Trump, father of the President-elect, having donated…
On Wine & Water: The Torah of Alcohol

On Wine & Water: The Torah of Alcohol

Drinking at Disney theme parks, wine on the Shabbat table, cosmic ice, and more.
RARE VISIT: Maran HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Visits Hidabrut Headquarters

RARE VISIT: Maran HaGaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Visits Hidabrut Headquarters

The "Sar HaTorah" (Prince of Torah) himself, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, arrived at Hidabrut headquarters to see for himself how Hidabrut…
Magical Gallery: National Geographic Photo Contest 2016

Magical Gallery: National Geographic Photo Contest 2016

If there is such a beautiful world, there must be a Creator: Spectacular images of the annual National Geographic photo…
Watch: Most Sophisticated Parrot You Will See

Watch: Most Sophisticated Parrot You Will See

This parrot's skills exceed anything you've ever seen, and if you were next to him – you probably would think…
What Are The Odds?

What Are The Odds?

Kings, prophets, swords, and Sarah's laughter at the tiding of the angels.
Actualizing Our Hidden Potential

Actualizing Our Hidden Potential

From the "Noam Elimelech," Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk.
Tefillin Mistakenly Thrown Out Found After Days-Long Search

Tefillin Mistakenly Thrown Out Found After Days-Long Search

Dozens of volunteers joined the search until the Tefillin were found in the local garbage dump.
North African Holocaust Survivors Eligible for Grants

North African Holocaust Survivors Eligible for Grants

But you must live in Great Britain, have suffered Nazi oppression and be low on income
Jewish, Arab Fertility Rates Reach Parity for First Time

Jewish, Arab Fertility Rates Reach Parity for First Time

The Central Bureau of Statistics says that both Jewish and Arab women are having an average of 3.13 children. Children…
Immortality and Science

Immortality and Science

The soul, electrons, biological transformation and regeneration, and more!
The Deep Roots of Cannabis in Torah

The Deep Roots of Cannabis in Torah

How does the Torah view cannabis and THC?
Supreme Court’s Demolition Ruling on Amona Now to Be Implemented on Arabs in Jerusalem

Supreme Court’s Demolition Ruling on Amona Now to Be Implemented on Arabs in Jerusalem

The Supreme Court’s Amona ruling finally opened up the last roadblock to implementing demolition orders on illegal Arab building in…
Germany Bans “The True Religion” Islamic Group

Germany Bans “The True Religion” Islamic Group

Police raid its 190 offices and mosques and finds machetes, tasers, knives and knuckle dusters but finds no reason to…
The Impact of Silence on the Human Body

The Impact of Silence on the Human Body

Our Sages tell us that silence protects human wisdom, and is the healthiest pill to swallow
Hidabroot is Coming to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA This Chanukah! 

Hidabroot is Coming to SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA This Chanukah! 

December 23-25 join Hidabroot at the Crowne Plaza Los Angeles International Airport hotel for the weekend of the year! 
Senior Trump Adviser Stephen Bannon to Attend ZOA’s Gala Dinner

Senior Trump Adviser Stephen Bannon to Attend ZOA’s Gala Dinner

The liberal Jewish organizations have been attacking him as an anti-Semite because of a comment his estranged wife said about…
Israeli Company Specializing in ‘Smart’ Border Fences Sees Sharp Rise in Stock

Israeli Company Specializing in ‘Smart’ Border Fences Sees Sharp Rise in Stock

Among the shockwaves caused by Trump’s election to the presidency: Illegal immigrants say they won’t risk sneaking into the U.S.…
Health Minister Litzman Blocks ‘Muezzin Bill’

Health Minister Litzman Blocks ‘Muezzin Bill’

He is concerned that the bill will be applied to Shabbos sirens
YAHRTZEIT (15 Cheshvan): 10 Quotes from the Chazon Ish

YAHRTZEIT (15 Cheshvan): 10 Quotes from the Chazon Ish

What is the purpose of a Jew who keeps the mitzvos? What is the most basic thing necessary to perfect…
Australian Researchers Make Breakthrough in Understanding Crib Death

Australian Researchers Make Breakthrough in Understanding Crib Death

Babies who die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome have low levels of Orexin, just like adults who suffer from apnea.
Rabbi Riskin Appoints Woman to Head West Bank Rabbinical Court

Rabbi Riskin Appoints Woman to Head West Bank Rabbinical Court

Left wing of Modern Orthodox increasingly looking like Conservative Judaism.
New Book on Rudolf Kasztner Unequivocally Proves His Guilt

New Book on Rudolf Kasztner Unequivocally Proves His Guilt

British historian Paul Bogdanor set out to clear Kasztner’s name but was forced to admit his guilt
Trump After the Victory: “I Won Thanks to the Creator”

Trump After the Victory: “I Won Thanks to the Creator”

On election night, as soon as it became clear that President-elect Trump had won a surprising victory, he raised his…
Teachings of Rav Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl

Teachings of Rav Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl

A disciple of both the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch, and the author of “Me’or Einayim.”
European Funded NGOs Linked to PFLP Terror Network

European Funded NGOs Linked to PFLP Terror Network

Not only do the Europeans support anti-Israel NGOs, they’re even willing to support terrorist groups against Israel
Donald Trump’s Inner Circle Contains Many Jews

Donald Trump’s Inner Circle Contains Many Jews

Contrary to the media’s attempt to smear him for affiliating with anti-Semites, the president-elect has many Jewish advisers
Teachings of Rav Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk

Teachings of Rav Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk

A disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch, the founder of the Old Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael in Teveria, and the…
Teachings of Rav Chaim Tyrer of Czernowitz

Teachings of Rav Chaim Tyrer of Czernowitz

A disciple of Rav Yechiel Michel, the Maggid of Zlotchov , and the author of “Be’er Mayim Chaim” and “Sidduro…
Teachings of Rav Meir of Premishlan

Teachings of Rav Meir of Premishlan

A disciple of Rav Yechiel Michel, the Zlotchover Maggid.
Separating Jews and Arabs in Maternity Wards is Common Sense

Separating Jews and Arabs in Maternity Wards is Common Sense

Wolfson hospital spokeswoman explains Arabs like partying and Jews like quiet and rest, and separation gives both what they want
Arab MK: ‘Israel is an Arab, Islamic, Palestinian Country’

Arab MK: ‘Israel is an Arab, Islamic, Palestinian Country’

If the Arab MKs think Israel is a Palestinian country, why does Israel allow them to participate in Knesset elections?…
Eurocrats Sourly Brace Themselves For a ‘More Businesslike’ Tie With Trump’s America

Eurocrats Sourly Brace Themselves For a ‘More Businesslike’ Tie With Trump’s America

Trump says he will condition defense support and change gears over climate change and Israel’s nuclear program
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Features Chazan Night on Krystalnacht Anniversary

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Features Chazan Night on Krystalnacht Anniversary

The hall featuring the chazon-ishe repertoire was designed by Nazi party member Herbert von Karajan.
Powerful 7.8 Earthquake Hits New Zealand

Powerful 7.8 Earthquake Hits New Zealand

The earthquake tore apart extensive infrastructure, killed 2 and is expected to cost the earthquake prone island tens of billions…
Elbit Unveils Its GroundEye Border Surveillance System

Elbit Unveils Its GroundEye Border Surveillance System

The system will protect Israel's borders from illegal entry by refugees or infiltration by terrorists
Teachings of Rav Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch

Teachings of Rav Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch

The Ba’al Shem Tov ’s successor, also known as “Der Groisser Maggid,” the Great Maggid.
An Intimate Rivalry: The Jews and Classical Islam

An Intimate Rivalry: The Jews and Classical Islam

Cornell University Professor of Judeo-Islamic Studies Ross Brann discusses the fruitful and close relationship between Jews and Muslims in the…
Stunning Drone Footage of Yerushalayim

Stunning Drone Footage of Yerushalayim

A beautiful aerial video of Arzei Habira, Maalot Dafna/Machal, and Ramat Eshkol on Erev Sukkos 5777.
Direct Flights from Israel to East Asian Cities Coming Soon

Direct Flights from Israel to East Asian Cities Coming Soon

Cheaper flights to Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, and Delhi are expected to bite into El Al's monopoly
Trump’s Israeli Supporters

Trump’s Israeli Supporters

Although it is well known that Hillary Clinton’s major supporters were Jewish, Trump also had vital Jewish support.
Teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

A great-grandson of the Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of “Likutei Moharan.”
Media Predictions on Global Downturn if Trump Elected Shown to be Hot Air

Media Predictions on Global Downturn if Trump Elected Shown to be Hot Air

Another media manipulation hits the dust: markets strengthen around the world
More Trump Fallout: New York Times “Contrite” for Dishonest Publishing

More Trump Fallout: New York Times “Contrite” for Dishonest Publishing

The once-respected paper has seen plummeting sales due to its leftist orientation and agenda-pushing.
USA Today Poll Names Dan’s Deals #1 Travel Blog

USA Today Poll Names Dan’s Deals #1 Travel Blog

The travel blog headed by the Chabad chasid has a devoted fan base that pushed him to the top
Palestinians, Coal Mines, and Fresh Air for Israelis

Palestinians, Coal Mines, and Fresh Air for Israelis

MK David Amsalem (Likud) let forth a Facebook tirade to let everybody know that he takes clean air for Israelis…
The Chef Who Closed Her Restaurant on Shabbat; “G-d Will Provide for Me”

The Chef Who Closed Her Restaurant on Shabbat; “G-d Will Provide for Me”

What brought a chef who owned a successful restaurant in Tel Aviv that was open for over a decade to…
70% of the French Terrified of Being Killed in ISIS Attack

70% of the French Terrified of Being Killed in ISIS Attack

On the one-year anniversary of the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks on Paris which saw 130 French killed, and a…
The Rambam on Health and Nutrition: Forget Everything That You Believed About Disease

The Rambam on Health and Nutrition: Forget Everything That You Believed About Disease

Avner Shaki, a Hidabrut website writer, participated in a health workshop that was led by experts in natural healing and…
Tightrope Walking Through the World

Tightrope Walking Through the World

Chassidic rebbes and acrobats, promises and single-mindedness, and you.
Protests Continue with 17 Arrested

Protests Continue with 17 Arrested

Clinton supporters have been protesting the election of president-elect Donald Trump ever since the voting results came in. Every day,…
Teachings of Rav Pinchas of Koritz

Teachings of Rav Pinchas of Koritz

One of the primary disciples of the holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of “Imrei Pinchas.”
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi Live in New York

Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi Live in New York

Prepare for the Heat of The Winter and join Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi live in New York
Jerusalem Arab Minor Sentenced to Hard Time

Jerusalem Arab Minor Sentenced to Hard Time

The 14-year old Arab teen was sentenced by the Jerusalem District Court to time behind bars for the stabbing of…
Going Out of Ourselves: Perfecting Our Character Traits

Going Out of Ourselves: Perfecting Our Character Traits

From the Noam Elimelech, Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk.
How Did Trump Get Less Votes But Still Win the Presidency?

How Did Trump Get Less Votes But Still Win the Presidency?

The Electoral College was created to to ensure the entire nation has a more equal say in the choosing of…
Trump Wins the Presidency in a Stunning Upset

Trump Wins the Presidency in a Stunning Upset

Republicans retain control of House and the Senate * Trump won key states that usually vote Democrat to give him…
Israel Says “No Thanks” to French-sponsored Middle East Peace Conference

Israel Says “No Thanks” to French-sponsored Middle East Peace Conference

Israel says the upcoming Middle East peace conference in Paris is a distraction from the goal of direct negotiations with…
Palestinian Bid For Interpol Membership Fails

Palestinian Bid For Interpol Membership Fails

Israel attributes it to an improvement in Israel’s international standing
Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov

Teachings of the Baal Shem Tov

Rav Yisrael ben Eliezer, known to chassidim as the “Holy Ba’al Shem Tov,” the founder and leader of the chassidic…
Teachings of Rav Yaakov Yosef of Polnoy

Teachings of Rav Yaakov Yosef of Polnoy

The primary disciple of the Holy Ba’al Shem Tov and the author of the first chassidic sefer ever printed -…
WORLDWIDE EVENT: Live Broadcast from Kever Rachel this Thursday

WORLDWIDE EVENT: Live Broadcast from Kever Rachel this Thursday

On the eve of the yahrtzeit of Rachel Imeinu, Hidabrut offers viewers around the world a special glimpse inside Kever…


As polling stations around the country tallied up the votes, Clinton conceded.
Challah: Recipe, Laws, and Prayers

Challah: Recipe, Laws, and Prayers

Challah is more than just a delicious loaf of bread. A simple how-to for the recipe of dough, what and…
“Another Provocation,” claims Rabbi of the Kotel

“Another Provocation,” claims Rabbi of the Kotel

Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rabbi of the Western Wall, claims that Women of the Wall are uninterested in "finding a solution…
Donald Trump’s Emotional Appeal

Donald Trump’s Emotional Appeal

With hours left in his campaign for the presidency, presidential Republican candidate Donald Trump turns to voters, pleading for "real…
The Tension is at its Peak: Polling Stations Opened, Voting has Begun

The Tension is at its Peak: Polling Stations Opened, Voting has Begun

Polling stations in the East Coast of the US have been opened, and voting has begun. Clinton leads; what will…
Gitmo Releasee Threatens Jihad Attacks on U.S. Cities

Gitmo Releasee Threatens Jihad Attacks on U.S. Cities

He was released to undergo a deradicalization program, which so far has never worked
Rabbi Warren Goldstein Launches Third Annual ‘Shabbat Project’

Rabbi Warren Goldstein Launches Third Annual ‘Shabbat Project’

This coming week the third annual Shabbos Project will impact Jews worldwide
Leaving A Sefer Open

Leaving A Sefer Open

An overview of the laws of leaving a sefer open.
Barkat: Court Ruling Against Amona Also Applies to Arab Squatters in Jerusalem

Barkat: Court Ruling Against Amona Also Applies to Arab Squatters in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem mayor says that if the ruling against Amona is upheld, he will also have to vacate Arabs squatting…
Another Crime Involving Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandals

Another Crime Involving Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandals

This time her Filipino maid Marina Santos was found printing classified emails for her, even though she didn't have security…
Police Arrest Gang Who Terrorized Rachel’s Tomb

Police Arrest Gang Who Terrorized Rachel’s Tomb

Israeli police crack-down on gang responsible for terrorizing worshipers at Kever Rachel
MUST-WATCH: Water in Space with Rabbi Zamir Cohen

MUST-WATCH: Water in Space with Rabbi Zamir Cohen

In this fascinating clip, Rabbi Zamir Cohen shows us once again how our sages knew about scientific phenomena that have…
HUMOR: Job Interviews for Everybody!

HUMOR: Job Interviews for Everybody!

With a dash of happiness and joy, pretty much everything is achievable... even getting the job of your dreams!
MK: Stop EU-funded Illegal Arab building in Area C

MK: Stop EU-funded Illegal Arab building in Area C

The UN has been aiding local Arabs to slowly encroach upon land that is not theirs, violating the Oslo Agreements
ISIS Threatening Major Terror Attack for Day Before US Elections

ISIS Threatening Major Terror Attack for Day Before US Elections

FBI says counterterrorism and homeland security communities remain vigilant and well-postured to defend against attacks
FBI Sends Message: Hillary Clinton Should Not Face Criminal Charges

FBI Sends Message: Hillary Clinton Should Not Face Criminal Charges

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will not face criminal charges over her private emails.
Bedtime Shema – According to the Sefardic Custom

Bedtime Shema – According to the Sefardic Custom

Say Shema before going to sleep and sleep well with good dreams
Ravaged Taiwanese City Receives Israeli Designed Earthquake-Proof Tables

Ravaged Taiwanese City Receives Israeli Designed Earthquake-Proof Tables

The head of the Israeli mission in Taipei decided to cancel the annual Israel Independence Day celebration and instead donated…
Governor of Pennsylvania Signs Anti-BDS Bill Into Law

Governor of Pennsylvania Signs Anti-BDS Bill Into Law

The state is the 14th to pass legislation preventing it from contracting with entities boycotting Israel
Israeli Inventors Make Biodegradable Diapers and Hygiene Products from Jellyfish

Israeli Inventors Make Biodegradable Diapers and Hygiene Products from Jellyfish

As jellyfish swarms continue to invade beaches worldwide, a new Israeli invention finds an important use for them
Arab Woman Who Collapsed on Plane Saved by Chassidic Paramedics

Arab Woman Who Collapsed on Plane Saved by Chassidic Paramedics

When the Arab woman collapsed on the flight over the Atlantic ocean, two Satmar chassidic paramedics jumped to administer medical…
500 Berlin Demonstrators Protest Merkel’s Liberal Immigration Policies

500 Berlin Demonstrators Protest Merkel’s Liberal Immigration Policies

The protesters demanded Merkel’s ouster for the massive influx of immigrants which has increased violent crime all over Germany and…
WATCH: Donald Trump Rushed Off by Security Detail

WATCH: Donald Trump Rushed Off by Security Detail

A Secret Service spokesperson said in a statement there was a commotion in the crowd and an "unidentified individual" shouted…
10 Facts You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Noach

10 Facts You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Noach

Noach was born circumcised, he learned Torah, and the first person born with digits for fingers. 10 facts that you…
Wonders of Creation: Rainbows in the Sky

Wonders of Creation: Rainbows in the Sky

After the Flood, G-d promised that He would never make a flood again that would destroy the world. He created…
A Million Reasons to Join the Shabbos Project

A Million Reasons to Join the Shabbos Project

Looking for a reason to join the Shabbos Project? How about a million!
Make Your Challah a Great Challah

Make Your Challah a Great Challah

Whether it's for the Shabbos Project or another Shabbos, check out the this great challah recipe, courtesy of the Shabbos…
Lech Lecha – Our Patriarch Abraham’s Request

Lech Lecha – Our Patriarch Abraham’s Request

Although the Egyptian exile was to last for 400 years, our Patriarch Abraham was able to reduce it by one-third.…
Vayeira – What is More Important; Truth or Peace?

Vayeira – What is More Important; Truth or Peace?

Truth and peace are ultimate values in Judaism. But what happens when there is a conflict between them?
Chayei Sara – How Should You Choose a Partner?

Chayei Sara – How Should You Choose a Partner?

Eliezer knew exactly what important qualities to look for in a wife that would fit our father Isaac. But the…
Would You Pay for a Bottle of Fresh Air? They Do in China

Would You Pay for a Bottle of Fresh Air? They Do in China

Anglo companies are selling bottled fresh air as luxury items in congested cities around the world
Clinton and Trump in a Nutshell

Clinton and Trump in a Nutshell

Where do the presidential candidates stand on key issues that matter to you?
Did the Zohar Predict a Trump Victory?

Did the Zohar Predict a Trump Victory?

According to the head of "Republicans Across Israel," Trump is slated to win, according to a kabbalist from Bnei Brak.
Kafkaesque: Muslims Destroying Europe at Its Invitation

Kafkaesque: Muslims Destroying Europe at Its Invitation

Danish court acquits 4 Muslim accomplices who helped a friend who killed two Danes but fined a Danish writer $1500…
Israeli MKS Push New Bill to Legalize Unauthorized West Bank Outposts

Israeli MKS Push New Bill to Legalize Unauthorized West Bank Outposts

The legislation lets the government use private Palestinian land without taking ownership of it
British Cardinal Apologizes to Mothers Pressured to Give Up Babies for Adoption

British Cardinal Apologizes to Mothers Pressured to Give Up Babies for Adoption

After WWII, young mothers were pressured to give up their babies to the church, who profited by arranging adoptions for…
Disturbing Documentation: Toddler Riding a Tricycle in the Middle of a Busy Road

Disturbing Documentation: Toddler Riding a Tricycle in the Middle of a Busy Road

How busy are people in China? See how none of the drivers stop to provide help to a child in…
Cyber-Attack on Israel: Is Israel Ready?

Cyber-Attack on Israel: Is Israel Ready?

On the heels of a cyber-attack on the East Coast of the US, is Israel prepared to face the same?
ISIS leader al-Baghdadi releases a video statement: “Fight The Enemies of Allah”

ISIS leader al-Baghdadi releases a video statement: “Fight The Enemies of Allah”

ISIS media released a recording of its leader al-Baghdadi, calling on his fighters in Mosul to hold strong as he's…
Righteous Gentile Raoul Wallenberg Officially Declared Dead

Righteous Gentile Raoul Wallenberg Officially Declared Dead

Sweden accepts view that Wallenberg was executed by the Soviets in 1947
Trump: Anti-Semitism on Campus and More

Trump: Anti-Semitism on Campus and More

What does “the Donald” have in mind for dealing with the rampant anti-semitism experienced by university students throughout the United…
Clinton & Trump: Where Are They Now?

Clinton & Trump: Where Are They Now?

Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump make their final campaign stops as the election inches closer.
World’s First Zero-Emissions Hydrogen Train Will Go Into Service in Germany

World’s First Zero-Emissions Hydrogen Train Will Go Into Service in Germany

The train runs on a hydrogen fuel tank that powers a fuel cell to produce electrical energy. Its only emission…
Want to Protect Your Name? Buy Up Domains

Want to Protect Your Name? Buy Up Domains

That’s why the owner of donaldtrumpsucks.com, no2trump.com, and trumpmustgo.com is Donald Trump himself
Reform Mob Carries Out Provocation at the Western Wall

Reform Mob Carries Out Provocation at the Western Wall

A mixed group of men and women forced their way into the Kotel plaza’s women’s section with Torah scrolls to…
Meal Replacements: Do Those Bars and Shakes Really Work?

Meal Replacements: Do Those Bars and Shakes Really Work?

When you're looking to lose weight, a grab-and-go French vanilla bottled shake or mint-chocolate chip bar may seem like a…
Ancient Gold Coin Discovered in Kafr Kana

Ancient Gold Coin Discovered in Kafr Kana

The coin was from the early Islamic period around 776-777, and contains Arabic inscriptions about belief in one G-d and…
Israeli Invention Aims to Black Out Smartphones During Family Time

Israeli Invention Aims to Black Out Smartphones During Family Time

The box blocks Wi-Fi, incoming calls, text messages or emails from cellphones placed inside of it
Watch: Divers Encounter Huge Jellyfish

Watch: Divers Encounter Huge Jellyfish

This remarkable clip reveals more wonders of creation below the surface of the sea
Watch: The Dangerous Game of Isis

Watch: The Dangerous Game of Isis

Crazy game of bloodthirsty Isis terrorists - Who will drive the car bomb?
HaRav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi ben Tovah: Please Pray for His Physical Well-Being

HaRav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi ben Tovah: Please Pray for His Physical Well-Being

One of the Generation's Greatest Poskim is in Need of Your Prayers: HaRav Ben-Tzion Mutzafi's Health is Weak
Will Justice Minister Shaked Finally Root Out the Left Stranglehold on the Courts?

Will Justice Minister Shaked Finally Root Out the Left Stranglehold on the Courts?

Shaked’s law bill will dramatically reduce the Supreme court justices’ ability to manipulate the appointment of new justices
Skin Patch May Reduce Peanut Allergy

Skin Patch May Reduce Peanut Allergy

Half of those treated with the Viaskin Peanut patch for one year were able to consumer at least 10 times…
Scary: The Moment a Plane Crashes in a Residential Area

Scary: The Moment a Plane Crashes in a Residential Area

Driver catches frightening footage of a plane crashing in the middle of a residential area
Three Traffic Deaths in Japan Due to Playing Pokeman Go While Driving

Three Traffic Deaths in Japan Due to Playing Pokeman Go While Driving

The victims were a 9-year old boy, 28 year old woman, and a 72-year old pensioner
Hundreds of Jailed Radical Terrorists Back on UK Streets

Hundreds of Jailed Radical Terrorists Back on UK Streets

Three Quarters of 583 people imprisoned on terror charges in the past 15 years were released. Most had refused to…
Israeli Scientists Develop AIDS Drug Cure

Israeli Scientists Develop AIDS Drug Cure

The drug causes HIV-infected cells to self-destruct without harming the rest of the body
Transportation Minister: Tel Aviv-Jerusalem Train Will Reach Western Wall

Transportation Minister: Tel Aviv-Jerusalem Train Will Reach Western Wall

The line would continue via a tunnel that would skirt the Old City and end near the Western Wall
Palestinian terrorist injures 3 Israeli soldiers at the entrance to Ramallah

Palestinian terrorist injures 3 Israeli soldiers at the entrance to Ramallah

The troops killed the assailant and IDF followed up with arrest of his brother and revoking of family’s work permits
Schindler’s Factory in Czech Republic to be Named a Holocaust Memorial

Schindler’s Factory in Czech Republic to be Named a Holocaust Memorial

The memorial has been open to the public since 2010 and will be fully functioning by 2019
Jerusalem’s Socioeconomic Rating Expected to Drop

Jerusalem’s Socioeconomic Rating Expected to Drop

The lower rating will make it accessible to additional state funding and is expected to reinstate the cancelled subsidized afternoon…
France’s Deradicalization Program for Jihadis a Failure

France’s Deradicalization Program for Jihadis a Failure

Deradicaliation programs in the US, Saudi Arabia and Great Britain also failed; authorities don’t know what to do to change…
Pro-Israel Evangelical Leader Wins Runoff Election for Rio de Janeiro Mayor

Pro-Israel Evangelical Leader Wins Runoff Election for Rio de Janeiro Mayor

After losing previous elections, Sen. Marcelo Crivella rode to victory riding a wave of voter discontent
Muallem’s Bill For Safer Internet Approved by Law Committee

Muallem’s Bill For Safer Internet Approved by Law Committee

Part of the bill’s aim is to clamp down on rampant underage access to adult online content
Grandparents’ Health at Risk from Babysitting Their Grandchildren

Grandparents’ Health at Risk from Babysitting Their Grandchildren

A survey found that half get colds, which often develop into life-threatening pneumonia
Noach – The Secret for a Long Life

Noach – The Secret for a Long Life

To whom does G-d give long life with minimum hassle and grief? To those who know how to utilize it…
Watch: Crocodile Pounce in Slow Motion

Watch: Crocodile Pounce in Slow Motion

If you like wild nature photography, and it interests you to know how a crocodile snaps open his mouth to…
ISIS Behind Stabbing of 16-Year Old Hamburg Victim

ISIS Behind Stabbing of 16-Year Old Hamburg Victim

The attack occurred 2 weeks ago, but only now ISIS took credit
Israel Goes Off Daylight Savings Time

Israel Goes Off Daylight Savings Time

The change causes a 6-hour time gap between Israel and the US
Hillary Was in Favor of Rigging Palestinian elections

Hillary Was in Favor of Rigging Palestinian elections

Her quote was taken from an audiocassette made at a meeting in a Jewish Press office as part of her…
Hanegbi to Advise Opening Classified Files on Missing Yemenite Children

Hanegbi to Advise Opening Classified Files on Missing Yemenite Children

One testimony that he revealed: “Caregivers saw strangers arriving to the baby homes, looking the babies over and then the…
90% of Israelis Use Their Smartphones 7.4 Hours a Day

90% of Israelis Use Their Smartphones 7.4 Hours a Day

Mastercard’s new global index also shows that 84% of Israel spend about 4.5 hours on their laptops
Four Stolen Torah Scrolls Returned to Brooklyn Synagogue

Four Stolen Torah Scrolls Returned to Brooklyn Synagogue

The Torah scrolls were stolen during Simchat Torah but were suddenly returned outside the building in the dead of the…
Gov’t Chooses 6 Foreign Companies to Speed Up Construction in Israel

Gov’t Chooses 6 Foreign Companies to Speed Up Construction in Israel

The five Chinese companies and one Portuguese company will be granted five-year permits and will introduce new cheaper construction technologies.
Watch: Simple Brush Cleaning has become the Next Hit

Watch: Simple Brush Cleaning has become the Next Hit

Like to get innovative ideas and try them out in your home? This tip will teach you how to make…
Stabbing Attempt Foiled at Cave of the Patriarchs

Stabbing Attempt Foiled at Cave of the Patriarchs

A 23-year-old Palestinian man behaving suspiciously was arrested by police, who found a knife hidden on him
NY Village and Town to Pay Jewish Developer for Housing Discrimination

NY Village and Town to Pay Jewish Developer for Housing Discrimination

The $2.9 million settlement was for trying to stop a housing development for chassidic Jews
Be’er Sheva Demonstrates Backbone Against Radical Leftist Organizations

Be’er Sheva Demonstrates Backbone Against Radical Leftist Organizations

Be'er Sheva Council refused to fund radical leftist NGOs meeting in municipality building. Councilman Tobol says “I will fight them…
Major Jerusalem Construction and Transportation Project Inaugurated

Major Jerusalem Construction and Transportation Project Inaugurated

The project includes 14 skyscrapers with 24-floors each and nine buildings with 36-floors, five-storey parking lot, and 19.5 kilometer Green…
Hackers Are The Russians’ Greatest Weapon Against The U.S.

Hackers Are The Russians’ Greatest Weapon Against The U.S.

Cyber-attacks were first launched by the Americans and Israelis in their Stuxnet attack against Iran in 2009, but now Russian…
Gallup Poll: Americans Say Terrorism is No. 1 U.S. Problem

Gallup Poll: Americans Say Terrorism is No. 1 U.S. Problem

This is the highest percentage of Americans to mention terrorism in a decade
New Russian Satan 2 Missile Powerful Enough To Wipe Out UK, France Or Texas

New Russian Satan 2 Missile Powerful Enough To Wipe Out UK, France Or Texas

The latest Russian nuclear missiles have made world destruction in a matter of minutes a distinct possibility
Shortages and Soaring Food Prices in Egypt as Gov’t Makes Necessary Cuts in Subsidies

Shortages and Soaring Food Prices in Egypt as Gov’t Makes Necessary Cuts in Subsidies

The unpopular cuts were necessary to receive a $12bn loan from the International Monetary Fund. Authorities blame traders and suppliers…
Watch: Wonders of Creation: Leopard Diver

Watch: Wonders of Creation: Leopard Diver

This leopard is a pro diver; he swims and eats lunch at the same time. Gone viral
Jerusalem Wall Breached by Titus Discovered in Russian Compound

Jerusalem Wall Breached by Titus Discovered in Russian Compound

Josephus reports that when Titus breached the outer third wall of Jerusalem, the way was clear to conquering the city…
Knessest Member Smotrich Calls to Remove Amnesty International’s Special Tax Status

Knessest Member Smotrich Calls to Remove Amnesty International’s Special Tax Status

Rightwing MKs are continuing their battle against leftwing foreign-supported “human rights” organizations who seek to undermine Israel. Instead of completely…
Efrat Mayor’s Cup of Coffee With Palestinians Ends in Their Detainment

Efrat Mayor’s Cup of Coffee With Palestinians Ends in Their Detainment

Israelis continue to seek normalization with Palestinians while the Palestinian Autonomy does everything possible to thwart it
University of Zurich Art Pieces Returned to German Jewish Collector Heirs Sells for $312,500

University of Zurich Art Pieces Returned to German Jewish Collector Heirs Sells for $312,500

The two items sold were returned in April by the University of Zurich to The Mosse Art Restitution Project. Representing…
What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Other Religions?

What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Other Religions?

Judaism is not afraid to declare that G-d gave His Torah to His chosen people in front of the entire…
Watch: Creative Home Activity for Children

Watch: Creative Home Activity for Children

Looking to keep your kids occupied? Here's a wonderful activity for children of all ages. Try it and enjoy
New Israeli Cutting Edge Electric Scooter Goes 16 Miles Without Recharging

New Israeli Cutting Edge Electric Scooter Goes 16 Miles Without Recharging

Inokim company’s Quick 3 also has an anti-theft mechanism, large headlights for inclement weather, folds in 3 seconds, can travel…
Watch: Cloud in the Shape of an Angel – Hit on Social Media

Watch: Cloud in the Shape of an Angel – Hit on Social Media

An American from South Carolina filmed footage of a cloud in the shape of an angel, and it became the…
In the Beginning G-d Created: The Energy Behind the World’s Existence

In the Beginning G-d Created: The Energy Behind the World’s Existence

On Simchat Torah we concluded the Torah and began it anew starting with the Torah reading of Breishit: “In the…
Isru Chag (the Day After the Festival)

Isru Chag (the Day After the Festival)

Isru Chag is the weekday after the three festivals. What is the source for its name, and what customs are…
Laws of Shmini Atzeret

Laws of Shmini Atzeret

Is it Permitted to Eat in the Sukkah on Shmini Atzeret? A daily Torah thought by Rabbi Ronen Chaziza.
What is Simchat Torah All About?

What is Simchat Torah All About?

Hosting a non-Jew in one’s sukkah, when is the final judgment, girls dancing with Torah scrolls: A collection of Short…
Some Laws Concerning Hoshana Rabbah

Some Laws Concerning Hoshana Rabbah

A Torah thought by Rabbi Ronen Chaziza.
The Final Signing of Our Judgment on Hoshana Rabbah

The Final Signing of Our Judgment on Hoshana Rabbah

The heavenly court is like the earthly court in its judicial process.
5 Mystical Rituals (Segulot) for Hoshana Rabbah

5 Mystical Rituals (Segulot) for Hoshana Rabbah

The willow branches provide a spiritual protection
The Yom Kippur War: Celebrating Sukkot Under Fire

The Yom Kippur War: Celebrating Sukkot Under Fire

Rare video footage from the archive of the IDF: Distribution of wine and the Four Species for the holiday of…
Watch: Tens of Thousands at the Western Wall for the Priestly Blessings

Watch: Tens of Thousands at the Western Wall for the Priestly Blessings

Every year, tens of thousands take part in the Priestly Blessing at the Western Wall, a remnant of the Temple,…
“The Time of our Rejoicing” – How Can We Feel It?

“The Time of our Rejoicing” – How Can We Feel It?

Leaving our houses and spending days in the sukkah doesn’t necessarily make us feel joyful. So why does the Torah…
Simchat Torah – Joy is a Power

Simchat Torah – Joy is a Power

Where else will you find crowds of people happy and dancing until they are exhausted, only because of the fact…
They Sold Their House and Bought an Etrog With the Money

They Sold Their House and Bought an Etrog With the Money

The wife saw her husband’s sadness at not having an etrog for Sukkot, and she offered that they sell their…
The Secret of the Four Species

The Secret of the Four Species

In all Jewish diasporas in the past two thousand years, there was never a person who took a grapefruit, guava…
Sukkot – What is True Happiness?

Sukkot – What is True Happiness?

Why do we have a commandment to be happy particularly on the holiday of Sukkot? Rabbi Zamir Cohen discusses what…
The Four Joys of Sukkot

The Four Joys of Sukkot

There are four joyous times during the holiday of Sukkot. What do our sages say about each one of them?…
America’s Media: Propaganda Organ for the Left and the Democratic Party

America’s Media: Propaganda Organ for the Left and the Democratic Party

The mainstream media has been paid by leftist organizations to give favorable coverage of the Iran deal and the Muslim…
US General Admits Guilt in Stuxnet Info Leak

US General Admits Guilt in Stuxnet Info Leak

Former vice chair of Joint Chiefs James Cartwright tried to hide that he had leaked information to journalists in 2012…
How to Setup your Lulav & Make Lulav Rings

How to Setup your Lulav & Make Lulav Rings

Do you always wonder how the Four Species of other worshipers in the synagogue are so neatly arranged, with rings…
Drama Around the UNESCO Anti-Israel Resolutions

Drama Around the UNESCO Anti-Israel Resolutions

UNESCO chief receives death threats for condemning the resolution while Mexico decides to change its vote to abstention to appease…
Al-Qaeda’s Early Incarnation Had 33 US Offices

Al-Qaeda’s Early Incarnation Had 33 US Offices

Muslim nations have accused the west of facilitating the creation of Arab terrorist groups. Al-Arabiya explains this is true not…
Battle for Mosul Begins With Looming Humanitarian Crisis

Battle for Mosul Begins With Looming Humanitarian Crisis

The 94,000-member Iraqi-led coalition greatly outnumbers ISIS but progress is slow due to suicide bombers and intense gunfire.
A Kosher Sukkah in 46 Seconds: an Interview with the Inventors

A Kosher Sukkah in 46 Seconds: an Interview with the Inventors

What happens when two inventors take their creativity one step forward in the direction of holiness? A brilliant invention of…
Changing One’s Place – The Essence of the Holiday of Sukkot 

Changing One’s Place – The Essence of the Holiday of Sukkot 

He woke up the next morning and to his shock, he discovered that the bed he had moved from was…
Watch: Brilliant Performance by Avraham Fried and the Zackeinu Choir

Watch: Brilliant Performance by Avraham Fried and the Zackeinu Choir

Chassidic singer Avraham Fried performing in style. Watch this exciting music video composed by Martin Widerker together with World famous…
Watch: Awesome Sukkot Song – Shakin’ the Lulav

Watch: Awesome Sukkot Song – Shakin’ the Lulav

Starring David Bar-Cohn, Moshe Hamburg, Stuart Schnee and Dr. Efraim Rosenbaum. Based on the song "Twist & Shout". Lyrics/Director/Editor -…
Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried

Watch Official Music Video – ‘Father Don’t Cry’ by Avraham Fried

This tremendously emotional song based on a statement of our Sages: "When G-d remembers His children who suffer in exile,…
Questions About Chol Hamoed

Questions About Chol Hamoed

Is it permitted to write, launder, buy new clothes, put on tefillin and develop pictures? Why is other work like…
Can One Work on Chol Hamoed?

Can One Work on Chol Hamoed?

Five minutes of Torah a day by Rabbi Ronen Chaziza.
Interesting Questions on Sukkot

Interesting Questions on Sukkot

Is it permitted to eat on Sukkot outside of a sukkah? Can one transfer from one fire to another during…
The Sukkah’s Hidden Meaning

The Sukkah’s Hidden Meaning

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton shows how the Sukkah symbolizes this world.
Laws of Chol Hamoed: Short and Sweet

Laws of Chol Hamoed: Short and Sweet

It is permitted to play music, but forbidden to write. One should wear holiday clothes, but don’t put on tefillin…
The Deeper Meaning of the Commandments of Sukkah and the Four Species

The Deeper Meaning of the Commandments of Sukkah and the Four Species

The Holiday of Sukkot is brimming with precious commandments which can rip up a negative decree, save one from punishment,…
The Guidebook to the Laws of Sukkot

The Guidebook to the Laws of Sukkot

How does one build a sukkah? What is and what isn’t considered acceptable schach? Who is and who isn’t obligated to…
Study Questions Value Of Mammograms and Early Screening

Study Questions Value Of Mammograms and Early Screening

Says mammograms is unlikely to spot a true problem early, and due to advanced treatment, detecting cancer early has become…
Muslims the Biggest Immigrant Group in the US Today

Muslims the Biggest Immigrant Group in the US Today

immigrants account for the vast majority of America’s population growth, and are creating an enormous burden for the nation's schools,…
Watch: Short Video Clips on How to Make Paper Sukkah Decorations

Watch: Short Video Clips on How to Make Paper Sukkah Decorations

Are you looking for original ideas to decorate your sukkah? Watch this series of video clips and discover creative ideas…
Israel Company Nano Dimension Proves Concept of 3D Bio-Printing Stem Cells

Israel Company Nano Dimension Proves Concept of 3D Bio-Printing Stem Cells

The Israeli company started out with printed circuit boards and has now expanded into the field of printing bio-ink containing…
Heralding Life After Tragedy: Sarah Tehiya Litman Gives Birth

Heralding Life After Tragedy: Sarah Tehiya Litman Gives Birth

A daughter was born to Sarah Tehiya Litman, whose father and brother were murdered in a terror attack 11 months…
Muslim Student Crashes Plane Near Major Defense Contractor in Connecticut

Muslim Student Crashes Plane Near Major Defense Contractor in Connecticut

Badly injured flight instructor: The crash was intentional and not an accident.
Five-Month-Old Girl in Britain is Youngest Double Lung Transplant Patient

Five-Month-Old Girl in Britain is Youngest Double Lung Transplant Patient

The baby was discovered to have Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia (ACD), a rare illness in which her lungs were not properly…
Dutch Considering Assisted Suicide For Those Who Feel “Life is Over”

Dutch Considering Assisted Suicide For Those Who Feel “Life is Over”

Slippery Slope: First the Dutch permitted assisted suicide for the terminally ill with unbearable pain, then for terminally ill minors…
Take a Virtual Tour of the World’s Most Amazing Sukkah

Take a Virtual Tour of the World’s Most Amazing Sukkah

A magnificent sukkah decorated with exquisite miniature models. Must see
Watch: Do it Yourself – A Fun Sukkah Decoration

Watch: Do it Yourself – A Fun Sukkah Decoration

Using pieces of paper and sticky tape, you can create a unique sukkah decoration. Gone viral
More Ethiopian Non-Jews Move to Israel

More Ethiopian Non-Jews Move to Israel

Why are Ethiopian non-Jewish relatives more privileged than Russian, French, British and American non-Jewish relatives of Jews?
Palestinian Professor Given 7 Months For Incitement on Social Media

Palestinian Professor Given 7 Months For Incitement on Social Media

Imad Barghouthi was a vocal supporter of Hamas’s military wing and called on listeners to devote themselves to the “resistance”…
The Way to Fix Yourself: Don’t Call Yourself a Bad Person!

The Way to Fix Yourself: Don’t Call Yourself a Bad Person!

"Again I fell, again I have sinned. Why? Why does it always happen to me?"
Ammunition Hill Terrorist’s Daughter: “My Father is a Great Man”

Ammunition Hill Terrorist’s Daughter: “My Father is a Great Man”

The terrorist’s family in East Jerusalem heralded his martyrdom and gave out candies to by-passers. Despite being affiliated with Hamas,…
Watch: Who Said Watermelon and Didn’t Get?

Watch: Who Said Watermelon and Didn’t Get?

See how hippopotamuses like to eat their watermelon. What an appetite!
How Rabbi Israel Leichter Forgave a Man Who Caused His Worst Tragedy

How Rabbi Israel Leichter Forgave a Man Who Caused His Worst Tragedy

His faith and trust in G-d helped him overcome the tragedy and even reach out to the one who caused…
Human-Sized Zucchini: See the Biggest Vegetables You’ve Ever Seen

Human-Sized Zucchini: See the Biggest Vegetables You’ve Ever Seen

Dozens of farmers around the world were able to grow huge vegetables, including tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, potatoes and more. See…
Join Rabbi Shafier for a Live Pre Yom Kippur Webinar – Monday, Oct. 10th 8:00pm Est

Join Rabbi Shafier for a Live Pre Yom Kippur Webinar – Monday, Oct. 10th 8:00pm Est

Are you tired of coming into Yom Kippur feeling like you are playing "catch up"? By the time you get…
Watch: Boy Catches Fish with a Rod of Plastic

Watch: Boy Catches Fish with a Rod of Plastic

The boy in the video, under the age of eight has perfected his fishing skills enabling him to catch fish…
Watch: Phenomenal Camouflage Ability Underwater

Watch: Phenomenal Camouflage Ability Underwater

Divers recorded the phenomenal camouflage ability G-d The Almighty gave some fish. Watch more Wonders of Creation
The Wake Up Call of Kol Nidrei

The Wake Up Call of Kol Nidrei

Today he is a genuinely committed to Judaism, and studies Torah every available moment. In his home, you can sometimes…
Rabbi Attacked in Zhitomir Airlifted to Israel For Treatment

Rabbi Attacked in Zhitomir Airlifted to Israel For Treatment

The Chabad organization believes he was a victim of theft, not anti-Semitism.
World Bank Report: Islamic State Recruits Have Above Average Education

World Bank Report: Islamic State Recruits Have Above Average Education

Here is the latest in a long string of studies which disprove the knee-jerk excuse given for Muslim terrorism.
Terror Cell Endangering Visitors to Rachel’s Tomb Arrested

Terror Cell Endangering Visitors to Rachel’s Tomb Arrested

The 7 teens from the Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem, used to target worshippers with rocks and improvised pipe…
IS Terrorist Group Loses 20% of Its Territory in Syria and Iraq

IS Terrorist Group Loses 20% of Its Territory in Syria and Iraq

Its smuggling routes into Turkey and from Turkey to its center in Raqqa were cut off, restricting its ability to…
14 Palestinians Arrested Across West Bank; Weapons and Bombs Seized

14 Palestinians Arrested Across West Bank; Weapons and Bombs Seized

Suspects believed to have taken part in popular terror against soldiers and civilians
Watch: Plane Nearly Crashes from Powerful Winds

Watch: Plane Nearly Crashes from Powerful Winds

It happened last Saturday at the airport in Birmingham, England. A plane tried to land, but interferes caused by a…
Watch: Amazing Footage of a Storm at Sea

Watch: Amazing Footage of a Storm at Sea

Sailors at sea were filming the sky darkening when they suddenly were frightened by an electrifying bolt of lightning. Gone…
Israeli Air Force Pilot Killed During F-16 Crash Landing

Israeli Air Force Pilot Killed During F-16 Crash Landing

Ohad Cohen leaves behind parents, sisters, wife, daughter and unborn child
Two Brussels Police Officers Stabbed by Muslim; Terrorist Attack “Suspected”

Two Brussels Police Officers Stabbed by Muslim; Terrorist Attack “Suspected”

The policeman were stabbed shortly after the Brussels Nord station was evacuated over a bomb scare
Deputy FM Hotovely: Government Not Continuing Peres’ Legacy

Deputy FM Hotovely: Government Not Continuing Peres’ Legacy

Her cool response to vociferous American criticism for the new settlements to be founded for the Amona residents was “The…
10 Things to Know About the Days Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

10 Things to Know About the Days Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

"Although repenting and calling out to G-d is always timely, it is especially auspicious during the ten days from Rosh…
Study: Human Maximum Lifespan Unlikely to Surpass 120

Study: Human Maximum Lifespan Unlikely to Surpass 120

“Despite any gains in the average life expectancy, there is a limit beyond which the maximum lifespan of humans cannot…
The Misfits and Jihadistas on the Latest Gaza Women’s Flotilla

The Misfits and Jihadistas on the Latest Gaza Women’s Flotilla

The motley feminine crew includes Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Zionist conspiracists, women oppressors, and murder video game inventors
Yahoo Secretly Scanned Customer Emails For U.S. Intelligence 

Yahoo Secretly Scanned Customer Emails For U.S. Intelligence 

This is the first case coming to light of a U.S. Internet company agreeing to build custom software to search…
“The Jewish Spark Was Extinguished”: 10 Facts About the Fast of Gedaliah

“The Jewish Spark Was Extinguished”: 10 Facts About the Fast of Gedaliah

The Fast of Gedaliah, which always falls on the 3rd of Tishrei, marks the final tragic end of the Jewish…
Hurricane Matthew to Hit American Southeastern Coast

Hurricane Matthew to Hit American Southeastern Coast

A reminder to us during the High Holidays of Who’s in charge?
Philippine President Duterte Visits Synagogue to Apologize for Hitler Remark

Philippine President Duterte Visits Synagogue to Apologize for Hitler Remark

He said he was trying to convey his repulsion for corruption and crime rather than intending an insult.
Watch: Fish or Giant?

Watch: Fish or Giant?

A diver, diving off the coast of Australia, was surprised to discover this giant fish. Gone viral
Ping Pong or Bowling? Watch Chinese Champion Break Records

Ping Pong or Bowling? Watch Chinese Champion Break Records

Chinese champion breaks records online. With fascinating skill he manages to knock the skittles standing on a ping pong table…
Watch: How Did the Frogs Help their Buddies that Fell into a Pit?

Watch: How Did the Frogs Help their Buddies that Fell into a Pit?

Animation with a powerful message: There are many situations in life when a person falls into a deep pit, and…
How Israel Protects Its Bee Population From Colony Collapse

How Israel Protects Its Bee Population From Colony Collapse

While bee colonies are dropping precipitously around the world, their number remains steady in Israel.
LIVE: Shimon Peres’ funeral

LIVE: Shimon Peres’ funeral

Watch: Shimon Peres' funeral to be held at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
Make Your Apple & Honey Much More Creative

Make Your Apple & Honey Much More Creative

Watch: How to make a beautiful swan out of an apple. A great table decoration for The New Year
Israeli Breakthrough in Autism Research

Israeli Breakthrough in Autism Research

The researchers believe within 5 years they will be able to test for autism prior to birth.
Israeli Archaeologists Confirm: Hezekiah Destroyed Altars of Idols

Israeli Archaeologists Confirm: Hezekiah Destroyed Altars of Idols

In the gate chambers of Lachish, archaeologists found a destroyed altar and a latrine placed in the altar room.
‘Artificial Pancreas’ To Manage Diabetes Receives FDA Approval

‘Artificial Pancreas’ To Manage Diabetes Receives FDA Approval

The Medtronic device helps some diabetes patients manage their disease by constantly monitoring their blood sugar and delivering insulin as…
Islamic State Setting Its Sights on Spain

Islamic State Setting Its Sights on Spain

Reconquering Spain, which used to be a former Muslim territory called Al-Andalus, is an Islamic religious obligation.
A Mother’s Rosh Hashanah Experience

A Mother’s Rosh Hashanah Experience

How could I possibly approach these holy days without the opportunity to pray in synagogue?
Unprecedented Security and Logistics for Peres’s Funeral

Unprecedented Security and Logistics for Peres’s Funeral

More than 95,000 persons in 30 commercial flights and 60 private planes are expected to arrive at Ben Gurion airport…
Rabbi Steinman on Shimon Peres: “He Helped the Torah World”

Rabbi Steinman on Shimon Peres: “He Helped the Torah World”

Former President Peres pushed Ben Gurion to recognize the special status of yeshiva students and give them an army deferment.
Israel’s Population at the Jewish New Year

Israel’s Population at the Jewish New Year

The State of Israel has 8.585 million residents, of whom 6.419 million (74.8%) are Jewish.
80% of Swedish Police Consider Resigning Out of Fear of Muslim Migrants

80% of Swedish Police Consider Resigning Out of Fear of Muslim Migrants

Meanwhile, Swedish politicians are preparing a basket of benefits for returning ISIS fighters.
160 Flights With 30,000 Breslavers Headed from Israel to Uman This Week

160 Flights With 30,000 Breslavers Headed from Israel to Uman This Week

Congestion in Ben Gurion Airport reaches unprecedented proportions this month.
What Feeding an Army on Rosh Hashona Looks Like

What Feeding an Army on Rosh Hashona Looks Like

2 tons of honey, 14 tons of apples, 4 tons of pomegranates, dozens of tons of meat and fish, fruits…
Mr. Shimon Peres, Israel’s 9th President, Dies

Mr. Shimon Peres, Israel’s 9th President, Dies

Two weeks after suffering a stroke, Israel’s 9th president passed away at age 93. From the generation of Israel’s founders,…
7,700 Terrorist Confrontations in USA in One Year

7,700 Terrorist Confrontations in USA in One Year

Leaked FBI data reveal huge numbers of terrorists confronted in the US, mainly in border states, most of whom were…
Anticipated Impact of Jewish Votes This US Elections

Anticipated Impact of Jewish Votes This US Elections

Most non-Orthodox Jews tend to vote Democratic, most Orthodox Jews tend to vote Republican. The Jewish vote may be pivotal…
Attempted Abduction of Two Jewish Sisters in Chicago

Attempted Abduction of Two Jewish Sisters in Chicago

The girls ran home when a man motioned to them to enter his car and alerted their families.
Watch: A Breathtaking Bird’s Eye View of Antarctica

Watch: A Breathtaking Bird’s Eye View of Antarctica

The beauty of creation is fully exposed in this amazing video footage of frozen Antarctica. Be inspired by more wonders…
Watch: It Doesn’t Pay to Steal

Watch: It Doesn’t Pay to Steal

A man tried to steal from one of the largest groceries in the city, but look what happened to him…
US Judge Says Facebook Has ‘Moral Obligation’ to Contain Terrorist Rhetoric

US Judge Says Facebook Has ‘Moral Obligation’ to Contain Terrorist Rhetoric

Plaintiff’s counsel explains that Facebook has powerful algorithms it can use to prevent terrorist pages from being posted.
Gaza Underground Wall Soon to Be Completed

Gaza Underground Wall Soon to Be Completed

Southern Command official said the structure was at the forefront of military efforts to deprive Hamas of one of its…
Giuliani: US Should Abandon the Two-State Solution

Giuliani: US Should Abandon the Two-State Solution

“It would not be the interests of my country to create a new haven for terrorists,” Giuliani said.
Watch: This is what Happens when you Try Catch a Skunk

Watch: This is what Happens when you Try Catch a Skunk

Do not mess with a skunk: Skunks eat everything - plants, insects, rodents, lizards, frogs, snakes, and more. When they…
Iran to Get Mediterranean Bases in Italy and Syria

Iran to Get Mediterranean Bases in Italy and Syria

A war fleet build-up is going on in the Mediterranean with Russia, Iran and Egypt building up armadas of warships…
In Crackdown, Israeli Army Raids Gun-Making Workshops

In Crackdown, Israeli Army Raids Gun-Making Workshops

Multiple weapons manufacturing facilities and large arms caches were uncovered in Dahariya, Surif and Jenin.
Aleppo Jews in Israel Pained at City’s Annihilation

Aleppo Jews in Israel Pained at City’s Annihilation

Aleppo Jews recall both warm social life and local Anti-Semitism.
500 Million Yahoo Personal Info Accounts Hacked — in 2014

500 Million Yahoo Personal Info Accounts Hacked — in 2014

This hacking is believed the biggest digital break-in of an email provider.
Marauding Elephants Force Locals to Live in Tree Houses

Marauding Elephants Force Locals to Live in Tree Houses

A rural village in southern Myanmar is under attack from homeless elephants looking for food after rampant deforestation has destroyed…
European Commission Gives Grant to Israeli Product That Will Reduce Unnecessary Antibiotic Use

European Commission Gives Grant to Israeli Product That Will Reduce Unnecessary Antibiotic Use

The blood test that differentiates between bacterial and viral infections will ensure that less antibiotics will be prescribed for viral…
Chinese Authorities Close Down All Jewish Institutions in Kaifeng

Chinese Authorities Close Down All Jewish Institutions in Kaifeng

Judaism is an unrecognized religion in China, but authorities closed their eyes to the Jewish center keeping alive Kaifeng Jews’…
Police Finally End Reign of Terror by Turkish Gang Across Dutch City of Zaandam

Police Finally End Reign of Terror by Turkish Gang Across Dutch City of Zaandam

For months, the Turkish migrant youths gleefully uploaded videos to Youtube of themselves beating up random citizens and even intimidating…
Italy Deports Pro-ISIS Moroccan Woman

Italy Deports Pro-ISIS Moroccan Woman

Italian Interior Minister: “The strategy of prevention is fundamental for us”.
New Apple Varieties Make Appearance in Israel Just in Time for Rosh Hashanah

New Apple Varieties Make Appearance in Israel Just in Time for Rosh Hashanah

Kibbutz Baram growers successfully cultivated 5 new apple varieties that were unknown in Israel, including a new Israeli variety called…
New Yorkers Becoming Paranoid About Suspicious Packages

New Yorkers Becoming Paranoid About Suspicious Packages

New York police received 4006 phone calls in a 2 day period about suspicious packages from all over the city’s…
Stabbing at Kiryat Arba Bus Stop Foiled by Soldiers

Stabbing at Kiryat Arba Bus Stop Foiled by Soldiers

Another stabbing attack by a death-loving Palestinian teenager terrorist who can look forward to a generous Palestinian Autonomy compensation package…
Watch: What is the Eagle Looking for in the River?

Watch: What is the Eagle Looking for in the River?

The eagle flew around the river until it noticed a fish swimming in the water. It didn't wait long before…
The Unclaimed ‘Private Arab Lands’ in Judea and Samaria

The Unclaimed ‘Private Arab Lands’ in Judea and Samaria

Yoav Elitzur, a long-time resident of Ofrah, the first Jewish community in the Binyamin area of Judea and Samaria (founded…
British Minister: Boycotting Israel Will Undermine Our Health System

British Minister: Boycotting Israel Will Undermine Our Health System

Over 100 million prescriptions for medicine in Great Britain are from companies based in Israel.
John Bolton: Israel Under Greatest Threat Since 1948

John Bolton: Israel Under Greatest Threat Since 1948

In a rare defense of Israel, Bolton derided accusations of Israel’s non-proportional responses to attacks and says that Israel’s enemies…
Uman Street Named After Rabbi Nachman

Uman Street Named After Rabbi Nachman

A new law requiring changing the names of streets named after Communist supporters had the unexpected effect of naming a…
Join Rabbi Shafier for a Live Pre Rosh Hashanah Webinar – Sunday, Sept. 25 8:00pm Est

Join Rabbi Shafier for a Live Pre Rosh Hashanah Webinar – Sunday, Sept. 25 8:00pm Est

Are you tired of coming into Rosh Hashanah feeling like you are playing "catch up"? By the time you get…
70% of European Jews Afraid to Come to Shul for High Holidays

70% of European Jews Afraid to Come to Shul for High Holidays

The fear of Muslim harassment against Jewish sites has reached new heights.
Ancient Fisherman’s House Discovered in Ashkelon

Ancient Fisherman’s House Discovered in Ashkelon

Israeli children participated in the archaeological project led by the Israel Antiquities Authority which aimed to educate them about their…
Your Computer or Smartphone Will Sense If You’re Happy or Sad

Your Computer or Smartphone Will Sense If You’re Happy or Sad

Coming soon: A new device developed by MIT can detect a person’s emotions using wireless signals reflecting off a person’s…
How New York Bombing Suspect Ahmad Rahami Was Caught

How New York Bombing Suspect Ahmad Rahami Was Caught

The 48-hour manhunt for the bomber who terrorized New York over the weekend ended on Monday night with his capture.
Trump Calls for Profiling of Terror Suspects After Israeli Model

Trump Calls for Profiling of Terror Suspects After Israeli Model

He said Israel is the model of profiling that works instead of US policies which are hampered by political correctness.
Ted Cruz to Senate: Don’t Dictate Solutions to Israel

Ted Cruz to Senate: Don’t Dictate Solutions to Israel

Cruz refused to sign the letter by 88 senators to President Obama, urging him to veto anti-Israel resolutions in the…
Va’etchanan – The Ultimate Perception of the Land of Israel

Va’etchanan – The Ultimate Perception of the Land of Israel

In days to come the borders of the Land of Israel will stretch from the Nile River to the Euphrates…
New Research Proves U.N. Obsession With Israel

New Research Proves U.N. Obsession With Israel

Israel alone is considered the “occupying power” by the U.N.
Trial Finds Teva Drug Slows Huntington’s Disease

Trial Finds Teva Drug Slows Huntington’s Disease

This is the first medication found to slow the progression of this devastating disease. Phase III trials to proceed.
Never Too Late to Make Amends

Never Too Late to Make Amends

The thief returned the stolen clock after 28 years.
Nazi Time Capsule Discovered in Polish Border Town

Nazi Time Capsule Discovered in Polish Border Town

The capsule’s existence was known, but only now researchers were able to penetrate the thick concrete, German mines and groundwater…
How is Teshuvah Done? It All Begins With a Smile: 10 Important Facts

How is Teshuvah Done? It All Begins With a Smile: 10 Important Facts

The Month of Elul is propitious for spiritual development and for repenting before the Day of Judgment. Here are 10…
Watch: How is Honey Made?

Watch: How is Honey Made?

On Rosh Hashanah Jews all around the world practice the custom of dipping apples into honey. How does the honey…
Man Seen in Video Placing Bombs in Chelsea Explosion

Man Seen in Video Placing Bombs in Chelsea Explosion

Chilling 911 call after the blast promises more bombs would strike New York, and attackers will open fire with guns.
IDF Raids Terror Propaganda Printing House

IDF Raids Terror Propaganda Printing House

During joint operation in Arab village in connection with Kiryat Arba terror attack on Friday, security forces discovered a printing…
Two Policemen Seriously Injured From Stabbing attack in Old City

Two Policemen Seriously Injured From Stabbing attack in Old City

The Arab attacker, a 20-year old resident of the capital, was shot during the course of the attack and is…
The Minnesota St. Cloud Mall Attacker Identified

The Minnesota St. Cloud Mall Attacker Identified

The Somali Muslim attacker was a 22-year old college student who had immigrated to the US 15 years ago. ISIS…
36 People Injured in Fire in Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem

36 People Injured in Fire in Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem

Victims suffered only smoke inhalation and light injuries.
Superwoman and the Eshet Chayil

Superwoman and the Eshet Chayil

I was just doing everything that I needed to do for my family. What could possibly be wrong with that?
Shabbat Shalom – The Big Picture

Shabbat Shalom – The Big Picture

“Why me? Why my son? Why can’t he just be like the other children?” Almost as soon as I had…
Picking the Right Resolution for the New Year

Picking the Right Resolution for the New Year

The rabbis have given us many ideas of how to choose a resolution that will work for us. Here are…
The Thief Stole Cellphones From a Home But Left His Cellphone Behind

The Thief Stole Cellphones From a Home But Left His Cellphone Behind

The thief was arrested when police found his cellphone containing his details and picture.
Doctors Cure 6-Year-Old girl Paralyzed a Year

Doctors Cure 6-Year-Old girl Paralyzed a Year

Complicated lifesaving back surgery succeeded in returning the use of her hands and legs.
Critically Ill 17 Year Old is First Euthanized Minor in Belgium

Critically Ill 17 Year Old is First Euthanized Minor in Belgium

Slippery Slope? The number of patients choosing to be euthanized in Belgium has risen more than eight-fold since the procedure…
See How the Shofar is Made

See How the Shofar is Made

The Shofar is usually made from a ram’s horn. Exceptionally long and twisted Shofars, like the ones popular among Yemenite…
Man in Efrat Injured Moderately in Stabbing Attack  This Morning

Man in Efrat Injured Moderately in Stabbing Attack  This Morning

After entering the town’s fence, the terrorist was neutralized almost immediately
Gold Coin With Face of Roman Emperor Nero Found in Jerusalem

Gold Coin With Face of Roman Emperor Nero Found in Jerusalem

The coin, which was found in a Mt. Zion excavation, was dated to 56 CE, 14 years before the destruction…
Watch: A Matter of Balance

Watch: A Matter of Balance

At first everything was fine, but then as the truck crossed the river, things went awfully wrong. Gone viral
Scary: See an Eagle’s Idea of a Surprise Present

Scary: See an Eagle’s Idea of a Surprise Present

A Father and son watched in shock as a flying eagle suddenly approached them and dropped them a surprise present.…
Watch an Emotional Video of Israeli Soldiers Praying at Army Base

Watch an Emotional Video of Israeli Soldiers Praying at Army Base

"Hi, I am a reservist in the IDF's training ground south of the country. I filmed this video in the…
18-year Old Girl Suing Parents for Posting Childhood Photos on Facebook

18-year Old Girl Suing Parents for Posting Childhood Photos on Facebook

In the first case of its kind in Austria, a daughter is suing her parents for not removing 500 of…
Murderer of Soldier Almog Shiloni Gets 40 Years in Prison

Murderer of Soldier Almog Shiloni Gets 40 Years in Prison

Stiff conditions for Nur a-Din Hashiya includes life in prison, stiff conditions for early release, 40 years before chance of…
World’s Oldest Man to Celebrate the Bar Mitzvah He Never Had

World’s Oldest Man to Celebrate the Bar Mitzvah He Never Had

113-year-old Yisrael Kristal, a Holocaust survivor living in Israel, never celebrated his bar mitzvah because his mother had died and his father…
New Ha’Uma Central Train Station in Jerusalem Will Serve as Atomic Shelter

New Ha’Uma Central Train Station in Jerusalem Will Serve as Atomic Shelter

The new Ha’Uma train station in Jerusalem which was dug 80 meters deep in the ground, is rapidly advancing and…
Terrorist Caught With a Knife at Rachel’s Tomb

Terrorist Caught With a Knife at Rachel’s Tomb

Another terrorist attack was prevented at Rachel’s Tomb when an Arab was detained at the checkpoint and searched. A knife…
New Israeli Gadgets Will Enable Blind People to See

New Israeli Gadgets Will Enable Blind People to See

The world-renowned Lab for Brain and Multisensory Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has made sensory substitution devices (SSDs) utilizing…
Obama to Increase Number of Refugees Admitted to US to 100,000

Obama to Increase Number of Refugees Admitted to US to 100,000

Poll of citizens reveals they want no more than 15,000 refugees admitted to the country in 2017.
US Said to Destroy Massive Islamic State Chemical Plant In Mosul

US Said to Destroy Massive Islamic State Chemical Plant In Mosul

The strike is expected to end chemical weapons production by the jihadist group.
sraeli Arab Statistics

sraeli Arab Statistics

Jerusalem has the largest concentration of Muslim residents, making up 20.9% of the total Muslim population in Israel and 35.9%…
Watch: A Bear Cub Show Off his Wrestling Skills

Watch: A Bear Cub Show Off his Wrestling Skills

Watch what happens when a bear cub decides to have fun with a zookeeper, and demonstrate his wrestling skills to…
Former Israeli President Shimon Peres in Grave Condition After Stroke

Former Israeli President Shimon Peres in Grave Condition After Stroke

The Chief Rabbis have called on all Israelis to pray for his recovery. He is on a respirator and fighting…
Facebook Meets with Israeli Ministers to Fight Terrorism

Facebook Meets with Israeli Ministers to Fight Terrorism

The meeting was arranged after many terrorists admitted in interrogation that they were affected by incitement on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,…
95-Year-Old Nazi Medic Who Served At Auschwitz Goes on Trial In Germany

95-Year-Old Nazi Medic Who Served At Auschwitz Goes on Trial In Germany

Hubert Zafke argues he treated only wounded soldiers and members of the SS, but German prosecutors say that all SS…
Rejoining his family after 18 months as a vegetable

Rejoining his family after 18 months as a vegetable

After six months with Ezer Mitzion’s special speech facilitation devices, stroke victim Moti Ayish was in a rehab center and…
Old City of Jerusalem: Filmed more than Ninety Years Ago

Old City of Jerusalem: Filmed more than Ninety Years Ago

See footage of the Jewish quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem from the year 1925. Must see
Waze GPS Directs Two Female Soldiers Into Palestinian Village

Waze GPS Directs Two Female Soldiers Into Palestinian Village

The two IDF soldiers lost in the village received contradictory advice from Palestinian police and Israeli police’s emergency response hotline.…
The Immense Debt Which the World Owes Israel

The Immense Debt Which the World Owes Israel

From anti-terrorist capabilities to desalinization to solar energy to disaster relief, Israel’s solutions are benefiting the entire globe.
Bomb-Making Lab Discovered in West Bank Village

Bomb-Making Lab Discovered in West Bank Village

Palestinians were arrested for making explosives and bombs and masterminding attacks in 5 different locations.
Zuckerberg’s Facebook May Know More About You Than You Realize

Zuckerberg’s Facebook May Know More About You Than You Realize

Facebook’s “People You May Know” feature may connect you with people you don’t want.
Shomrim Neighborhood Patrol Founds Branch in Uman, Ukraine

Shomrim Neighborhood Patrol Founds Branch in Uman, Ukraine

A neighborhood patrol was necessary in the wake of anti-Semitic attacks and thefts by locals.
“I Was Suddenly Delivered a Summons to a Trial”

“I Was Suddenly Delivered a Summons to a Trial”

My life was calm and normal until I discovered I was under surveillance, my phone was tapped, I had been…
Trump Adviser: Netanyahu Was Right About PA Ethnic Cleansing

Trump Adviser: Netanyahu Was Right About PA Ethnic Cleansing

David Friedman: the Palestinians want Israel to absorb countless 'refugees' — people who never lived in Israel and whose ancestors…
9/11 Responders Suffering From High Cancer Rates and Other Illnesses

9/11 Responders Suffering From High Cancer Rates and Other Illnesses

5,441 emergency responders or cleanup workers have 70 different kinds of cancers thought to be tied to 9/11.
The World Trade Center Disaster – Why?

The World Trade Center Disaster – Why?

Many ask about the spiritual significance of this terrible tragedy that brought the US low. We are too small to…
Watch: Perfect Hunter – Bears Hunt with Minimal Effort

Watch: Perfect Hunter – Bears Hunt with Minimal Effort

The Creator of the Universe sustains and supports all living creatures. Watch how bears receive their share straight into their…
Watch: Laughter the Best Medicine

Watch: Laughter the Best Medicine

A sequence of short and entertaining videos about animals doing things 'a little' different. If you have not laughed today,…
Hamas Spends One Fifth of Its Budget on Military Infrastructure

Hamas Spends One Fifth of Its Budget on Military Infrastructure

Gaza's rulers are also investing in weapons aimed at bypassing the Iron Dome anti-missile system, more precise rockets, and tunnel…
German Interior Minister: We Know of 520 Potential Terrorists

German Interior Minister: We Know of 520 Potential Terrorists

In addition to terrorists already in Germany, German security agencies estimate that thousands of battle-hardened EU-born Islamist militants may soon…
Israel Helps Paraguay fight Hezbollah

Israel Helps Paraguay fight Hezbollah

For years, it’s no secret that Hezbollah has run branches in South America and the Caribbean to fundraise and support…
A Siberian River Mysteriously Turns Blood Red

A Siberian River Mysteriously Turns Blood Red

Residents of the town, Norilsk in Siberia, have discovered that a nearby river has mysteriously turned blood red. Experts say…
Watch: Wonders of Creation – Deep Sea Anglerfish

Watch: Wonders of Creation – Deep Sea Anglerfish

Amazing footage of an anglerfish swimming in the depths of the ocean. See how the fish uses its natural aluminous…
US Police Delegation Visits Israel to Learn Counter-Terrorism Techniques

US Police Delegation Visits Israel to Learn Counter-Terrorism Techniques

The delegation, one of 200 that arrive annually, will also be holding a ceremony at Jerusalem’s 9/11 memorial today.
Gas Tanks and Arabic Documents Found in Car by Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral

Gas Tanks and Arabic Documents Found in Car by Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral

French intelligence suspects the abandoned car was a dry-run in preparation for a major attack. Prime Minister Manuel Valls: "The…
Beware of Jellyfish on a Full Moon

Beware of Jellyfish on a Full Moon

A Haifa University study shows that jellyfish tend to show up on Israel’s shores when the temperature is between 28.2-30…
Watch: Monkey Imitates a Visitor at the Zoo

Watch: Monkey Imitates a Visitor at the Zoo

This cheerful monkey managed to please a visitor at the zoo and mimic his movements one by one
Exposed Soviet Document: Mahmoud Abbas Was a K.G.B. Spy in the 1980s

Exposed Soviet Document: Mahmoud Abbas Was a K.G.B. Spy in the 1980s

A British archive reveals Abbas’s name along with his code name “Mole” among a list of Soviet agents from 1983.
Dutch MP of Turkish Extraction Refuses to Shake Netanyahu’s Hand

Dutch MP of Turkish Extraction Refuses to Shake Netanyahu’s Hand

During Netanyahu’s meeting with Dutch members of the Foreign Affairs Committee yesterday, MP Tunahan Kuzo refused to shake his hand.…
Great Britain Preempts Trump’s Mexico Wall With a Wall at Calais

Great Britain Preempts Trump’s Mexico Wall With a Wall at Calais

Walls are going up all over Europe as the continent struggles with an influx of new arrivals. The latest is…
Psychic’s Confession: “People Think I Read Cards, But I Made Up Everything”

Psychic’s Confession: “People Think I Read Cards, But I Made Up Everything”

The clients thought they were connecting to a famous medium, but in reality were speaking with a 20-year old girl…
Watch: Lego Train Tour

Watch: Lego Train Tour

Like thinking outside the box? There is no doubt that this video will surprise even you - Lego train track…
Construction Begun on Gaza Wall and Underground Barrier

Construction Begun on Gaza Wall and Underground Barrier

The multi-story barrier will cost approximately 2 billion shekels and will defend against Hamas cross-border attack tunnels.
Ten Things Important to Know About the Month of Elul

Ten Things Important to Know About the Month of Elul

The month of Elul is the month of Mercy and Selichot. Ten things to know about this unique month
See How this Fish Catches its Prey

See How this Fish Catches its Prey

Wonders of Creation: This fish has a unique way to capture its prey. It shoots a jet of water to…
All It Takes is One Second to Repent

All It Takes is One Second to Repent

Sincere repentance doesn’t depend on time and amount but is measured by intensity, thoroughness and quality. 
Watch: Rare Video of the Rabbi of Ponevezh

Watch: Rare Video of the Rabbi of Ponevezh

An exceptional video of the Rabbi of Ponevezh, Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, filmed decades ago at the home of the…
How Did Rabbi Kanievsky Know the Groom’s Tzitzit Were Invalid?

How Did Rabbi Kanievsky Know the Groom’s Tzitzit Were Invalid?

A groom went in to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky to receive a blessing. To his shock, the rabbi asked him “Why…
10 Reasons Why We Should Study Mishnayot by Heart

10 Reasons Why We Should Study Mishnayot by Heart

What benefits can you gain by memorizing mishnayot orally? Also: Distinctive advice from the Holy Chafetz Chaim
Miracle in the Air: Child Hanging in the Sky from Cable Car

Miracle in the Air: Child Hanging in the Sky from Cable Car

Dramatic footage caught on camera in New Zealand two days ago: A child suddenly fell from a cable car, his…
Watch: Wonders of Creation – Relaxing Footage of Birds & Butterflies

Watch: Wonders of Creation – Relaxing Footage of Birds & Butterflies

Nothing like beginning your day with an exhilarating peek at nature's beauty. Watch a magical clip that will change your…
Watch: Wonders of Creation – The Largest Cave on the Planet

Watch: Wonders of Creation – The Largest Cave on the Planet

Hang Son Doong cave is located near the Laos–Vietnam border. At more than 200m high, 150m wide and 5km long,…
Expanded Network of Isis Revealed for 1st Time

Expanded Network of Isis Revealed for 1st Time

New investigative reports reveal a widening ISIS European Network. Investigators are startled at the ease of operation
Make Sure it is a Shofar!

Make Sure it is a Shofar!

Which animal horns are kosher to use as a shofar and how is a shofar prepared?
Police Thwart Car Ramming Attack in Shuafat, Jerusalem

Police Thwart Car Ramming Attack in Shuafat, Jerusalem

The driver ignored warning signals and the policeman had no choice but to shoot him.
British Researchers Find Solution for Global Chocolate Crisis

British Researchers Find Solution for Global Chocolate Crisis

Cocoa butter is on the decline due to crop failure but wild mango butter is an excellent substitute.
Israel to Grant Research Prize for Oriental Jewish History

Israel to Grant Research Prize for Oriental Jewish History

The $40,000 prize was launched by Social Equality Minister Gila Gamliel, whose father is from Yemen and whose mother was…
Watch: Animals Adopt Babies of Other Species

Watch: Animals Adopt Babies of Other Species

Rare footage of cats and dogs taking care of ducklings. Gone viral
Startling: An Eagle Tried to Kidnap a Baby and Then …

Startling: An Eagle Tried to Kidnap a Baby and Then …

This is what happened to a stunned father one morning as he looked after a small baby: A giant eagle…
Leak Reveals Cost of Mobile Phone Spying Services

Leak Reveals Cost of Mobile Phone Spying Services

The leaked private business papers of Israeli company NSO Group Technologies Ltd. was published by New York Times. NSO will…
Georgetown University to Apologize for Participation in Slavery

Georgetown University to Apologize for Participation in Slavery

Georgetown wants to make amends for selling 272 slaves in 1838 who worked on Jesuit plantations in nearby Maryland to…
Riot Police Fire Tear Gas to Disperse 100s of UK-Bound Migrant Rioters

Riot Police Fire Tear Gas to Disperse 100s of UK-Bound Migrant Rioters

Nothing that France does is dissuading Muslim migrants from failed states from their dream of immigrating to Great Britain.
How Can We Revitalize Ourselves Spiritually This Elul? 6 Ideas to Try

How Can We Revitalize Ourselves Spiritually This Elul? 6 Ideas to Try

During the month of Elul, the gates of Heaven are open to anyone who wants to make himself a better…
Watch: Did You Know a Lemon could Save Lives?

Watch: Did You Know a Lemon could Save Lives?

If you are stuck on a trip at night and there is no one to rescue you, you may need…
Watch: Wonders of Creation – Magic of the Ocean

Watch: Wonders of Creation – Magic of the Ocean

Fascinating documentation of life in the depths of the ocean. If you're looking for a relaxing break from the pressures…
Anti-Immigrant Party to Make Huge Gain in German State Election

Anti-Immigrant Party to Make Huge Gain in German State Election

Polls predict that Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats party will drop to third place with only 12% of the votes.
Watch: Cat Stuck on the Western Wall Rescued

Watch: Cat Stuck on the Western Wall Rescued

Worshipers at the Western Wall spotted a cat stranded high above the men's prayer plaza. Watch the original rescue operation
Soldier Protecting Worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb Injured By Live Fire

Soldier Protecting Worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb Injured By Live Fire

The soldier was injured at the entrance to the Balata refugee camp next to Joseph's tomb when Arab rabble-rousers starting…
10 Facts about Hacham Rabbi Yehuda Fattiah, on the Anniversary of His Passing

10 Facts about Hacham Rabbi Yehuda Fattiah, on the Anniversary of His Passing

Today, the 27th of Av, is the anniversary of the passing of Hacham Rabbi Yehuda Fattiah, one of the greatest…
Poland’s Interior Minister: We Will Not Expose Poland to Terrorism

Poland’s Interior Minister: We Will Not Expose Poland to Terrorism

200 Chechen migrants were stopped at border with Belarus and turned back.
IDF Shuts Down Palestinian Radio Station in Hebron for Incitement

IDF Shuts Down Palestinian Radio Station in Hebron for Incitement

This is the second radio station since March to be shut down for calling for terrorist attacks.
Like to Host Guests? Here’s a Creative Idea that will Surprise Everyone

Like to Host Guests? Here’s a Creative Idea that will Surprise Everyone

Did you know you can use melted white chocolate, besides for pouring it over cake? Watch this short clip and…
Two US Voter Databases Attacked by Russian-based Hackers 

Two US Voter Databases Attacked by Russian-based Hackers 

Arizona and Illinois voter databases were hacked, but officials say the databases were not compromised.
Last Nuremberg Prosecutor Donates $1 Million to U.S. Holocaust Museum

Last Nuremberg Prosecutor Donates $1 Million to U.S. Holocaust Museum

Benjamin Ferencz explained, “I have witnessed holocausts and I cannot stop trying to deter future genocides.”
Hungary Blocks 20 Holocaust Denying Websites

Hungary Blocks 20 Holocaust Denying Websites

Budapest court issues temporary orders blocking 20 websites that carry Holocaust denial material.
A first for Israel: A baby born in week 22, survived and released from hospital

A first for Israel: A baby born in week 22, survived and released from hospital

His parents: "Every parent with a baby in NICU should know there is a chance that their baby will make…
Allergic to Gluten? A New Device Will Check Your Food

Allergic to Gluten? A New Device Will Check Your Food

Load the device with a cartridge containing a pea-size sample of food and within 2 minutes you’ll know if it…
Czech Schoolbook Publisher Must Remove “Jerusalem” as Israel’s Capital

Czech Schoolbook Publisher Must Remove “Jerusalem” as Israel’s Capital

After the Palestinian embassy protested “Jerusalem” appearing in Czech books as Israel’s capital, Czech Ministry of Education issued new directive.
Largest Memorial Ceremony in Lithuanian’s History for Holocaust Victims

Largest Memorial Ceremony in Lithuanian’s History for Holocaust Victims

A small procession planned in memory of Holocaust victims in Malat, Lithuania became the largest such ceremony in Lithuanian history…
Missing Jewish Child at Center of Kidnapping Case Comes Forward

Missing Jewish Child at Center of Kidnapping Case Comes Forward

The Jewish mother had left her Belgian non-Jewish husband and returned to Israel with her son. After lengthy court trials,…
Rabbi Moshe Weiss o.b.m: The Chasid Who Invented the Sound Bender

Rabbi Moshe Weiss o.b.m: The Chasid Who Invented the Sound Bender

Weiss, a Chabad Hasid, who studied in his youth in the Chabad Ohr Elchanan yeshiva in Los Angeles, developed the…
IDF Destroys House of Rabbi Mark’s Murderer

IDF Destroys House of Rabbi Mark’s Murderer

Supreme Court rejected a petition from the terrorist's family who had called not to destroy the house with the help…
California State Senate Passed Law 31-1 Against BDS

California State Senate Passed Law 31-1 Against BDS

Israeli-American Coalition for Action spearheaded the legislation.
Israeli Judoka Raised Over $50,000 for Charity

Israeli Judoka Raised Over $50,000 for Charity

Israeli medalist Yarden Gerbi auctioned her Olympic nametag on ebay and brought in $51,730 for charity.
False Shooting Alarm at Los Angeles Airport 

False Shooting Alarm at Los Angeles Airport 

Partial evacuations caused panic, traffic jams, and delayed flights. Police found no shooter, but arrested a suspicious man in a…
Second Case of Men Who Were Switched at Birth in Same Town

Second Case of Men Who Were Switched at Birth in Same Town

The same remote Canadian town discovers a second case of being switched at birth, prompting outrage at substandard healthcare.
Platoon Commander’s Testimony Supports Soldier on Trial for Manslaughter

Platoon Commander’s Testimony Supports Soldier on Trial for Manslaughter

The platoon commander supported Azariya’s concern that the terrorist was still lethal and raises questions on the company commander’s testimony…
Israel Ranked Close to Top of PwC Golden Age Index in Elderly Employment

Israel Ranked Close to Top of PwC Golden Age Index in Elderly Employment

A global survey of a Golden Age Index conducted by the PwC international firm of auditors, found that among 34…
Bomb Blast Kills 60 Dead in Yemen

Bomb Blast Kills 60 Dead in Yemen

Suicide car bomb attack on a Yemenite army training camp in Aden kills at least 60 people on Monday.
120,000 Old Buildings in Israel are Not Earthquake Safe

120,000 Old Buildings in Israel are Not Earthquake Safe

Israel is on the Great Rift Valley, and its periphery is particularly at risk.
Was a Snake with 7 Heads Discovered in Thailand, as described in Tractate Kiddushin?

Was a Snake with 7 Heads Discovered in Thailand, as described in Tractate Kiddushin?

Did you also receive an image of a seven-headed snake on WhatsApp? Very impressive, though is it genuine or a…
Watch: Face to Face with a Crocodile

Watch: Face to Face with a Crocodile

Our brave cat has no fear for the fearsome crocodile, he looks the croc in the eye and even manages…
Israeli Arab Journalist: I Won’t Marry a Muslim

Israeli Arab Journalist: I Won’t Marry a Muslim

Lucy Aharish, an Arab-Israeli journalist and TV presenter who grew up in Dimona, Israel, says she refuses to marry a…
Steven Hill, Orthodox Jewish ‘Law & Order’ Actor, Dies at 94

Steven Hill, Orthodox Jewish ‘Law & Order’ Actor, Dies at 94

He sacrificed numerous career opportunities in order to observe Shabbat. Despite his determined allegiance to Torah, he still managed to…
Watch: Policewoman Converts to Judaism, Bursts into Tears

Watch: Policewoman Converts to Judaism, Bursts into Tears

Moving video: An Immigrant from Uzbekistan to Israel decides to convert to Judaism, after serving three years in the Israel…
Watch: Wonders of Creation – Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Watch: Wonders of Creation – Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Iguazu Falls are waterfalls of the Iguazu River on the border of the Argentine province of Misiones and the Brazilian…
Spiritual Leader and Holocaust Survivor Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis Passes Away

Spiritual Leader and Holocaust Survivor Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis Passes Away

Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis fought assimilation and infused many thousands of Jews with passion for their Judaism in the US and…
Did Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels Have a Jewish Father-in-Law?

Did Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels Have a Jewish Father-in-Law?

Magda Goebbels claimed to be born to her mother’s first husband, but evidence was found that she born to her…
Security Stepped Up Around Jewish Community in London

Security Stepped Up Around Jewish Community in London

The large religious Jewish community in the north Stamford Hill neighborhood has seen a substantial increase in the number of…
Earthquake Destroys a Whole Town in Central Italy, 247 people killed

Earthquake Destroys a Whole Town in Central Italy, 247 people killed

The earthquake was felt in Rome, 105 miles from the epicenter, and caused furniture to lurch and lights to sway.
Watch: Wonders of Creation – Owl Attack

Watch: Wonders of Creation – Owl Attack

Because an animal can run, doesn't mean it can hide, from the great owl of the Arctic. Take a glimpse…
Watch: The ‘Live Leaf’ has become World Famous

Watch: The ‘Live Leaf’ has become World Famous

A unique leaf-shaped cricket was discovered in the Philippines. What is its scientific name and how was it discovered?
Watch: Wonders of Creation – Blossoms Flowering in Slow Motion

Watch: Wonders of Creation – Blossoms Flowering in Slow Motion

More Wonders of Creation: Amazing processes occur daily, under our noses. See one of them, and don't forget to thank…
Shocking Video: Candies Without Kashrut Certification May Contain Pig!

Shocking Video: Candies Without Kashrut Certification May Contain Pig!

If you buy candies in the market without kashrut certification because “What can there already be in a candy?!”, guess…
Watch: Giraffe Kicks Lion in Midair

Watch: Giraffe Kicks Lion in Midair

A fascinating clip of a giraffe fending off a lion in midair
Israeli Researchers Say Cure For Melanoma is Around the Corner

Israeli Researchers Say Cure For Melanoma is Around the Corner

The metastatic mechanism by which melanoma spreads through the body has been discovered by Tel Aviv University researchers.
She Found Her Abducted Sister Was Studying in Her School

She Found Her Abducted Sister Was Studying in Her School

Zephany Nurse was only three days old when she was abducted from her hospital crib in Cape Town, South Africa.…
Watch: Extreme Competitive Relay Racing

Watch: Extreme Competitive Relay Racing

It is not clear whether this is an athletic competition or a preparatory course to become an officer in a…
New Organization Combats Exploding pro-Palestinian Movement on Campuses

New Organization Combats Exploding pro-Palestinian Movement on Campuses

Las Vegas casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, are behind the multimillion-dollar effort to combat the BDS movement.
Watch: One day in the life of a sea cucumber

Watch: One day in the life of a sea cucumber

Or as King David put it: “How great are Your deeds, G-d, all of them were made in wisdom.” Watch…
Breslaver Hasidim Face Stone Attack After Entering Joseph’s Tomb

Breslaver Hasidim Face Stone Attack After Entering Joseph’s Tomb

Drama at Night: Police and army extricate Breslavers whose bus came under attack by Palestinian stonethrowers after entering the West…
Germany Tells Citizens to Stockpile Food and Water in Case of Major Catastrophe

Germany Tells Citizens to Stockpile Food and Water in Case of Major Catastrophe

For the first time since the Cold War and in the wake of three attacks last month, Germany has instructed…
Judge Permits Class Action Against Google for Scanning Emails Sent to Gmail Addresses

Judge Permits Class Action Against Google for Scanning Emails Sent to Gmail Addresses

US District Judge Lucy Koh has ruled that a class-action lawsuit filed against Google for reading customer emails can proceed.
Fake Passports Destined for ISIS Terrorists Found in Greek Refugee Camps

Fake Passports Destined for ISIS Terrorists Found in Greek Refugee Camps

EU police discover that ISIS has infiltrated Greek refugee camps and are planning to sneak into the EU.
Should Children Be Taught Evolution?

Should Children Be Taught Evolution?

This question arose concerning the State’s decision to teach the Theory of Evolution in the eighth and ninth grades in…
A “Holy Man” is Born: from a Security Guard to a “Miracle Worker”

A “Holy Man” is Born: from a Security Guard to a “Miracle Worker”

Until two years ago, he was a security guard in an Eilat hotel, but today, for a small fortune, he…
Britain to Lock Up Its Most Dangerous Extremists in Isolated High-Security Prisons

Britain to Lock Up Its Most Dangerous Extremists in Isolated High-Security Prisons

After years of coddling jihadists in prison where they run the wards and radicalize other prisoners, the government says it…
How Did the Kangaroo Reach Australia After the Flood?

How Did the Kangaroo Reach Australia After the Flood?

How did it happen that there are animals unique to each geographical region? How could animals migrate between continents that…
Watch: Two Years After Gilad Shaer’s Murder, Family Celebrates Sister’s Wedding

Watch: Two Years After Gilad Shaer’s Murder, Family Celebrates Sister’s Wedding

Bat-galim, Gil-ad Shaer’s mother: “Every child is an entire world. We feel pain at Giil-Ad’s absence, but we feel total…
Watch: The Sweetest Video You’ll See Today

Watch: The Sweetest Video You’ll See Today

“I love you so much” the sweet 3-year old in the video says about her newborn sister. Watch one of…
New Study: Life Expectancy of Twins Higher Than Rest of Population

New Study: Life Expectancy of Twins Higher Than Rest of Population

There’s a good reason for wishing to be born a twin - a new study reveals that being born with…
Maestro Aharon Zeev Bernstein presents: a clip on the art of sand painting

Maestro Aharon Zeev Bernstein presents: a clip on the art of sand painting

The artist Aharon Zeev Bernstein specializes in the art of sand painting, and creates real-looking illustrations and displays for the…
A Rare Glimpse Into the Secret Operations of the Elite Unit 669

A Rare Glimpse Into the Secret Operations of the Elite Unit 669

The fighters that can fulfill complex rescue operations by land, sea and tunnel 24 hours a day, seven days a…
Muslim Stabs Chasidic Jew Outside His Home in Strasbourg

Muslim Stabs Chasidic Jew Outside His Home in Strasbourg

This same man attacked another Jew in 2010, but French authorities say they don’t see these attacks as motivated by…
Another Muslim Terrorist Bombing in Turkey Kills 50 at a Wedding

Another Muslim Terrorist Bombing in Turkey Kills 50 at a Wedding

15 bombings in Turkey with hundreds killed so far in 2016. The latest attack targeted a Kurdish wedding party.
Watch: Folding Napkins like You’ve Never Seen Before

Watch: Folding Napkins like You’ve Never Seen Before

Looking for a nice innovative idea to decorate your Shabbat table? Take a look at a genius tip for folding…
Did you know: The Ten Commandments

Did you know: The Ten Commandments

Did you know The Ten Commandments might actually be Nine Commandments?
Skin Cancer is on the rise

Skin Cancer is on the rise

Why do we keep getting sunburned despite all the sunscreen we are applying?
Crown Heights Festival Marking 25th Anniversary of Riots Evokes controversy

Crown Heights Festival Marking 25th Anniversary of Riots Evokes controversy

The death of a black child was a tragic accident, but the murder of Yaakel Rosenbaum was a premeditated homicide…
Watch: Stunning Leopard Jump

Watch: Stunning Leopard Jump

Skill patience and devotion – that's how the leopard caught its prey. Nothing is too difficult or dangerous, for a…
Watch: Nothing Beats a Mother’s Love

Watch: Nothing Beats a Mother’s Love

There is also a motherly feeling for leopards, as reflected in a particularly moving clip: A mother leopard picks up…
Watch: ’Potato Fish’. Does Such a Fish Exist?

Watch: ’Potato Fish’. Does Such a Fish Exist?

A potato fish seems to have been filmed off the coast of Ireland. See wonders of creation beneath the sea…
The Sweetest Clip You’ll See Today: An Elephant Collecting Garbage

The Sweetest Clip You’ll See Today: An Elephant Collecting Garbage

What does a 'domesticated' elephant do when he is bored? Simple; collect garbage and throw in the trash can. Watch…
Watch: Lightning Like You’ve Never Seen Before

Watch: Lightning Like You’ve Never Seen Before

Display of electrifying lightning moving through the clouds over Florida, creating stunning scenes
Why Has the Jews’ External Appearance Changed Over the Exile?

Why Has the Jews’ External Appearance Changed Over the Exile?

How come Jews living in different places have differences in skin, hair, and eye color, etc.? Rabbi Daniel Blass replies.
What Does Your Facebook Status Says About YOU? 

What Does Your Facebook Status Says About YOU? 

A person's Facebook status says a lot about their personality. Narcissists post frequently about their achievements, diet and exercise; romantic statuses hint…
The Israeli Politician Who Saved a Jewish Woman from ISIS

The Israeli Politician Who Saved a Jewish Woman from ISIS

Deputy Minister Ayub Kara came to the rescue of a Jewish woman from Kurdistan whose husband tried to sell her…
Did You Know: Shabbat Nachamu

Did You Know: Shabbat Nachamu

Did you know why the Shabbat after Tisha B'av has a special name?
Watch: Fisherman rescue baby deer from drowning

Watch: Fisherman rescue baby deer from drowning

A baby deer on the verge of drowning rode safely back to shore in a fishing boat.
Tu B’Av: The Percentage of Singles in Israel is on the Rise

Tu B’Av: The Percentage of Singles in Israel is on the Rise

The average age when couples marry have risen in the past decades by three years. The data shows there are…
Watch: Dramatic Rescue of Four Brothers Lost in Banias River

Watch: Dramatic Rescue of Four Brothers Lost in Banias River

Police men and rescue team find four brothers who went missing in Banias river, safe and sound.
Watch: A helping hand for a horse in need

Watch: A helping hand for a horse in need

Although it is not clear how the young colt managed to cross the guardrail into the road, fortunately for the…
Family Tech: SMS or SOS?

Family Tech: SMS or SOS?

Exploring the impact of technology on our most intimate relationships.
Tu B’av: The Jewish Valentine’s Day

Tu B’av: The Jewish Valentine’s Day

Did you know that the Jewish calendar has its own day dedicated to love? It's true. The 15th of the month…
Watch: Newborn Elephant: It’s Time to Walk

Watch: Newborn Elephant: It’s Time to Walk

The elephant is only one day old, though it wastes no time learning to walk. Watch how the elephants mother…
Watch: What Wouldn’t You Do to Get Some Candy?

Watch: What Wouldn’t You Do to Get Some Candy?

The bottle cap was tightly closed, though trust the dog, he will find a way to open it to get…
2,000-Years After Bar Kochba, Ancient Roman Ammunition Discovered

2,000-Years After Bar Kochba, Ancient Roman Ammunition Discovered

Roman ammunition newly unearthed in archeological dig believed to belong to last battle waged by the Jewish Army against the…
The First Immersion in the Mikvah — at Age 60

The First Immersion in the Mikvah — at Age 60

Oranit not only immersed herself but was joined by her sister and sister-in-law. “We’re kibbutzniks, as anti-religious as you can…
Why Did King Solomon Marry So Many Women?

Why Did King Solomon Marry So Many Women?

Why did King Solomon marry so many women and how do we know that it wasn’t considered a sin?
Religious Services Ministry Launches Marriage Registration App

Religious Services Ministry Launches Marriage Registration App

New app will make the ministry services more accessible for newly engaged couples.
Gush Etzion Junction: From Terrorist Hotspot to High Class Mall

Gush Etzion Junction: From Terrorist Hotspot to High Class Mall

Already on the first day, hijab-clothed Arab women and scarf-clad Jewish women were walking through the mall.
Record Numbers of Israeli Arabs Joining National Service

Record Numbers of Israeli Arabs Joining National Service

Despite the rhetoric, non-Jewish Israeli citizens recognize the value of national service as a way of integrating into Israeli society.
Shoftim – What Testimony Will You Give?

Shoftim – What Testimony Will You Give?

Our sages teach us that the judgment in heaven is like judgment on earth, and both require two witnesses for…
Watch: Cat doesn’t like Trump

Watch: Cat doesn’t like Trump

How did the cat react when republican candidate Donald Trump appeared on the screen?
Getting up off the Ground: The Secret to Jewish Continuity

Getting up off the Ground: The Secret to Jewish Continuity

“How did we go from mourners sitting on the ground to sunbathers sitting on the beach slathering on sunscreen? What…
Ki Tavo – The Road to Happiness

Ki Tavo – The Road to Happiness

How can we always be happy, despite all the difficult things that happen to us? The secret lies in the…
Nitzavim – There are Things That Will Always Be Hidden From Us

Nitzavim – There are Things That Will Always Be Hidden From Us

There are commandments we find easy to observe because they make sense to us. But how should we relate to…
Re’eh – You Have to See to Understand!

Re’eh – You Have to See to Understand!

There are no shortcuts in serving G-d. A person has to understand that only by consistently working on his character…
Eikev – What is the Way to Love G-d?

Eikev – What is the Way to Love G-d?

Our ability to love G-d is generated by our fear of G-d, which assists us in serving G-d even when…
Ha’azinu – Taste and See How Good It Is

Ha’azinu – Taste and See How Good It Is

The secret of education is not just the transmission of information from father to son, but primarily how it is…
Ki Teitzei – The Moral Lesson of ‘Sending Away the Mother Bird’

Ki Teitzei – The Moral Lesson of ‘Sending Away the Mother Bird’

When one meditates in the Torah’s commandments, one discovers wonderful insights. What does the commandment of 'Sending Away the Mother…
University students invent a sensor that picks the perfect watermelon

University students invent a sensor that picks the perfect watermelon

The sensor is based on the principle that the outside of a watermelon tells you how sweet the inside is.
Saudi Press: Stop Antisemitic Discourse, Learn From Jews’ Success

Saudi Press: Stop Antisemitic Discourse, Learn From Jews’ Success

Saudi press featured highly unusual articles critical of the antisemitic discourse in Arab and Muslim society, and calling to learn…
Va’etchanan – The Spiritual Quality of the Land of Israel

Va’etchanan – The Spiritual Quality of the Land of Israel

Why did Moses want so much to enter the Land of Israel? And what is the lesson for us, now…
What Does Science Think About G-d?

What Does Science Think About G-d?

Is science advancing towards the discovery of G-d? And what did the greatest scientists state about a Diety? Simple logic…
Defying the Odds, Comatose Terror Victim Makes Astonishing Recovery

Defying the Odds, Comatose Terror Victim Makes Astonishing Recovery

Tzvika Cohen goes home half a year after brutal axe attack to celebrate his 48th birthday this Sunday.
UK MPs Turn to Israeli Martial Art to Protect Themselves from Sudden Attac

UK MPs Turn to Israeli Martial Art to Protect Themselves from Sudden Attac

The class teaches how to disarm an armed attacker and then flee to save one’s life.
Fighting Terror with Extra Humanity

Fighting Terror with Extra Humanity

"Terrorists would have us believe that their victims are less human and less entitled to life than they are. As…
Watch: Who is Rich? He Who is Happy With his Hands

Watch: Who is Rich? He Who is Happy With his Hands

This emotional clip will help us forget our troubles, and begin to thank G-d for the countless blessings He bestows…
A Second Temple-era synagogue uncovered in the lower Galilee

A Second Temple-era synagogue uncovered in the lower Galilee

Building is one of only eight synagogues discovered in Israel that predate the destruction of the Second Temple.
Watch: Tiger Rescued from a Pit Tens of Meters Deep

Watch: Tiger Rescued from a Pit Tens of Meters Deep

A Tiger fell into trouble, falling into a sixty meter deep pit. The farmer called for help, and rescuers rushed…
Watch: IDF Demolishes Home of Terrorist Who Killed 13-Year-Old in Her Bed

Watch: IDF Demolishes Home of Terrorist Who Killed 13-Year-Old in Her Bed

The troops were only permitted by Supreme Court to knock out second floor of a 3-story building housing the family…
‘Sharia Police’ and Islamic State support reported in Hamburg

‘Sharia Police’ and Islamic State support reported in Hamburg

The German city of Hamburg are monitoring reports of Muslim 'Sharia Police' carrying out patrols in the city.
Tisha B’Av Fast Ending Times Worldwide 5777 / 2017

Tisha B’Av Fast Ending Times Worldwide 5777 / 2017

Some Laws of the fast and ending times of the fast in central locations
Manuscript of Ben Ish Chai Found In Saddam Hussein’s Offices

Manuscript of Ben Ish Chai Found In Saddam Hussein’s Offices

New Book of the Ben Ish Chai’s Discourses Printed for the First Time. The 2-volume Birkas Horeyach was printed from…
Conquest of Europe By Islam Proceeding Step by Step

Conquest of Europe By Islam Proceeding Step by Step

Rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris called for the conversion of churches into mosques. Mainstream Muslim organizations are dispensing…
Rare Footage: The Western Wall on Tisha B’Av More Than a Century Ago

Rare Footage: The Western Wall on Tisha B’Av More Than a Century Ago

Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall - Rare video footage from the last century. In one of the clips a…
Tisha B’Av at the Western Wall: Saturday Night 5776 – See Pictures

Tisha B’Av at the Western Wall: Saturday Night 5776 – See Pictures

The Jewish People mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple: Photo gallery from the Western Wall.
Watch: Young Children in an Emotional Prayer at The Western Wall

Watch: Young Children in an Emotional Prayer at The Western Wall

Touching Footage: Children from the Kamenitz Talmudic Primary School, at the Western Wall, pierce the heavens with pure prayers. Watch
Tisha B’Av – Laws of the 9 Days and Week of Tisha B’Av

Tisha B’Av – Laws of the 9 Days and Week of Tisha B’Av

Laws of The Nine Days and the week of Tisha B'Av according to Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews
Most of the Temple Burned on the 10th: 5 Things to Know About the 10th of Av

Most of the Temple Burned on the 10th: 5 Things to Know About the 10th of Av

The First Temple was set on fire on the 9th of Av, and was only destroyed by noon of the…
The Rebbe Decided: “Full Speed Ahead to Establish Hidabroot USA”

The Rebbe Decided: “Full Speed Ahead to Establish Hidabroot USA”

Hidabroot’s directors entered the inner sanctum in Belz chassidus with hundreds of recorded videos and a detailed plan • Outreach…
Jerusalem Start up Seeks to Eradicate Hospital Infections 

Jerusalem Start up Seeks to Eradicate Hospital Infections 

511 million patients worldwide pick up infections during hospital stay.
France Closes Down 20 Radical Mosques

France Closes Down 20 Radical Mosques

France is taking steps to de-radicalize its mosques in the hopes of preventing the radicalization of its Muslim community.
Watch: Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef on Tisha B’av (En Subtitles)

Watch: Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef on Tisha B’av (En Subtitles)

Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef addresses Hidabrut's Outreach activity, and talks about Tisa B'av
Mourning? Yes. Depression? No way!

Mourning? Yes. Depression? No way!

The Avodat Israel compares G-d’s sadness to a king’s sadness and the king’s servants must gladden their master
Why Mourn the Destruction of the Temple Thousands of Years Later?

Why Mourn the Destruction of the Temple Thousands of Years Later?

Why do we still cry and mourn after 2000 years? What is the significance and purpose of mourning the loss…
Police Surveillance Cameras To Be Installed In East Jerusalem

Police Surveillance Cameras To Be Installed In East Jerusalem

The efficacy of surveillance cameras were proved when the cameras installed in the Old City prevented crimes and attacks.
Devorim: How to Administer Reproof – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Devorim: How to Administer Reproof – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Before his death, Moses taught the correct way to give over criticism so it will be accepted. What is the…
Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Tisha B’Av

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Tisha B’Av

What is the connection between Tisha B'Av and the Holocaust? Why will this day turn from mourning to joy? All…
What to Eat During the Nine Days? Dr. Rina Granot Suggests a Complete Menue

What to Eat During the Nine Days? Dr. Rina Granot Suggests a Complete Menue

What are we eating today? If you encounter this question again and again (or you yourself are asking it) and…
Mourning the Destruction of the Temple: Showing that We Care

Mourning the Destruction of the Temple: Showing that We Care

Is it true that the Messiah will be born on Tisha B'Av? Why do we fast on Tisha B'Av and…
The Philosopher Couldn’t Figure Out Why We Are Crying on Tisha B’Av

The Philosopher Couldn’t Figure Out Why We Are Crying on Tisha B’Av

What are we supposed to feel on Tisha B'Av? Aren’t we crying over spilled milk? An article about a puzzle…
Tisha B’Av – 10 Facts About the Book of Lamentations

Tisha B’Av – 10 Facts About the Book of Lamentations

The Book of Lamentations, which is written in scroll form, is read in the synagogue on Tisha B'Av. It describes…
Italian Law Proposes Jail-Time for Parents Who Enforce Vegan Diets on Kids

Italian Law Proposes Jail-Time for Parents Who Enforce Vegan Diets on Kids

Proposal claims that vegan diets often leave children lacking in iron and zinc, leading to malnutrition.
Scientists Discover Why We Wake Up Stiff and Achy in the Morning 

Scientists Discover Why We Wake Up Stiff and Achy in the Morning 

The body's biological clock suppresses anti-inflammatory proteins during sleep and when we get up each morning, the effects of the…
Special Report: Religious Earn Less, Though They Happier

Special Report: Religious Earn Less, Though They Happier

The Israel Democracy Institute published a special report containing data about the Orthodox community.
Bride Walked Down the Aisle By the Man Who Received Her Father’s Heart

Bride Walked Down the Aisle By the Man Who Received Her Father’s Heart

When she was about to be married, the bride thought “Who will walk me down the aisle?” and then she…
10 Islamic Jihad Terrorists Injured in a Tunnel Collapse in Gaza

10 Islamic Jihad Terrorists Injured in a Tunnel Collapse in Gaza

The Islamic Jihad terrorists were working on a tunnel into Israeli territory when it collapsed.
Study Shows: High Intelligence Correlates With Disinclination for Activity

Study Shows: High Intelligence Correlates With Disinclination for Activity

Researchers used a psychology test to identify students who expressed a strong desire to think a lot, and those who were…
Watch: This is How to Draw a Three-Dimensional Dolphin Diving

Watch: This is How to Draw a Three-Dimensional Dolphin Diving

Amazing video featuring a three-dimensional drawing of a dolphin diving
The Torah World is Struck By Grief: Rabbi Aryeh Finkel Passed Away

The Torah World is Struck By Grief: Rabbi Aryeh Finkel Passed Away

Doctors tried to save Rabbi Finkel when he went into cardiac arrest Tuesday night, but he passed away a short…
Father Gives 3-Year-Old A Kidney After She Nearly Dies of a Stroke

Father Gives 3-Year-Old A Kidney After She Nearly Dies of a Stroke

Father says he didn’t think twice knowing he could help his daughter live a normal life.
Watch: Painting Beach-Art in Fast Motion

Watch: Painting Beach-Art in Fast Motion

Is there such a thing called 'beach painting art'? Some people do it not only as a hobby, but also…
Watch: Wonders of Creation in the Depths of the Ocean

Watch: Wonders of Creation in the Depths of the Ocean

Jelly fish, sea anemones, shells and countless other amazing creatures - Join a magical journey to the reefs. More wonders…
Watch: Bear Hug

Watch: Bear Hug

Watch a daring guy receive a real bear hug in the wild
Family Yearns to Build Synagogue in Memory of Fallen Son

Family Yearns to Build Synagogue in Memory of Fallen Son

Sergeant Oren Noah died in operation Protective Edge with 6 of his men when a missile hit their Armored Personnel…
Quadruple Amputee Reaches the Top of the Matterhorn

Quadruple Amputee Reaches the Top of the Matterhorn

Mountaineer Jamie Andrew lost his hands and feet to frostbite after becoming trapped in a snowstorm in France 17 years…
Watch: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Z”L Crying While Reciting Kinnot on Tisha B’Av

Watch: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Z”L Crying While Reciting Kinnot on Tisha B’Av

"For these things I weep; my eye, my eye, sheds tears". What did the Tisha B'Av of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef…
Israeli Soccer Star: I’m Leaving the Super League Because of Shabbat

Israeli Soccer Star: I’m Leaving the Super League Because of Shabbat

Soccer star Yair Azulai lifted Hapoel Ashkelon team into the Super League in an amazing two years, but says Shabbat…
“Jewish Jordan”: I Missed the Championship Ring but the Ring of Shabbat Lasts Forever

“Jewish Jordan”: I Missed the Championship Ring but the Ring of Shabbat Lasts Forever

Premier basketball star Tamir Goodman: “There was no conflict between the physical and the spiritual. You love basketball, okay…just go…
Tourist Visits Drop in France Following Terrorist Attacks

Tourist Visits Drop in France Following Terrorist Attacks

Paris hotels had an occupancy rate of only 32% in the second half of July, compared with 77% last year
$1 Million Thrown Out By a Jeweler Rushing to Close Shop Before Shabbat

$1 Million Thrown Out By a Jeweler Rushing to Close Shop Before Shabbat

One loses a lot when one rushes into Shabbat. In this case, the loss was almost $1 million dollars.
First World-Wide Tisha B’Av Marathon to Be Screened This Year

First World-Wide Tisha B’Av Marathon to Be Screened This Year

Do you find it difficult to connect to the mourning over a Temple that was destroyed 2000 years ago? Do…
Israel Electric Company to Cut Back Electricity for PA Non-Payment

Israel Electric Company to Cut Back Electricity for PA Non-Payment

Israel says it will waive its right to force it to supply electricity
Israeli-Arab Arrested for Supporting ISIS on Facebook

Israeli-Arab Arrested for Supporting ISIS on Facebook

He didn’t go to Syria because his wife wouldn’t let him
Baghdad to Demolish 100-year-old House of Jewish Finance Minister Sassoon Eskell

Baghdad to Demolish 100-year-old House of Jewish Finance Minister Sassoon Eskell

Municipality says it is not a heritage, but official of heritage sites says it is against the law to demolish…
Gruesome jihadi Film Features Child Leading Beheading Scene

Gruesome jihadi Film Features Child Leading Beheading Scene

The child saws off the head of doll while calling for the destruction of enemies.
Watch: What does it Mean ’Jerusalem has been Destroyed’?

Watch: What does it Mean ’Jerusalem has been Destroyed’?

Why do we mourn the destruction of Jerusalem, when it seems that Jerusalem is prospering today? Watch a short inspiring…
Baby Found in a Phone Box Reunited With Rescuer 22 Years Later

Baby Found in a Phone Box Reunited With Rescuer 22 Years Later

Adoptee knew she had been found in a telephone box but didn’t know by who.
Watch: Will this Maneuver Solve the Problem of Traffic?

Watch: Will this Maneuver Solve the Problem of Traffic?

While this is only a simulation, it is a great solution to reduce the problem of congestion on the road…
Watch: Can You Explain this Optical Illusion?

Watch: Can You Explain this Optical Illusion?

To create this optical illusion, the person in the video uses a mirror and a dice. Can you explain how…
Kayaker Escapes After Fending Off a Crocodile Attack

Kayaker Escapes After Fending Off a Crocodile Attack

When the crocodile attacked his kayak, he used his paddle to fend the attack and paddle to an island.
Europe’s Top Flea Market Cancelled Over Terror Fears

Europe’s Top Flea Market Cancelled Over Terror Fears

The latest in the growing list of summer events in France that were cancelled due to terror fears.
What’s So Special About the Holy Language – Hebrew?

What’s So Special About the Holy Language – Hebrew?

Before the Tower of Babel, everyone spoke the same language — Hebrew. It is also the language in which the…
Israeli Intelligence Company Hacks ISIS Terror Targets List

Israeli Intelligence Company Hacks ISIS Terror Targets List

List includes detailed info about church in Normandy where priest was murdered two weeks ago and American airfields
Another Hamas Terrorist Dies in Latest Gaza Tunnel Collapse

Another Hamas Terrorist Dies in Latest Gaza Tunnel Collapse

Terrorists unfazed about digging into Israeli territory despite frequent deaths from tunnel collapse.
Lithuanian World War II Massacre Site Now a Picnic and Party Scene

Lithuanian World War II Massacre Site Now a Picnic and Party Scene

Seventh Fort was major slaughter site of Jews by Lithuanian Nazi collaborators in 1941.
Watch: A Species of Transparent Fish you’ve Never Seen Before

Watch: A Species of Transparent Fish you’ve Never Seen Before

Wonders of Creation: This species of fish are transparent, they have been discovered in the depths of the ocean. The…
Watch: A Rare Discovery of a Shark that Lives Beneath an Active Volcano

Watch: A Rare Discovery of a Shark that Lives Beneath an Active Volcano

A shark that lives under an active volcano, was found near the volcano Kauaʻi. A delegation that was sent to…
String of Defeats for the BDS Movement in Spain

String of Defeats for the BDS Movement in Spain

City halls that wanted to pass BDS resolutions lose in court appeals.
Watch: What Happened when a Deer was Hit by a Bus?

Watch: What Happened when a Deer was Hit by a Bus?

A deer tried to cross the road at the wrong time, it met the bus's windshield and somehow managed to…
Watch: A Monkey that Escaped from a Zoo in Japan Captured

Watch: A Monkey that Escaped from a Zoo in Japan Captured

After two hours of searching and a long chase, the monkey that escaped a zoo in Japan was finally captured
Elbit Systems Develops Special Cameras Enabling Pilots to See Through Fog

Elbit Systems Develops Special Cameras Enabling Pilots to See Through Fog

First developed for the military, Elbit is now making a version for civilian use
Tunnel Boring Machines to Dig Tel Aviv Light Rail Subway

Tunnel Boring Machines to Dig Tel Aviv Light Rail Subway

Transportation Ministry’s solution to constant traffic jams on coast.
Army General calls for ending mixed-gender combat units in IDF

Army General calls for ending mixed-gender combat units in IDF

Says gender equality in mixed units is a dangerous illusion which damages combat capability.
Rethink Your Phone – Don’t Try This at Home

Rethink Your Phone – Don’t Try This at Home

Watch: A powerful clip stressing the effects of 'the phone' on society
Bernardino & Orlando Police Chiefs Visit Israel to Learn How to Deal With Terror

Bernardino & Orlando Police Chiefs Visit Israel to Learn How to Deal With Terror

Impressed with heavily-armed pairs of officers on motorcycles who deploy rapidly, scanning social media for developing threats
A Hospital Encounter Made in Heaven

A Hospital Encounter Made in Heaven

The father of the sick child said he would become religious if he would see yeshiva students studying in the…
Himmler’s Calendar Notes Found in Russian Military Archive

Himmler’s Calendar Notes Found in Russian Military Archive

The notes show he was a devoted father and conscienceless murderer
Palestinian Activist Asked to Defend Why Palestinians are “World’s Number One Cause”

Palestinian Activist Asked to Defend Why Palestinians are “World’s Number One Cause”

Syrian Opposition TV Host shows that the number of Palestinian refugees are lower than other groups, questions their support for…
Watch: Wonders of Creation: A Fish You’ve Never Seen Before

Watch: Wonders of Creation: A Fish You’ve Never Seen Before

Amazing documentation of a unique fish, living in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean
Watch: One Little Porcupine Controls 10 Hungry Lionesses

Watch: One Little Porcupine Controls 10 Hungry Lionesses

Amazing documentation of ten lionesses in pursuit of a brave little porcupine
Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

Watch: Turtle’s Stunning Glow, Discovered in the Depths of the Pacific

A delegation of two investigators sent to the Pacific in order to trace the phenomenon of bio-fluorescence (biological glow) in…
Watch: What Does the Parrot Do When He Is Hot?

Watch: What Does the Parrot Do When He Is Hot?

This is what the parrot does on hot summer days: He approaches the kitchen water faucet, washes his body, sings…
Watch: A Visitor in the Hadar Neighborhood of Haifa

Watch: A Visitor in the Hadar Neighborhood of Haifa

Who came to visit in Haifa today? Watch the footage and find out
Watch: Father who Managed to Cure His Three Year-old Son from Cancer

Watch: Father who Managed to Cure His Three Year-old Son from Cancer

"I was stunned when doctors said the word 'cancer' in the same breath with the name of my son. The…
MK Yossi Beilin: Judaism is first in my life, before being Israeli

MK Yossi Beilin: Judaism is first in my life, before being Israeli

Says he wants his children to only marry Jews, and hopes that will happen if they remain in Israel.
Conservative Female Rabbi Crosses Lines and Becomes Orthodox

Conservative Female Rabbi Crosses Lines and Becomes Orthodox

In a open article publicized this week, Einat Ramon explains why she abandoned Conservative Judaism and her belief in authentic…
Prophet Nachum’s Shrine at Risk of Collapse

Prophet Nachum’s Shrine at Risk of Collapse

Kurdish forces protecting the shrine warn it could completely fall apart within a few months.
60-Year-Old Gives Birth to Healthy Daughter in Emergency C-Section

60-Year-Old Gives Birth to Healthy Daughter in Emergency C-Section

Her first child after years of fertility treatments and undergoing surgery for a tumor.
How the Palestinians Refer to Israel

How the Palestinians Refer to Israel

The way Palestinians talk about Israel among themselves reveals their intransigence.
All-Star “Jewish” Amar’e Stoudemire Headed for Jerusalem

All-Star “Jewish” Amar’e Stoudemire Headed for Jerusalem

Stoudemire who wears a kipa and keeps kosher, left the world’s best league to finish his career in Jerusalem.
Gaza imam: Vote for Hamas or Face Heresy Charges

Gaza imam: Vote for Hamas or Face Heresy Charges

Only way to atone for a wrong vote in upcoming Palestinian municipal elections is a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Watch: Muslim who Grew up Hating Jews makes an Absolute Turnaround

Watch: Muslim who Grew up Hating Jews makes an Absolute Turnaround

This is the amazing story of a Muslim Arab who grew up with intense hatred of Jews, and was educated…
Arab League Meeting Reveals Disinterest in Palestinians’ Plight

Arab League Meeting Reveals Disinterest in Palestinians’ Plight

The League couldn’t even develop a unified anti-terrorist agenda to fight the terrorism threatening their very existence.
Slavery Still Rife in Arab World

Slavery Still Rife in Arab World

Slavery still exist all over the Arab world including Arab families in Great Britain.
Israel and US Reach Final Aid Deal Tapering Purchases in Israel

Israel and US Reach Final Aid Deal Tapering Purchases in Israel

Israel agreed to Washington’s terms in exchange for increase in aid
Golan Druze leader Poohpoohs UN Complaint About Difficult “Israeli Occupation”

Golan Druze leader Poohpoohs UN Complaint About Difficult “Israeli Occupation”

Mayor of the largest Druze town in the Golan: “I don’t understand what they’re talking about, it’s laughable”.
Member of Saudi Delegation: Israeli Society Wants Peace and Coexistence

Member of Saudi Delegation: Israeli Society Wants Peace and Coexistence

Abd al-Mujid al-Hakim, a member of the Saudi Arabian delegation that recently visited Israel and the Palestinian territories, said that…
Hollywood Star Natalie Portman Incorporates Shabbat in her Life

Hollywood Star Natalie Portman Incorporates Shabbat in her Life

“Shabbat is such a lovely idea; the one day when we can stop time. ”
Technology Then and Now: Images that will Take You Back in Time

Technology Then and Now: Images that will Take You Back in Time

A series of photos that will remind you of the progress of modern technology over recent decades. Do you fail…
Watch: Optical Illusions that will Make your Day

Watch: Optical Illusions that will Make your Day

Animations coming to life and moving paper designs - are just some of the optical illusions you will see in…
Waqf Guards Who Attacked Israeli Archaeologists to Stand Trial

Waqf Guards Who Attacked Israeli Archaeologists to Stand Trial

One of the victims: 'It was almost a lynch. They started punching and kicking. We are still shaken up.'
Old Chair Bought for £5 at Auction Was Stuffed with £5,000 of Diamonds

Old Chair Bought for £5 at Auction Was Stuffed with £5,000 of Diamonds

A couple who bought a worn out chair at an auction 10 years ago for £5 found diamond jewelery worth…
Family of Girl Killed by Terrorists Raising Money for Visitor Center in Her Memory

Family of Girl Killed by Terrorists Raising Money for Visitor Center in Her Memory

Parents of Hallel Ariel are trying to raise NIS 450,000 so people can come to hear the story of Israel,…
PA Cartoon Shows Hook-Nosed Jew Threatening Arabs

PA Cartoon Shows Hook-Nosed Jew Threatening Arabs

Another proof that the Palestinian Authority incites hatred against Jews and uses classic anti-Semitic images, if one was needed.
Israeli Commission’s Plan on How to Stop Discrimination of Ethiopian Israelis

Israeli Commission’s Plan on How to Stop Discrimination of Ethiopian Israelis

Dark-skinned dolls, Ethiopian history lessons, books about children of different cultures and skin colors, hiring Ethiopian teachers, part of the…
The Islamic State Now Calling for Jihadist Attacks in Russia

The Islamic State Now Calling for Jihadist Attacks in Russia

After threatening to hit the US and Europe, ISIS is now setting its sights on Russia, and promises to to…
IDF Arrests Family Members of Terrorist and Driver Who Killed Rabbi Mark

IDF Arrests Family Members of Terrorist and Driver Who Killed Rabbi Mark

Brother of the terrorist and and ten others arrested in the village of Dura.
Watch: First Flight of Israel’s First F-35 Fighter Jet

Watch: First Flight of Israel’s First F-35 Fighter Jet

Israel's first stealth fighter takes its maiden flight in the skies of Israel
Tehilla Mark: “Our Father Always Said That Every Bullet Has Its Address”

Tehilla Mark: “Our Father Always Said That Every Bullet Has Its Address”

“It’s hard, it’s painful, and we’re trying not to break. We get up and fall, cry and dry our tears”
Unusual Marriage Proposal — From Drugs to Flowers

Unusual Marriage Proposal — From Drugs to Flowers

The shocked girl got out with her date, and watched the officers open the trunk
It’s That Easy to Get a Person to Admit to a Murder He Never Did

It’s That Easy to Get a Person to Admit to a Murder He Never Did

Channel 2 News investigation vindicates man convicted for wife’s murder.
New Study: One Hour Exercise Offsets Health Risks of 8-Hours Sitting

New Study: One Hour Exercise Offsets Health Risks of 8-Hours Sitting

60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity seems to eliminate the increased risk of death associated with prolonged sitting, but…
Minister Tzachi Hanegbi: Hundreds of Missing Yemenite Children Were Stolen

Minister Tzachi Hanegbi: Hundreds of Missing Yemenite Children Were Stolen

“We may never know whether the establishment did it or not, but people have begun to understand that it’s no…
Pope Asks G-d To Forgive ‘So Much Cruelty’, in Auschwitz Visit

Pope Asks G-d To Forgive ‘So Much Cruelty’, in Auschwitz Visit

Two hour visit was spent in silence and contemplation, besides a few words exchanged with survivors and rescuers.
Terror Couple Who Planned Attacks in Canadian Parliament Acquitted for “Incompetence”

Terror Couple Who Planned Attacks in Canadian Parliament Acquitted for “Incompetence”

Judge ignored their goals and motivations and instead focused on their being entrapped by police who try to ferret out…
Watch: Joint IDF, US Marines Exercise on Urban and Tunnel Warfare

Watch: Joint IDF, US Marines Exercise on Urban and Tunnel Warfare

The Us troops are practicing for the war against the Islamic State.
Watch a Simulation of Healthy Lungs Functioning as Opposed to Lungs of Smokers

Watch a Simulation of Healthy Lungs Functioning as Opposed to Lungs of Smokers

If the price of cigarettes haven't persuaded you to stop smoking, maybe this clip will succeed
Watch: Skydiver Successfully Lands 25,000 Foot Jump Without Parachute

Watch: Skydiver Successfully Lands 25,000 Foot Jump Without Parachute

A Skydiver has become the first person to jump from a plane into a net on the ground without the…
Watch: Israeli Swat Team Forces Practice Infiltration of Terrorists and Hostages

Watch: Israeli Swat Team Forces Practice Infiltration of Terrorists and Hostages

Israeli swat team forces practiced an exercise of terrorists infiltrating into a settlement, and a hostage situation. The exercise tested…
Another Two Victims of Pokemon Go

Another Two Victims of Pokemon Go

A 15-year-old girl and 35-year-old man the latest victims of the game.
Watch: How a Cat Managed to Jump into the Dog Cage

Watch: How a Cat Managed to Jump into the Dog Cage

The cat in the video did not want to be alone in a cage in the pet store, so he…
Watch Shiite Politician: “Radical Islam is a Bloodthirsty Religion”

Watch Shiite Politician: “Radical Islam is a Bloodthirsty Religion”

Before the era of Isis: Shiite politician explains why Israel became a democratic country, where as they did not. "Radical…
Excavations Uncover Ancient Pottery Factory in Western Galil

Excavations Uncover Ancient Pottery Factory in Western Galil

The unique kiln dated to the Roman period produced storage jars.
Q & A – Wearing New Clothes and Swimming During the Three Weeks

Q & A – Wearing New Clothes and Swimming During the Three Weeks

Explaining the different customs regarding buying new clothes and going swimming during the three weeks.
Narrow Bridge: Watch – Walking on a Narrow Cliff’s Edge

Narrow Bridge: Watch – Walking on a Narrow Cliff’s Edge

The man in the video is doing an extremely dangerous move. Walking on the edge of a narrow mountain, an…
Soldier Drowns in Water Reservoir in West Negev

Soldier Drowns in Water Reservoir in West Negev

Firefighters with special extrication equipment had to pull the youth out
Watch: Palestinian Reveals True Intentions

Watch: Palestinian Reveals True Intentions

Senior Palestinian declares publicly: "We all know that the greater goal, cannot be accomplished in one go". What does he…
Watch: How Did the Dog Break Out of the Cage?

Watch: How Did the Dog Break Out of the Cage?

Do you feel trapped & confined? With a little thought, creativity, prayer and strength, you can easily break out –…
Yes, Elephants Also Know How to Swim

Yes, Elephants Also Know How to Swim

Anyone who thought elephants only go in dry places, this video will surprise him. Watch an elephant swimming in deep…
Argentine Jews Uneasy about Influx of Syrian Refugees

Argentine Jews Uneasy about Influx of Syrian Refugees

Jewish umbrella meets with Argentine security authorities to discuss the need for security guarantees.
Watch out: Tattoos are Hazardous to One’s Health

Watch out: Tattoos are Hazardous to One’s Health

New research by the European Chemicals Agency shows they can cause allergies and possible carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductively toxic effects.
Muslim Sheikh: The Jews were Commanded by G-d to Settle the Land

Muslim Sheikh: The Jews were Commanded by G-d to Settle the Land

Priest Interviews Sheikh Prof. Abdul Hadayi Palazzi, known as the Sheikh Zionist. "The Jewish people, were commanded by G-d to…
Emotional: The exceptional dedication of Gavriel Sasson in memory of his children

Emotional: The exceptional dedication of Gavriel Sasson in memory of his children

Two years after he lost 7 of his children in a fire, Gavriel Sasson dedicated the visitor’s room at King…
“Every Day I Cried to G-d: Get Me Away from My Violent Husband”

“Every Day I Cried to G-d: Get Me Away from My Violent Husband”

“I thought this Arab was the most wonderful person in the world, but after I moved to his village, life…
Israel’s 2,200-year-old Egyptian Mummy to go on Exhibit

Israel’s 2,200-year-old Egyptian Mummy to go on Exhibit

Thanks to Egyptian embalming processes and Jerusalem’s dry climate, the mummy’s bones, teeth and remnants of blood vessels were largely…
Pokemon Will Lead you to the Beit Midrash

Pokemon Will Lead you to the Beit Midrash

A short video encouraging the study of Torah precisely through ... "Pokemon Go". Watch video gone viral
Terrorist who murdered Rabbi Miki Mark of Otniel Killed by IDF

Terrorist who murdered Rabbi Miki Mark of Otniel Killed by IDF

Other three members of his Hamas cell including the terrorist’s brother and cousin were arrested.
Ten Facts About the Three Weeks

Ten Facts About the Three Weeks

During these weeks we keep laws of mourning for the First and Second Temples’ destruction, with the mourning intensifying the…
Attending Religious Services Reduces Risk of Death

Attending Religious Services Reduces Risk of Death

JAMA Internal Medicine publishes new research suggesting frequently attending religious services may be associated with lower mortality among women
Watch: Jews & non-Jews sing and dance at Uganda-Rwanda border

Watch: Jews & non-Jews sing and dance at Uganda-Rwanda border

A group of observant Jews who arrived at the Uganda-Rwanda border broke out into song and dance, singing "Orech yamim…
Dentist Attacked By a Shark: “Felt Like a Truck Hit me on the Face”

Dentist Attacked By a Shark: “Felt Like a Truck Hit me on the Face”

Texas dentist vacationing in the Bahamas was attacked by a shark. "It felt like a truck hit me on the…
Live Streaming -watch Now

Live Streaming -watch Now

Rabbi Daniel Glastein Live from Chazaq Event Brooklyn NY
Religious Woman Wins in Israeli National Lottery, Blesses “Ha’Tov VeHameitiv”

Religious Woman Wins in Israeli National Lottery, Blesses “Ha’Tov VeHameitiv”

Even though her husband had opposed her joining the lottery, she felt it was a legitimate effort towards making a…
Avichay Shanti: “I Want to Raise My Children as Jews”

Avichay Shanti: “I Want to Raise My Children as Jews”

In a open-hearted confession on his Facebook page, Avichay Shanti — an Arab in the process of conversion — expresses…
Watch: What happens when a kangaroo comes to visit?

Watch: What happens when a kangaroo comes to visit?

In countries like Australia, it seems quite acceptable that a kangaroo will pop in for a visit at a family…
Watch: Rivka Malka Tells Her Story

Watch: Rivka Malka Tells Her Story

Watch Rivka Malka tell her fascinating story, how she came closer to Judaism
Religious beatboxers stun crowds on America’s Got Talent

Religious beatboxers stun crowds on America’s Got Talent

Ilan Swartz-Brownstein and Josh Leviton of Manhattan, an Orthodox beatboxing duo have advanced on "America's Got Talent." In their audition…
Ki Tisa: The Double-Edged Sword of Knowledge

Ki Tisa: The Double-Edged Sword of Knowledge

Knowledge can be used to further the cause of mankind, but it can also be used for destructive purposes. Are…
“Donating a Kidney is Like Giving Birth”

“Donating a Kidney is Like Giving Birth”

Chayim Ehrenfeld, a Hidabrut employee, donated a kidney as part of the Matnat Chaim organization. In a special interview, he…
The New English Website – We Are Finally on Air!

The New English Website – We Are Finally on Air!

After a prolonged and elaborate period of preparation, the new Hidabrut Site is finally on air, along with its English…
Morning Prayers: Until When?

Morning Prayers: Until When?

Until what time may one recite the Shacharit prayer?
Laws of Eating Bread at a Meal

Laws of Eating Bread at a Meal

May a person leave the place where he is eating before reciting Grace After Meals? What should one do with…
Most Beautiful Mikve In The World?

Most Beautiful Mikve In The World?

A beautiful Mikve was dedicated this week in Moscow, a hundred years after the Communist regime started closing all Mikvaot…
Tzaddik Pays Electric Bill For Soldier In Need

Tzaddik Pays Electric Bill For Soldier In Need

Some people will not stand by when they see a person in need, but what occurred on a train this…
New Cancer Treatment Produces Amazing Results in Terminal Patients

New Cancer Treatment Produces Amazing Results in Terminal Patients

In a trailblazing new study, doctors used the body's own immune cells to target and destroy cancerous cells in terminally…
Tetzaveh: Improper Use of Company Resources

Tetzaveh: Improper Use of Company Resources

May an employee in a company utilize company resources which were allocated to him for his own personal benefit?
Good Choices Produce Good Results – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Good Choices Produce Good Results – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Sometimes one of our choices in life may be very difficult for us, even though it is the right one.…
Father of the Bride: “She Will Dance At Her Wedding”

Father of the Bride: “She Will Dance At Her Wedding”

A disastrous traffic accident left six people dead (Sunday) after a bus crashed into the back of a tow truck…
Goodwill – Choosing the correct course of action

Goodwill – Choosing the correct course of action

Sometimes a person has the right intentions and purity of heart but this may not be enough to choose the…
Teruma: Accepting Donations From Improper Sources

Teruma: Accepting Donations From Improper Sources

On his final day in office, President Clinton controversially pardoned a prominent Jewish financier and philanthropist who had committed financial…
The Unique Halachot of Adar Rishon (First Adar)

The Unique Halachot of Adar Rishon (First Adar)

Adar Rishon (or Adar Aleph) occurs 7 times every 19 years and there are a number of interesting halachic ramifications…
The Mother-In-Law Daughter-In-Law Connection: Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships

The Mother-In-Law Daughter-In-Law Connection: Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships

Building a relationship between the parents of the groom and the bride, and between the parents of the bride and…
Why Do We Need To Make Leap Years, and Why Adar?

Why Do We Need To Make Leap Years, and Why Adar?

This year, 5779, is a leap year, meaning that there are two months of Adar, Adar Aleph (A) and Adar…
Split Personality – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Split Personality – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Sometimes it seems like we have a split personality, with two opposing forces fighting for our attention. We have to…
The Deeper Meaning Of Adar

The Deeper Meaning Of Adar

From the onset of Adar one should magnify one's joy. What is the meaning of this concept?
Hamas Presents Locally Produced “Tank”, But Is It Genuine?

Hamas Presents Locally Produced “Tank”, But Is It Genuine?

Hamas claimed to have produced a tank in Gaza from one they captured from the IDF. On closer observation the…
Fireman Discovers Relic From Twin Tower Tragedy

Fireman Discovers Relic From Twin Tower Tragedy

A steel remnant from the towers contained a part of the Bible on it…
Reading The Map Correctly – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Reading The Map Correctly – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

When a person reads the map wrongly, he doesn't understand how to respond to various situations. In the end he…
I Told My Husband: “We Have To Adopt A Child With Down’s Syndrome”

I Told My Husband: “We Have To Adopt A Child With Down’s Syndrome”

Chaya and Yisrael Ben-Baruch, more than just being a couple, are truly an inspiring phenomenon. Their story begins in Long…
Ethics in the Parsha-Mishpatim: Trade in humans is strictly forbidden

Ethics in the Parsha-Mishpatim: Trade in humans is strictly forbidden

The Torah permits slavery, but only in a way which maintains the humanity and dignity of the slave. Any trafficking…
Israeli Hiker Discovers Ancient Egyptian Icon at Karnei Chitim

Israeli Hiker Discovers Ancient Egyptian Icon at Karnei Chitim

Karnei Chitim is the site of a historic battle fought between Richard the Lionheart and Saladin over control of the…
Who Discovered Vaccines?

Who Discovered Vaccines?

Louis Pasteur is famous for his discovery of curing different diseases through vaccination. What is less known is the source…
What Exactly Does Bee Honey Contain?

What Exactly Does Bee Honey Contain?

Why should honey from bees be permitted, even though bees are impure creatures? The fascinating answer to this reveals the…
In Order to Achieve Perfection One Must “Recharge”

In Order to Achieve Perfection One Must “Recharge”

If one wishes to achieve perfection he has to be ready for a long, difficult path. He cannot delude himself…
All Is According To the Amount Of Action

All Is According To the Amount Of Action

Dividing one's goal into small parts can enable a person to achieve much more as each small act towards the…
Ethics in the Parsha – Parshat Yitro

Ethics in the Parsha – Parshat Yitro

Yitro gave Moshe advice on how to judge the people, but also offered some educational advice on how people should…
Thinking outside the box – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Thinking outside the box – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Looking for creative solutions to problems and not giving up easily can spell the difference between success and failure.
Oldest Man In The World Is Orthodox Holocaust Survivor From Haifa

Oldest Man In The World Is Orthodox Holocaust Survivor From Haifa

"They Will Still Bear Fruit in Old Age"- Yisrael Kristal is now the oldest man in the world after surviving…
The Way to Perfection

The Way to Perfection

Man extols and dreams of perfection. Yet man must also know his limits ; while striving for perfection, he must…
Women With More Children Age Slower, Live Longer

Women With More Children Age Slower, Live Longer

The more children they bear, the more women are likely to age slower and to live longer, according to recent…
Ethics in the Parshah – Beshalach: Shabbat and Commercial Activity

Ethics in the Parshah – Beshalach: Shabbat and Commercial Activity

Why should economic activity cease on Shabbat? Why can't we go to the mall and have a good time on…
Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

Since one cannot change reality, one must learn to change one's attitude towards whatever challenges life presents.
Belzer Yeshiva student returns large sum of money found at bus stop

Belzer Yeshiva student returns large sum of money found at bus stop

Jerusalem Yeshiva student returned 130,000 shekels which had been left at a bus station.
What does the term “A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey” Refer To?

What does the term “A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey” Refer To?

The Bible describes the land of Israel many times as a "land flowing with milk and honey". What is this…
There are no Shortcuts – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

There are no Shortcuts – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger

In order to achieve one's goals, one must have patience and build a comprehensive plan rather than try and attain…
Daily Halacha: Naming After One Who Died Young

Daily Halacha: Naming After One Who Died Young

Naming for one who died in tragic circumstances may not be a good omen for the child.
Ethics in the Parsha – Parshat Bo

Ethics in the Parsha – Parshat Bo

Can we justify the behavior of the Jewish nation in borrowing valuables from the Egyptians with no intention of returning…
Kids Mega Challah Bake Breaks Records

Kids Mega Challah Bake Breaks Records

Kids from all over New York took part in a record-breaking Challah bake last week.
Does a Human Go Out of Existence When He Dies?

Does a Human Go Out of Existence When He Dies?

The Torah teaches us that there is life after death and even describes in detail what happens to the soul…
The Physiological Stages of the Monthly Cycle

The Physiological Stages of the Monthly Cycle

The secret of the success of a Jewish marriage is to be found in the laws of Family Purity. But…
From Martial Arts to Chasidut: The Story of Dror Pirus

From Martial Arts to Chasidut: The Story of Dror Pirus

Dror Pirus wanted to improve his knowledge of natural forms of healing, but in the end he found the natural…
Ethics in the Parsha – Va’eira: Free Choice in Business

Ethics in the Parsha – Va’eira: Free Choice in Business

Does a person have a choice when he is faced with awkward business dilemmas? What is the right way to…
The Mysterious Lives of Plants

The Mysterious Lives of Plants

Scientists are discovering amazing facts about plants- their ability to feel and sense what humans are doing around them. These…
She Married The Person She Had Been Praying For

She Married The Person She Had Been Praying For

Daniel Falach was seriously wounded in a terror attack just a year ago. Last week he married a girl who…
Proof of Prophecy-Moshiach: When Will Moshiach Come?

Proof of Prophecy-Moshiach: When Will Moshiach Come?

Can we know when Moshiach is coming? Is there a fixed date for his arrival? What can we do to…
Torah and Science – Astronomy: The Heliosphere

Torah and Science – Astronomy: The Heliosphere

Both the number of continents and the atmosphere around the sun arouse questions on the Torah's account as opposed to…
Familiarity With EVERY Kind of Animal in the World!!

Familiarity With EVERY Kind of Animal in the World!!

The Torah delineates four creatures which have just one sign of purity- chewing the cud without having cloven feet. This…
Proof of Prophecy: Revival of the Dead

Proof of Prophecy: Revival of the Dead

What will the revival of the dead look like? Will it affect every Jew or only the righteous? Who will…
Torah and science – Astronomy: the moon’s renewal

Torah and science – Astronomy: the moon’s renewal

In this section we demonstrate how the latest knowledge of astronomy coincides perfectly with that which our Rabbis taught over…
Proof Of Prophecy: Will Christianity and Islam come to fight against Israel?

Proof Of Prophecy: Will Christianity and Islam come to fight against Israel?

How will other religions and nations react to Israel's changed status at the End of Days? The prophets Ovadia and…
Does the Fetus Sense and Hear What is Happening Outside?

Does the Fetus Sense and Hear What is Happening Outside?

Only recently scientists discovered that a fetus senses what goes on in the world, but Chazal knew about this many…
Proof of Prophecy: Jews’ leadership in the the End Of Days

Proof of Prophecy: Jews’ leadership in the the End Of Days

The prophets described in detail the type of leadership which would emerge at the End of Days. Journey to the…
Proof Of Prophecy: When Jews Return to Israel

Proof Of Prophecy: When Jews Return to Israel

Certain prophecies accurately predict the political situation of the Jewish nation at the End Of Days before the advent of…
Proof Of Prophecy: Jewish people’s spiritual state at the time of the Redemption

Proof Of Prophecy: Jewish people’s spiritual state at the time of the Redemption

Certain Prophecies describe the spiritual state of the Jewish people at the End of Days. Only in our times can…
Should One Eat Bread For Melave Malka?

Should One Eat Bread For Melave Malka?

Question: Is one obligated to eat bread on Motza’ei Shabbat for the fourth Shabbat meal which is also referred to…
Proof of Prophecy: When the Jewish people went into exile

Proof of Prophecy: When the Jewish people went into exile

More than 2500 years ago the prophet Daniel accurately predicted the course of history for the next two millennia. This…
Why Is Cancer Less Common In Elephants?

Why Is Cancer Less Common In Elephants?

Scientists were intrigued why elephants, which have more cells than humans, hardly develop cancer. Now they think they have the…
Mengele, I defeated you

Mengele, I defeated you

Chaya Wach managed to survive Auschwitz and the loss of her husband and build a new family. Her grandchildren are…
Watching the Property of Pilgrims to Jerusalem

Watching the Property of Pilgrims to Jerusalem

The Torah’s Author commands all Jewish males: three times in the year, drop your business affairs, your fields, your vineyards,…
Can One Make a Bookmark by Folding a Page on Shabbat?

Can One Make a Bookmark by Folding a Page on Shabbat?

Q. A person was reading a book and wishes to place a bookmark either by scratching with his fingernail or…
Prophecies relating to the Holocaust

Prophecies relating to the Holocaust

The most momentous event of our times was the Holocaust and it is no surprise that the prophets related to…
The Consequences of Counting the People

The Consequences of Counting the People

The Torah forbids counting people directly and also says that this form of counting could cause a plague. This was…
Naso – The Miraculous Punishment of a Suspected Woman (Sotah)

Naso – The Miraculous Punishment of a Suspected Woman (Sotah)

She receives a miraculous punishment if she was guilty, or a miraculous reward if she was wrongfully suspected
The Vatican Legitimates Jewish Religion For First Time

The Vatican Legitimates Jewish Religion For First Time

In an amazing metamorphosis for Christian theologians, the Vatican for the first time recognizes the eternal covenant between G-d and…
Rabbi Zamir Cohen On Tzofiyah: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Was Impressed With The Initiative

Rabbi Zamir Cohen On Tzofiyah: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Was Impressed With The Initiative

After five years of development and adaptation, the new kosher digital converter from Hidabroot has finally been launched. In a…
Proof of Prophecy: The Second Exile

Proof of Prophecy: The Second Exile

In the previous section of "proof of prophecy" we set out the prophecy regarding the First Temple. In this section…
A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year(!) – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year(!) – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Torah contains explicit prophecies regarding the Shmita (sabbatical year). It is amazing to see how accurately these prophecies have…
Vayigash – Yosef’s efforts to maintain economic stability in Egypt

Vayigash – Yosef’s efforts to maintain economic stability in Egypt

The Torah dwells at length on Yosef's economic policy in Egypt during the years of famine. What lesson is it…
Proof of Prophecy: The First Temple

Proof of Prophecy: The First Temple

How can one prove the truth of a prophecy? Rav Zamir sets out in his "Journey to the Truth" the…
At the Last Minute The Cremation Was Averted

At the Last Minute The Cremation Was Averted

Michael Osborne travelled to the island of Negros for medical treatment , but in the end he passed away. Since…
Hanukkah: The Full Story- Part 6 – War of Extermination

Hanukkah: The Full Story- Part 6 – War of Extermination

We all know the story of Hanukkah, the victory of the few over the many, and the miracle of the…
Gerer Chasidic Women Sew With Love

Gerer Chasidic Women Sew With Love

The textile industry in Israel has almost totally collapsed due to cheaper foreign labor. Yet a group of Chasidic women…
Weddings For The Wounded And The Bereaved

Weddings For The Wounded And The Bereaved

Israelis wounded and bereaved by terrorist attacks respond in the best possible way by …setting a date for their weddings.
Coins from the Hasmonean King Alexander Yannai found

Coins from the Hasmonean King Alexander Yannai found

This week a group from the Massa Yisraeli project went digging- and found coins from the Hasmonean king Alexander Yannai
Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 4 – The Translation of the Torah into Greek

Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 4 – The Translation of the Torah into Greek

We all know the story of Hanukkah, the victory of the few over the many, and the miracle of the…
Hanukkah: The Full Story, Part 5 – Antiochus Rises to Power

Hanukkah: The Full Story, Part 5 – Antiochus Rises to Power

We all know the story of Hanukkah, the victory of the few over the many, and the miracle of the…
Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 3 – The Hellenist Culture

Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 3 – The Hellenist Culture

We all know the story of Hanukkah, the victory of the few over the many, and the miracle of the…
Ethics in the parsha – Mikeitz: coping with the famine

Ethics in the parsha – Mikeitz: coping with the famine

Yosef foresaw years of plenty followed by years of famine and also suggested a way of coping with the famine.…
Take Part in this Urgent Mission to Save Jewish Souls

Take Part in this Urgent Mission to Save Jewish Souls

Hidabroot, the world’s largest Jewish television network is joining forces and launching a worldwide initiative with a mission to promote…
“Bnei Anousim” Returning To Their Faith Around The Globe

“Bnei Anousim” Returning To Their Faith Around The Globe

With the help of Shavei Yisrael, an organization founded to help lost Jews return to their people and faith, numerous…
A New Nutrition Alarm: Which New Carcinogenic Foods Were Revealed?

A New Nutrition Alarm: Which New Carcinogenic Foods Were Revealed?

Less than a month ago the world was thrown into tumult over the World Health Organizations recommendation to reduce consumption…
Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 2 – Athens & Sparta

Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 2 – Athens & Sparta

We all know the story of Hanukkah, the victory of the few over the many, and the miracle of the…
Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 1 – What is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah: The Full Story Part 1 – What is Hanukkah?

We all know the story of Hanukkah, the victory of the few over the many, and the miracle of the…
Does The Tension Between Russia And Turkey Presage The Final Redemption?

Does The Tension Between Russia And Turkey Presage The Final Redemption?

Regarding which political situation did the Vilna Gaon say "One should wear Shabbat clothes to greet Mashiach"?
Laws of Hanukkah

Laws of Hanukkah

A Digest of the Laws of Hanukkah
Comunicating with the dead – The truth about séances

Comunicating with the dead – The truth about séances

British researcher, Arthur Findlay:"I know that if thirteen years ago I myself had been asked to believe these strange accounts…
World’s Oldest Street Artist Decorates Her Home Town

World’s Oldest Street Artist Decorates Her Home Town

104-year-old great-grandmother Grace Brett may be the oldest street artist in the world. She recently helped to yarn-bomb her town…
Past-life Regression – Return to the past by means of hypnosis

Past-life Regression – Return to the past by means of hypnosis

Another scientific research on life after death that proves clearly that the true “I” of every person is a spiritual,…
May A Husband Eat From His Wife’s Leftovers?

May A Husband Eat From His Wife’s Leftovers?

If a woman is Niddah may her husband eat her leftovers?
Laws of Shabbat – Part 1: Preparing For Shabbat

Laws of Shabbat – Part 1: Preparing For Shabbat

Proper preparation for Shabbat requires knowledge of many basic Halakhot. Rabbi Yoel Domb provides a basic overview of these halakhot
The Truth About Reincarnation

The Truth About Reincarnation

Belief in reincarnation exists in many traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, the Druse tradition, and more. In many cases, reincarnation is…
Life after life – 3: Return of Souls as if they Were Alive

Life after life – 3: Return of Souls as if they Were Alive

"They told this account to Rabbi Noach, who then went into the room. When he saw the deceased he said…
Life After Life – 4: Ghostly Phenomena

Life After Life – 4: Ghostly Phenomena

Hitchhikers who Vanish or A Dead Man that Comes to Save the Life of a Relative. Ghostly Phenomena!
Life after life – 5: The Appearance of the Dead in a Dream

Life after life – 5: The Appearance of the Dead in a Dream

The family members believe that Rabbi Segel, who had been very careful about the possessions and monies of others, had…
Life after life – 2: Dybbuk – The Spirit of a Dead Person Entering the Body

Life after life – 2: Dybbuk – The Spirit of a Dead Person Entering the Body

Rabbi Shalom concluded by quoting Rabbi Eliyahu: "We can learn from this story the awful power of desire [for evil].…
What Steps Should One Who Wants to Start Observing Judaism Take?

What Steps Should One Who Wants to Start Observing Judaism Take?

What steps are recommended for a person who is interested in observing Judaism? How can one begin the journey without…
8 Year Old Hiker Discovers 2500 Year Old Icon

8 Year Old Hiker Discovers 2500 Year Old Icon

An 8-year- old boy went on a hike last weekend and saw a roundish object which turned out to be…
Torah Revival in Jerusalem’s Old City

Torah Revival in Jerusalem’s Old City

It appeared that the sound of Torah learning almost stopped in the Old City — and suddenly it had returned,…
Dead or alive: The story of Sharon Nachshoni

Dead or alive: The story of Sharon Nachshoni

"I remember that I looked at myself and was embarrassed by what I was wearing. The clothes were spiritual, but…
Life After Life – 1: The Phenomena of Near Death Experiences (NDE)

Life After Life – 1: The Phenomena of Near Death Experiences (NDE)

"Above me was a light that was clearer than anything I had ever seen. Afterwards a form appeared before me…
Knowledge of bee honey contents in the torah

Knowledge of bee honey contents in the torah

Just as the camel eats grass and turns it into milk after it was processed in the camel’s body, and…
Archaeology Salutes the Torah

Archaeology Salutes the Torah

In the last generation, with the burgeoning of archaeological excavations in lands where the people and great figures of the…
The Student Appeared To His Rabbi In a Dream

The Student Appeared To His Rabbi In a Dream

Rav Nissim Yagen O.B.M. told an amazing story about a student who appeared to his Rabbi in a dream after…
Character, Fate, and Free Choice – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Character, Fate, and Free Choice – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Are my fate and personality predetermined in advance, or is my fate in my own hands, my character mine alone…
The Torah’s familiarity with EVERY animal in the world

The Torah’s familiarity with EVERY animal in the world

The Torah reveals one of the secrets of nature. Among the thousands of species of domesti-cated and wild animals in…
Knowledge of fish and marine creatures in the torah

Knowledge of fish and marine creatures in the torah

The Giver of the Torah reveals another law of nature which He created: every fish, or any other water creature,…
Genetics and the Bible – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Genetics and the Bible – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Is it possible that the two most revolutionary laws in genetics discovered in recent generations – Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance…
Genetics and our sages – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Genetics and our sages – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Did You Know, That recently discovered Laws of Genetics were Known and Practiced Thousands of Years ago by our Sages?
Genetic continuity of Cohanim

Genetic continuity of Cohanim

A most Amazing Revelation regarding the Authenticity of Kehunah (Priesthood) Dating back to Biblical Days, Based on Genetic Research
Will Borekas Be Banned?

Will Borekas Be Banned?

Israel's health minister, Yaakov Litzman, is considering banning the use of trans fats in Israel.As a first step he announced…
The bullets hit the seat, not the driver

The bullets hit the seat, not the driver

Chani Apiryon was saved from an armed attack yesterday while she travelled from Beit El to the settlement of Kidah.
The Mezuzah of Armon Hanetziv: A Tour of Jerusalem’s Borderline

The Mezuzah of Armon Hanetziv: A Tour of Jerusalem’s Borderline

How do people cope these days in East Talpiot in Jerusalem, which is located next door to Jabel Mukaber and…
Writing a Torah Scroll and Sewing a Torah Scroll Mantel for a Reform Temple

Writing a Torah Scroll and Sewing a Torah Scroll Mantel for a Reform Temple

May one write a Torah scroll for a Reform congregation, because after all, they are Jews and are obligated in…
Ethics in the Parshah – Vayishlach

Ethics in the Parshah – Vayishlach

A righteous man’s principles are compromised when he has to pay homage to an evil person. However there are times…
Returned From India To Die A Heroine’s Death

Returned From India To Die A Heroine’s Death

Hadar Buchris, just 21 years old, was stabbed to death at the Etzion Junction by an Arab terrorist
Q & A – Can I Smoke Dope?

Q & A – Can I Smoke Dope?

According to Jewish law, is one allowed to smoke drugs?
War at the End of Days – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

War at the End of Days – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Will the nations of the world wage war against the Jewish people before the final redemption? Rabbi Zamir Cohen analyzes…
Resurrection and The Messiah – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Resurrection and The Messiah – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Will Jews from previous generations take part in the era of The Final Redemption? Is the Revival of the Dead…
Pasteurization in the Talmud

Pasteurization in the Talmud

“R. Yochanan said: [Drink] a cupful of witchcraft, but not a cupful of tepid water.” How Did Rabbi Yochanan Know…
Surgical Cleanliness in the Talmud – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Surgical Cleanliness in the Talmud – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Talmud (Baba Metzia 83b) describes an operation performed on Rabbi Elazar, the son of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai: “He…
The Arab Took Out a Knife And I Was Staring Death In The Eye

The Arab Took Out a Knife And I Was Staring Death In The Eye

Amazing miracles are occurring to Am Yisrael in these trying times, whether we hear about them or not: A moving…
Ki Tisa – Watching the Property of Pilgrims to Jerusalem

Ki Tisa – Watching the Property of Pilgrims to Jerusalem

The Torah commands all Jewish males: three times in the year, drop your business affairs, your fields, your vineyards, your…
The Ingathering of the Exiles – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Ingathering of the Exiles – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

What will be the political situation of the Jewish people before the Redemption? Rabbi Zamir Cohen on the ingathering of…
Near Death Experience in the Talmud

Near Death Experience in the Talmud

The Talmud states; for three days after burial, it is still possible for a person to return to life! What…
Life After Death: Death is Not the End – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Life After Death: Death is Not the End – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

“I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that life continues after physical death,”
Shneur Cohen Has “The Gift”

Shneur Cohen Has “The Gift”

Shneur Cohen, a young Chasidic Jew, is the unlikely author of an unlikely book, "The Gift" which spent twenty weeks…
The Zoo Rabbi opens first Biblical Museum of Natural History

The Zoo Rabbi opens first Biblical Museum of Natural History

Natan Slifkin, a Torah zoologist and Rabbi, teaches about animals in the Bible and Talmud through his interactive museum and…
What Side Is Best To Sleep On?

What Side Is Best To Sleep On?

Some scientists suggest that the left side may be the healthiest to sleep on at night. Is this true for…
Aleppo Empty of Jews: the Last Two Jewish Women Rescued and Brought to Israel

Aleppo Empty of Jews: the Last Two Jewish Women Rescued and Brought to Israel

In a secret operation, the last two Jewish women living in Aleppo were smuggled to Israel between bombs and sniper…
Live, Remember and Tell the World

Live, Remember and Tell the World

An indomitable child survivor tells her incredible story of faith through adversity
After 30 Years: Pollard Was Released From Jail

After 30 Years: Pollard Was Released From Jail

Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard was finally released on Friday after 10,956 days in captivity
Kiddush Hashem in Shannon Airport, Ireland

Kiddush Hashem in Shannon Airport, Ireland

Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz meets a Group of US Marines in the Airport, thanks them and sponsors dinner for all of…
Proof Of Prophecy: what counts as a fulfilled prophecy?

Proof Of Prophecy: what counts as a fulfilled prophecy?

A prediction for the future cannot be considered a prophecy, even if it is fulfilled, unless it includes unpredictable and…
Proof of Prophecy: The First Exile

Proof of Prophecy: The First Exile

How long did the first exile last? Did someone predict in advance and guarantee that it would happen? Feel what…
Shmittah – A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year

Shmittah – A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year

No one can possibly predict in advance with any certainty how much the crop will increase in years to come,…
The Ideal Amount of Sleep – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Ideal Amount of Sleep – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

What goes on when we sleep? Is it just a matter of letting our body rest? Prof. Robert Stickgold: "During…
Shabbat – The Seventh Dimension: The Spiritual Within the Physical

Shabbat – The Seventh Dimension: The Spiritual Within the Physical

One of the most cherished mitzvot in the Torah that seems to have a restrictive component is Shabbat. However, a…
Life After Death in This World

Life After Death in This World

The day that the babies were born was the same date that his son and his son's friend were murdered……
The First Recorded Use of Medical Anesthesia

The First Recorded Use of Medical Anesthesia

Is it true, That the first medical anesthesia performed on a patient was about one hundred and fifty years ago?
Stress after Rest: Healthy or Unhealthy?

Stress after Rest: Healthy or Unhealthy?

With having neither the data of the Emergency Medical Service nor the latest statistics from the United States, our Sages…
A Dangerous Awakening – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

A Dangerous Awakening – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Is "jumping out of bed" the right way to start your day?
A Spiritual Quest – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

A Spiritual Quest – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Who does it mean to be a spiritual person? Do I have to abstain completely from all the pleasures of…
The Discovery of Auriculotherapy – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Discovery of Auriculotherapy – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Ears are not just for hearing; Auriculotherapy technique is used for treating various conditions – from muscle and skeletal pain,…
Conflicting Forces vs. Harmonious Duality Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Conflicting Forces vs. Harmonious Duality Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Some people are confounded by the Torah’s prohibitions involving the combination of two entities. Examples of this include cooking and…
The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Colors

The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Colors

Every color represents a good and effective root, provided that the person does not use it in a negative way
The Colors of the Rainbow – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Colors of the Rainbow – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

What message is conveyed through the Colors of the Rainbow?
The Effect of Colors on the Human Psyche – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Effect of Colors on the Human Psyche – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

What color are you particularly drawn to? What does that imply about you? Why is green the color of the…
How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)

How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)

Not only do kosher animals not suffer during ritual slaughter, they do not even experience emotional discomfort before the act,…
Judaism and the Pursuit of Happiness – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Judaism and the Pursuit of Happiness – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Aside from happiness being a basic emotional need, it is also one of the most important principles in Judaism with…
The Mystical Aspect of Colors and the Spheres

The Mystical Aspect of Colors and the Spheres

Jewish mysticism teaches that every color in nature represents a different spiritual root—a root from which that color originates and…
The Humble Man Merits Greatness

The Humble Man Merits Greatness

What are the advantages of acquiring the attribute of humility? A humble person will quickly develop positive traits such as…
Trust in G-d – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Trust in G-d – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

What is trust? Peace of mind of the one who trusts. That one relies in his heart that the One…
Overcoming Anger – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Overcoming Anger – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Relative to all the other difficult traits, anger is by far the hardest to correct. A raging temper distorts the…
The Fetus Sees and Feels – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Fetus Sees and Feels – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Sages had an oral tradition that a fetus has a special sense and knowledge of the world around it.…
Circumcision – The Day When Blood Coagulation Begins

Circumcision – The Day When Blood Coagulation Begins

Dr. Armand James Quick: “It is not a coincidence that the religion of Moses sets its ceremony for circumcision on…
Respect Your Elders – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Respect Your Elders – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Learn about the laws pertaining to the honoring of scholars and the elderly
The World Was Created for Me

The World Was Created for Me

A person who is interested in developing his character must undertake the great spiritual task of recognizing his self-worth
The Laws of Family Purity – The Health Benefits

The Laws of Family Purity – The Health Benefits

This teaching illuminates the Laws of Family Purity from a different direction, emphasizing their contribution to the emotional health of…
The Day from Which the Fetus is considered a Person

The Day from Which the Fetus is considered a Person

Scientists Discover: “We do not know much about the development of the brain of the fetus… until about the fortieth…
The Conception of Twins

The Conception of Twins

Only relatively recently have advanced scanning devices determined that twins are created by virtue of two ovum that descend from…
Honoring Your Fellow Man

Honoring Your Fellow Man

Basic respect is a fundamental human need. As the highest form of creation, the human being feels dejected when embarrassed,…
Spiritual Purity and the Flood

Spiritual Purity and the Flood

There are approximately 120 million sperm in every milliliter of semen and each one has the potential to bring about…
The Secret Life of Plants – Can Plants Hear?

The Secret Life of Plants – Can Plants Hear?

Rabbi Yochanan said that while the voice is good for plants, it can actually damage wine, which improves far better…
Spiritual Wellness – Rule D: Exposure to Nature

Spiritual Wellness – Rule D: Exposure to Nature

Humans were never meant to live inside cubes of cement, or travel inside mobile metal boxes on winding roads of…
The Secret Life of Plants – Plants can communicate!

The Secret Life of Plants – Plants can communicate!

“King Solomon, of blessed memory – to whom God gave both wisdom and knowledge – knew everything in the Torah.…
Spiritual Wellness – Rule B: Preventing Emotional Stress

Spiritual Wellness – Rule B: Preventing Emotional Stress

How can you prevent harmful and unnecessary emotional stress? Rabbi Zamir Cohen focuses on the damage caused by visual media.
The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

The Secret Life of Plants – Do Plants have Feelings?

In 1970, the leading Russian newspaper Pravda announced in an explosive headline: “Plants Speak. Yes, They Shout! Only to Avoid…
Spiritual Wellness – Rule C: Flaws of Society

Spiritual Wellness – Rule C: Flaws of Society

A person who lives with the false premise that he is unwanted by the people he meets and lives with,…
Wellness of the Mind – Introduction

Wellness of the Mind – Introduction

Why are the number of people suffering from mental illnesses these days on the rise?
Spiritual Wellness – Rule A: Understanding Suffering

Spiritual Wellness – Rule A: Understanding Suffering

The main cause of all mental breakdowns is the feeling of powerlessness and inability to cope with prolonged suffering or…
The Lightning Rod – in The Writings of our Sages

The Lightning Rod – in The Writings of our Sages

It is Known to be one of Benjamin Franklin's more Popular Inventions, Is that really True?
The importance of exercise in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The importance of exercise in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Maimonides considers physical exercise to be one of the most important conditions for maintaining a healthy body
Sensitivity Towards Your Fellow Man – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Sensitivity Towards Your Fellow Man – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

It is important to emphasize that while one is taking care of his physical health, he must be careful not…
Hidabroot English Television Network

Hidabroot English Television Network

The Hidabroot world organization has a mission to reach every Jew around the globe
Gedolim Speak

Gedolim Speak

From The Declaration of the Gedolim Regarding The Hidabroot Organization We hereby make a holy declaration in favor of the…
The Weight of Air – in the Talmud

The Weight of Air – in the Talmud

The weight of the air pressing down upon our bodies every second is about 10 tons. Torah Sages living 2,000…
Keeping Healthy – Rule C: Cleansing the Body of Accumulated Toxic Waste

Keeping Healthy – Rule C: Cleansing the Body of Accumulated Toxic Waste

The problem with waste accumulation is not solely in the accumulation itself. The problem lies in the fact that the…
The Importants of Physical Wellness in Judaism

The Importants of Physical Wellness in Judaism

Judaism instructs us to protect our physical health and prolong it by adhering to proper health and environmental standards
Keeping Healthy – Rule A: Ensuring the Quality of Food

Keeping Healthy – Rule A: Ensuring the Quality of Food

Good quality food will renew and regenerate a healthy body, whereas, poor quality food will produce an inferior body
Keeping Healthy – Rule B: Regulating the Amount of Food Intake

Keeping Healthy – Rule B: Regulating the Amount of Food Intake

Contrary to popular belief, eating large amounts of healthy food is not necessarily a good thing. The truth is, that…
Using Radiation to Cut and Cleave

Using Radiation to Cut and Cleave

Thousands of years ago, the Sages knew, from the Torah, of the existence of radiation and its ability to perform…
Seeing Inside Opaque Objects

Seeing Inside Opaque Objects

The Talmud states that the Jewish people used the light from the clouds to examine internal bodily organs; a precursor…
“Train the youth according to his way”

“Train the youth according to his way”

The goal of education is not to change the child’s nature, rather the role of education is to take any…
The Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy – in Ecclesiastes

The Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy – in Ecclesiastes

Although Scientists have come to this Conclusion only Recently (250 years); The Torah Tells us about it Thousands of Years…
The Effects of Sound Waves on Matter

The Effects of Sound Waves on Matter

Does it Really Make a Difference How I Speak to my Flowers?!
Causes for Delayed Marriage

Causes for Delayed Marriage

In our generation, the number of people awaiting marriage is very large relative to the number of those in previous…
Having a Large Family

Having a Large Family

Many couples these days experience doubts when it comes to having more children. They fear that additional children will create…
The Teachings of Our Sages on Marital Harmony

The Teachings of Our Sages on Marital Harmony

"The sages have ordered that a man must honor his wife more than he honors himself and love her as…


Abortion is in other words a helpless murder that takes place in the mother’s womb. In order to silence the…
The Atom and the Soul of the Inanimate

The Atom and the Soul of the Inanimate

Does a Squirrel have a Soul? Does a Tree have a Soul? Does a Chair have a Soul? And What…
Breaking the Routine

Breaking the Routine

What is the purpose of observing the laws of Family Purity? How can you create a sense of renewal in…
The Mother / Daughter-in-law Conflict

The Mother / Daughter-in-law Conflict

One of the most important topics that must be considered, especially during the first years of marriage, is how a…
Meteorites as the Source of Water on Planet Earth

Meteorites as the Source of Water on Planet Earth

Does it Rain from Outer Space!? And What does the Torah have to Say About it?
Is There Life on Other Planets?

Is There Life on Other Planets?

Human beings have always asked the question: Do plants, animal life, or even sophisticated cultures exist on other planets? What…
Gravity and Shape of the Earth

Gravity and Shape of the Earth

Who said the world is round?? The Zohar, written over 2,000 years ago has something to tell us;The entire world…
The Pleiades Star Cluster

The Pleiades Star Cluster

The Talmud was written over 1,500 years ago, far before the invention of the telescope. The visible appearance of Pleiades…
Water Reservoirs in Space

Water Reservoirs in Space

“The upper waters are more abundant than the lower waters.”(Genesis 1:7). In other words, there is water in space! For…
What is Love? by Rabbi Zamir Cohen

What is Love? by Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The definition of love is: A pure desire by the one who loves, that his beloved will experience happiness. When…
The Strength to Cope

The Strength to Cope

We often hear older couples expressing their frustration by saying: “I know it’s all true, I must give in and…
The Number of Stars and Galaxies

The Number of Stars and Galaxies

1,064,340,000,000,000,000 Stars !! And All that was Created for Me?!
The Sun’s Sheath

The Sun’s Sheath

Scientific Information Provided by the Torah: Our Sages Told us about the Sun's Sheath, Thousends of Years before Modern Technology…
The Main Aspect of the Home – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Main Aspect of the Home – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The woman is naturally connected to the inner aspect of the home even if she works outside of it. She…
The Status of a Woman According to Kabbalah

The Status of a Woman According to Kabbalah

According to Kabbalah, the woman corresponds to the tenth Sphere – the Sphere of Malchut (royalty). She receives from the…
Good Tips for a Happy Marriage

Good Tips for a Happy Marriage

Rabbi Zamir Cohen provides practical and vital tips that will strengthen your relationship and make it the most fulfilling it…
A Practical Guide for Husband and Wife – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

A Practical Guide for Husband and Wife – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

In his great work, Mishneh Torah, the Rambam (Maimonides) surprises his readers in that he does not give the same…
The Status of a Woman in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Status of a Woman in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Even from the time that they are born, a male and a female differ from each other.
The Wisdom of a Woman

The Wisdom of a Woman

While men tend to see the big picture, women have a unique ability to discern fine details. For this reason,…
Ki Tetzei – Sending Away The Mother Bird

Ki Tetzei – Sending Away The Mother Bird

One of the mitzvot that may at first glance appear strange may actually contain one of man’s ultimate lessons in…
Vegetarianism and the Consumption of Meat – in Judaism

Vegetarianism and the Consumption of Meat – in Judaism

Many people wonder how the Torah allows the consumption of animal meat. Although it’s been proven that Jewish slaughtering is…
The Secret To A Happy Marriage

The Secret To A Happy Marriage

One of the most painful topics to many people in our generation is the topic of marital discord. In Israel,…
Guarding the Eyes, Guarding the Mind

Guarding the Eyes, Guarding the Mind

A person who escapes temptation by avoiding immodest images and heretical thoughts and ideas is a calm individual, content and…
The Universe Comes Into Being – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Universe Comes Into Being – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Creation, Big Bang, or Was it Always there? All the Answers to the Biggest Question in the World
Physical Beauty in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Physical Beauty in Judaism – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Beauty is an expression of perfection and when a person is awe inspired by beauty, he is essentially awe inspired…
No Working on Shabbat – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

No Working on Shabbat – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

One of the most common questions we hear today is, “why can’t I light a fire on Shabbat? After all,…
The Preservation of Personal Abundance – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

The Preservation of Personal Abundance – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

Even though the ultimate purpose of the mitzvot is to allow man to prosper in the life of eternity, they…
A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Woman

A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Woman

The mitzvah that instructs a married woman to cover her hair seems like an inconceivable restriction to many people. What’s…
A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Man

A Royal Crown – The Head Covering of a Man

Why does a Jewish man cover his head? A person whose head is exposed stunts his spiritual growth, as the…
Shabbat – The Spiritual Within the Physical

Shabbat – The Spiritual Within the Physical

A person who reflects upon the mitzvah of Shabbat from a true perspective will discover that besides for its spiritual…
A Four-Cornered “Bulletproof Vest”

A Four-Cornered “Bulletproof Vest”

One of the areas of Judaism that has sparked much interest among the nations of the world is the special…
Tefillin – Supreme Bindings

Tefillin – Supreme Bindings

Just like an audiovisual device can work through a single antenna that receives waves from the atmosphere transmitting its content…
The Daughter of a King

The Daughter of a King

A Jewish woman must always remember that since she has always been a highly esteemed princess, she cannot allow herself…
Chayei Sarah – Business Ethics

Chayei Sarah – Business Ethics

When a buyer uses pressure tactics to persuade the seller to sell against his will, does this constitute unethical conduct?
‘Torah-Live’ Brings Torah Study to Life

‘Torah-Live’ Brings Torah Study to Life

For some people, failure is only the catalyst for far greater success.
Are Sausages as Dangerous As Cigarettes?

Are Sausages as Dangerous As Cigarettes?

New studies draw a link between meat consumption and various cancers. What does the Torah have to say about eating…
Mediterranean-Style Diet May Prevent Cognitive Decline

Mediterranean-Style Diet May Prevent Cognitive Decline

Recent research supports the hypothesis that different diets may have an effect on cognitive decline in old people.
The Avot – Hashem’s Chariot

The Avot – Hashem’s Chariot

All Jews inherit a deep spiritual connection from the forefathers
Jilted Bride Donates Her Wedding Feast to the Homeless

Jilted Bride Donates Her Wedding Feast to the Homeless

When he groom cancelled the wedding at the last minute, Quinn knew what to do with her wedding feast
Vayera – The Legacy of Sodom

Vayera – The Legacy of Sodom

Was it just the lack of kindness and caring for the needy? or was it something much deeper that brought…
Help! My Teenager is Driving Me Crazy

Help! My Teenager is Driving Me Crazy

How does one deal with a recalcitrant teenager? Does the Torah offer some guidance to parents?
The Humane Treatment of all Living Things

The Humane Treatment of all Living Things

Being Humane could lead to shocking results if its not done in the correct proportion, as the Torah wisely teaches…
At Least

At Least

Saying Thank You Isn't Always as Simple as It Seems, Especially When Regarding G-D .Hakarat Hatov-Gratitude to G-D, What Does…
Lech Lecha Associating with Evil

Lech Lecha Associating with Evil

May one work in a place whose values one does not identify with? A possible answer emerges from this Parsha.
Is There a Remedy for Fears and Bad Dreams?

Is There a Remedy for Fears and Bad Dreams?

Reciting the Shema is an important commandment that involves accepting the Kingdom of Heaven and the yoke of commandments. Reading…
Ten Facts about the Book of Psalms-Tehillim

Ten Facts about the Book of Psalms-Tehillim

What is the meaning of the name of the Book of Psalms? How many people composed the hymns in the…
The Shabbat Project – 2015

The Shabbat Project – 2015

This Saturday the world-wide Shabbat Project takes off once again, millions of Jews all over the world will keep Shabbat,…
“Thanks to My Disadvantage, I Can Now Help People”

“Thanks to My Disadvantage, I Can Now Help People”

Deborah Wakstock had one huge disadvantage — she suffered for years from the label “fatso.” Today she teaches people how…
8 Facts about Cohanim (Priests)

8 Facts about Cohanim (Priests)

Why did Rav Preida merit longevity? Which families are considered families of Cohanim? What does the word "Cohen" mean in…
Translator of R. Zamir Cohen’s books in Russian: “His Classes Lifted My Heart”

Translator of R. Zamir Cohen’s books in Russian: “His Classes Lifted My Heart”

Paulina Ovis is a very busy woman: When not with her children and grandchildren, she devotes her time and skills…
Like it Spicy? You’ll Probably Live Longer

Like it Spicy? You’ll Probably Live Longer

Research shows that people who eat spicy food at least once a week reduce their risk of dying from a…
Female Snake Conceived Without a Male — Surprising?

Female Snake Conceived Without a Male — Surprising?

This case was published in the scientific journal Linnean Society, but our sages recognized the phenomenon already during the time…
Ten Facts about the History of Jerusalem

Ten Facts about the History of Jerusalem

How did Jerusalem get its name? When did Jews begin to settle it? And what happened to the Jewish community…
Abortion – Unnecessary!

Abortion – Unnecessary!

You ask yourself: What's going on here? On the one hand people make a huge effort to bring another child…
25 Years: an Inspiring Interview with a Woman Whose Infertility Came to an End

25 Years: an Inspiring Interview with a Woman Whose Infertility Came to an End

To wait for a child for 25 years, to undergo treatments and see your friends marry off their children, doesn’t…
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, of Blessed Memory, Told her in a Dream: “Within 20 Days You’ll Be Pregnant”

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, of Blessed Memory, Told her in a Dream: “Within 20 Days You’ll Be Pregnant”

The righteous are greater after their passing than during their lifetime: she prayed at the tomb of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef,…
Good News for Pregnant Women — a Breakthrough in the Diagnosis of the Fetal Head

Good News for Pregnant Women — a Breakthrough in the Diagnosis of the Fetal Head

The Emek Hospital in Afula recently developed a first of its kind curve particularly adapted to the Israeli public. The…
Watch: The Life and Times of Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef OBM

Watch: The Life and Times of Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef OBM

This movie describes in detail the extraordinary accomplishments of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the foremost Sephardic Rabbi of his time. Rabbi…
A Gift Instead of Abortion, Happy Birthday to Mika

A Gift Instead of Abortion, Happy Birthday to Mika

Tehilla was only 22, and was very worried about continuing her pregnancy, but with the help of her supportive family,…
Abortion is an Empowering Experience? Just the Opposite

Abortion is an Empowering Experience? Just the Opposite

Abortion is an experience of loss and emptiness, a form of death that occurs in the body of the woman.…
One Moment Before You Decide …

One Moment Before You Decide …

Ultimately the decision of whether to have an abortion is yours, so be aware of the moral, humane, Jewish legal…
Abortion: Jewish Legal and Scientific Considerations

Abortion: Jewish Legal and Scientific Considerations

Why abortion is called "bereavement" by Jewish law, and what the holy Zohar says about that * What medical, physical…
Australia: Dead Baby Comes “Back to Life” After Mother Touches It

Australia: Dead Baby Comes “Back to Life” After Mother Touches It

Amazing: a resident of Australia who gave birth to twins was informed that one of them did not survive and…
Vered Appeals Emotionally: Do Not Do Abortions!

Vered Appeals Emotionally: Do Not Do Abortions!

I want to tell my personal case, so no one else should go through the suffering I went through
How the IMA Anti-Abortion Department is Saving Lives

How the IMA Anti-Abortion Department is Saving Lives

Hidabroot’s departments to prevent assimilation and abortion are working day and night. Two different goals with the same purpose: to…
Swaying at the Kotel

Swaying at the Kotel

“There are Hearts and there are Hearts; there are Human Hearts and Hearts of Stone. There are Stones and there…
The Lost Daughter of Ethiopia

The Lost Daughter of Ethiopia

An Email leads to a Family’s Reunion with a Daughter Long Thought Dead
“There are Now Hundreds of Ethiopian Torah scholars” — An Interview with Three Ethiopian Rabbis

“There are Now Hundreds of Ethiopian Torah scholars” — An Interview with Three Ethiopian Rabbis

Three Ethiopian rabbis — Rabbi Mazor Baheine, Rabbi Eliezer Mengesha and Rabbi Reuven Wabeshet — discuss how their community is…
Palestinian Marranos?

Palestinian Marranos?

Jews who live in Hidding in This Day and Age Not in Some Far Off Country, Here in Israel
“Everyone Deserves A Chance To Improve”- The Work Of A College Rabbi at Hermon Prison

“Everyone Deserves A Chance To Improve”- The Work Of A College Rabbi at Hermon Prison

At the Hermon rehabilitative correctional facility, the goal is to give the prisoners their life back again. The prisoners in…
Sukkot 101

Sukkot 101

Everything you wanted to Know about the Holiday of Sukkot
Kiryat Shmona- A Bastion of Football and Faith

Kiryat Shmona- A Bastion of Football and Faith

Shabbat and A Sport Career, Do they Have to Contadict?
In The Merit of Keeping Shabbat

In The Merit of Keeping Shabbat

At the Clintch of a Big Real Estate sale, a Jewish Buisness Man is Faced with a Dilema; Shabbat or…
Isn’t It Preferable Not To Benefit From This World?

Isn’t It Preferable Not To Benefit From This World?

Is it true that if a person benefits from this world, it is deducted from his merits?
Why Do We Blow 100 Blasts of the Shofar?

Why Do We Blow 100 Blasts of the Shofar?

Everything you Wanted to Know about Shofar Blowing on Rosh Hshanah
Why Are There Laws Of Slaves in the Torah?

Why Are There Laws Of Slaves in the Torah?

Many verses in the Torah emphasize the fact that we were slaves in Egypt, and therefore we must act in…
A Story For Shabbat: Not Divine Inspiration

A Story For Shabbat: Not Divine Inspiration

The little girl stammered that her mother had sent her to check whether the chicken was kosher. The Rav beckoned…
Ten Days Of Repentance 101

Ten Days Of Repentance 101

Everything you Want to know about the Ten Days of Repentance
Ten Things You May Not Know About Havdalah

Ten Things You May Not Know About Havdalah

Havdalah is the ceremony marking the conclusion of Shabbat (or of Yom Tov or Yom Kippur) and the transition to…
Has The Nazi Treasure Train Been Found?

Has The Nazi Treasure Train Been Found?

Polish sources report that they may soon succeed in recovering the Nazi treasure train which disappeared at the end of…
Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana

Reasons for Rosh Hashana Customs
Rosh Hashana 101

Rosh Hashana 101

Everything you Wanted to know about Rosh Hashana
Amazing End to Story of Apostate Who Spoke With The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Amazing End to Story of Apostate Who Spoke With The Lubavitcher Rebbe

One of the most famous clips from the dollar distribution of the Lubavitcher Rebbe showed an apostate Jew trying to…
Spontaneous Public Protest At The Sharona Market, Tel Aviv: “He Has A Right To Keep Shabbat”

Spontaneous Public Protest At The Sharona Market, Tel Aviv: “He Has A Right To Keep Shabbat”

Hundreds of people came to the Henri's branch at Sharona Market to protest the fine the owner received for closing…
The Woman In a Veil Screamed: I’m Jewish, Save me

The Woman In a Veil Screamed: I’m Jewish, Save me

A South American Jewish community was the backdrop for a dramatic smuggling operation of a woman married to a Muslim
10 Proofs That G-d Loves You Despite Giving You Tribulations

10 Proofs That G-d Loves You Despite Giving You Tribulations

"If there is a good and loving G-d, then why is there suffering in the world?" Some have used this…
Elul: Forgiveness – Rabbi Daniel Gefen

Elul: Forgiveness – Rabbi Daniel Gefen

Even if one is aware of his transgressions, he will not regret them if he does not know the full…
Watch: Bird Whisperer

Watch: Bird Whisperer

You won't believe what this man is able to do with a plastic bag
A Mission from the Heavenly Court

A Mission from the Heavenly Court

Alon Anava never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would be called to the Heavenly court and would undergo…
From the Church to the Synagogue

From the Church to the Synagogue

The story of Rabbi Yehuda Peretz, who grew up as a Christian and was about to become a priest, until…
A Druze Woman Who Converted to Judaism: I am a Jew, I am the Daughter of a King

A Druze Woman Who Converted to Judaism: I am a Jew, I am the Daughter of a King

S., a young Druze woman who officially joined the Jewish people, admits: "Judaism is the true religion. I converted, I…
No Longer Wrapped in Silence: Mom, I Now Can Hear You!

No Longer Wrapped in Silence: Mom, I Now Can Hear You!

Sweet Ayalah was a year and her baby brother Benjamin both underwent a cochlear implant to allow them to hear.…
A Gift of a Kidney: “I Thought That Only Women Can Bring Life to the World”

A Gift of a Kidney: “I Thought That Only Women Can Bring Life to the World”

What brings a healthy man, age 35, married and father of six, to put himself into a surgical bed and…
Listen to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt”l Sing in his Youth

Listen to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt”l Sing in his Youth

Rare video of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, of blessed memory, singing with his amazing voice
“I Gave Up Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to Learn Torah”

“I Gave Up Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to Learn Torah”

What made a successful businessman abandon the race for money and turn into a yeshiva student? Yair Pardun was on…
Dazzling Proof: A Torah Scroll Parchment Served as the Wrapping for the Nazi Officer’s Certificate

Dazzling Proof: A Torah Scroll Parchment Served as the Wrapping for the Nazi Officer’s Certificate

More than 60 years ago, a Nazi officer entered a synagogue in Lithuania, and nonchalantly ripped a piece from an…
Children’s Involvement in Running the Home

Children’s Involvement in Running the Home

Our job as parents is to give our children the skills necessary to become self-sufficient. Running a home is a…
“I’m Funny And I Know it…”

“I’m Funny And I Know it…”

The child is afraid to ride a bike? After this video, we're sure he will not be scared anymore. Amusing
Funnier Than You Imagine

Funnier Than You Imagine

Mmm ... interesting. Who are you waiting with open arms, an adorable baby girl?
Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…
A Shared Language in Marriage

A Shared Language in Marriage

In the beginning of a marriage communication is vitally important. The beginning is as long as the beginning lasts —…
Educating Our Young: Creating Harmony in the Home

Educating Our Young: Creating Harmony in the Home

How parents relate to each other has a significant effect on how their children relate to one another and, later,…
The Jewish View of Happiness

The Jewish View of Happiness

What is the path that leads to happiness in a world of ordeals? Are we meant to strive for happiness?…
How to Deal with Depression

How to Deal with Depression

Depression is one of the major problems of our age. What is the cause of depression? What is the cure…
What’s All the Fuss About? it’s Only Trees

What’s All the Fuss About? it’s Only Trees

You will not believe what kind of "situations" these trees managed to reach. Of one thing we are certain: the…
Speaking Negatively for a Benefit

Speaking Negatively for a Benefit

May one speak gossip in order to end a dispute? Is it permissible to speak negatively in order to save…
Watch: Chameleon Changes Color – the Wonders of Creation

Watch: Chameleon Changes Color – the Wonders of Creation

Look Who Created All These: How could it be that one created with so much 'wisdom' and' 'creativity'? After you…
Dads Dream Job – Daily Dose of Humor

Dads Dream Job – Daily Dose of Humor

Get this daily ration of 'oxygen', that will upload a big smile on your face. Enjoy
Watch:This is How You Color Napkins

Watch:This is How You Color Napkins

An interesting experiment with cups, napkins and colored water. Do not miss
Tisha B’Av – Projection and Baseless Hatred

Tisha B’Av – Projection and Baseless Hatred

We must allow ourselves to step out of our own emotions and think objectively what it must be like from…
Why We Cry Over the Destruction of the Temple

Why We Cry Over the Destruction of the Temple

Why do the Jewish People continue mourning the destruction of the Temple for almost two millennia, while the nations of…
Meeting Good People on the Road

Meeting Good People on the Road

A flat tire three hours before Shabbat — and the couple have to make their way from Bnei Brak to…
The Coordinator Warned: That Thing on Your Head May Ruin the Whole Transaction!

The Coordinator Warned: That Thing on Your Head May Ruin the Whole Transaction!

The coordinator pressed him, "Have pity on yourself! Your insistence may ruin the whole transaction!" He appealed to his honor…
Why a Jew Wept Profusely at the Western Wall

Why a Jew Wept Profusely at the Western Wall

They approached the sound, and saw a 55-year old Jew leaning on the stones, crying profusely. His cries shook up…
Dinosaur Eggs Prove: Dinosaurs Could Not Have Lived Millions of Years Ago

Dinosaur Eggs Prove: Dinosaurs Could Not Have Lived Millions of Years Ago

For the first time, a team of researchers was able to discover the original color of fossilized dinosaur eggs. This…
Galit Burg Presents: From the “King’s Way” to the Creator’s Way

Galit Burg Presents: From the “King’s Way” to the Creator’s Way

The singer Galit Burg underwent a difficult transition. From participating in the Eurovision competition to her mother’s passing, to moving…
It Really Happened: Miracles in Cyprus

It Really Happened: Miracles in Cyprus

A break-in to a yeshiva left it penniless, and without money to buy food even for the guys in the…
What Will the World Look Like During the Messianic Era?

What Will the World Look Like During the Messianic Era?

In our liturgy and Grace over Meals, we mention many times the phrase "messianic era": "May it be His Will……
The Patients Who Survived Their Prognosis

The Patients Who Survived Their Prognosis

Prof. Moshe Frenkel, a Clinical Associate at the University of Texas, and chairman of the Israeli Society for Complementary Medicine,…
G-d’s Kindness: the Operation was a Success and the Siamese Twins Were Separated

G-d’s Kindness: the Operation was a Success and the Siamese Twins Were Separated

China, April 2015: Siamese twins who were born attached to the hips, were separated successfully by a surgery that utilized…
The Orphan Girl Who Let G-d Lovingly Lead Her to Him

The Orphan Girl Who Let G-d Lovingly Lead Her to Him

When she was seven years old her mother died and she reluctantly became the mother of the family. In ninth…
10 Facts About Shatnez – Mixture of Wool and Linen

10 Facts About Shatnez – Mixture of Wool and Linen

What is the reason for the prohibition of Shatnez? What is the source of the name? What is the obstacle…
Jacob asks: “My friend became religious and can’t find a job. What can I tell him?”

Jacob asks: “My friend became religious and can’t find a job. What can I tell him?”

What can one say to one who repented and became religious, and prays for a livelihood but is not answered?…
Yaniv Asks: “Did The First Man Have A Navel?”

Yaniv Asks: “Did The First Man Have A Navel?”

Did the first man have a navel? And why do men have nipples if they can not nurse? A scientific…
The Nun Who Learned About Keeping Shabbat

The Nun Who Learned About Keeping Shabbat

What does a religious family do who discovers that their refrigerator is disconnected on Friday night? The Kisus family did…
On the Verge of Death: “I Knew It Was the Last Call to Enter the Train”

On the Verge of Death: “I Knew It Was the Last Call to Enter the Train”

Limor Tabibi’s operation led to a series of medical complications — until she had a clinical death experience. Until today,…
Unbelievable: Where Do All The Carrots Go?

Unbelievable: Where Do All The Carrots Go?

Amusing: Hamster puts entire carrots in his mouth, one after another. Where he stores all of them, that is the…
Questions and Answers about Noah and the Flood

Questions and Answers about Noah and the Flood

Is there any scientific evidence of Noah's flood? How were millions of species able to enter the ark? And what…
Why is the Bermuda Triangle Special?

Why is the Bermuda Triangle Special?

Hagit asks: "No one knows why everyone who has gone through Bermuda Triangle has disappeared without a trace. What does…
Just Think Positive

Just Think Positive

Physical entities come and go, but the spirit remains always. Be positive and focus on what you have, not what…
Why Fast on the 17th of Tammuz?

Why Fast on the 17th of Tammuz?

What is the purpose of the fast on the Seventeenth of Tammuz? Learn how this fast day will help us…
Why We Shouldn’t Celebrate ‘Marriage Equality’

Why We Shouldn’t Celebrate ‘Marriage Equality’

The decision of the US Supreme Court that same-sex couples are entitled to marry is no cause for celebration
Labels, Washing Instructions and Other Vegetables

Labels, Washing Instructions and Other Vegetables

It is unclear how much these are real labels, but there is no doubt that the information they portray is…
Watch: Water Balloon Exploding in Slow Motion

Watch: Water Balloon Exploding in Slow Motion

Curious to know how a water balloon explodes in slow motion? Watch the video and find out. Beautiful
Funny Pictures That Will Make Your Day

Funny Pictures That Will Make Your Day

They say that laughter is beneficial to health, and this is not a cliché. That's exactly why we're here, isn't…
Lego Blocks – More Sophisticated Than You Can Imagine

Lego Blocks – More Sophisticated Than You Can Imagine

How many things can be built from the tiny pieces of the 'lego' game, why bake the LEGO pieces before…
Taking Precautions

Taking Precautions

Should one take precautions when hearing gossip, in case the information is true? Is it permissible to accept gossip if…
Indirect Gossip

Indirect Gossip

What is considered indirect gossip? Learn about common forms of indirect gossip that come up daily
The Power of Togetherness

The Power of Togetherness

With unity, all things are possible
Media Gossip

Media Gossip

May one sell newspapers that contain gossip? Is it permissible to talk gossip in a joking manner?
Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives

Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives

Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?
Talking Positively about the Land of Israel

Talking Positively about the Land of Israel

Laws regarding speaking negatively about those who have passed away, about the Land of Israel and other peoples possessions
Sick and tired

Sick and tired

Why I prefer to self-diagnose
Hand in hand

Hand in hand

The memory of my father’s touch accompanies me still
How Serious is Gossiping?

How Serious is Gossiping?

Is it permissible to speak gossip in order to save one's job?
Belated delivery

Belated delivery

The man was horrified as the memory came flooding back and he realized that he had never fulfilled his promise
A Double Life?

A Double Life?

A wife thinks she has uncovered the truth about her husband
Dear matchmaker

Dear matchmaker

Help! I’m in the middle of acting as shadchan for a boy and girl who have so far gone out…
Rethreading the loom

Rethreading the loom

While most of her family let go of the threads, my mother held on with a vengeance
My cup runs over

My cup runs over

An encounter on the street creates a purpose for my notebook
Who Am I?

Who Am I?

"A name captures the essence of a person and in a sense becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy". Rebbetzin FeigeTwerski
The confession

The confession

His secret had been festering for over a decade
Affairs of the heart

Affairs of the heart

Against all expectations, my daughter came back from the brink of death
Every bit as evil

Every bit as evil

A researcher uncovers the shocking extent to which german women played a role in the holocaust and how they got…
Movers, shakers, breakers

Movers, shakers, breakers

The insanity of a boxathon and how you can survive it
Comfortable shoes

Comfortable shoes

The woman’s pointed stare made me want to flee
More than just the clothes

More than just the clothes

The poritz was terribly distressed about his son’s irresponsible behavior
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