Be’er Sheva Demonstrates Backbone Against Radical Leftist Organizations

The radical left-wing organizations that infest Israel and are funded by Europe and the U.S. to undermine Israel are not an inevitable pestilence that must be tolerated with forbearance. At least that is the message of Be’er Sheva city councilman Shimon Tobol who has made it his goal to fight against organizations like Breaking the Silence, Doctors for Human Rights and Machsom Watch. These groups have lately been holding meetings in his town.

Tobol says that their arrival to Be’er Sheva is gall of the highest order. “Be’er Sheva took the most hits from missiles [from Gaza]; yet left-wing groups come here in the name of human rights and concern for the Palestinian population — while children are still wetting the bed and elders are startled by every loud noise because it reminds them of a rocket alert — and tell IDF soldiers that they are war criminals.
“To come here and talk about [army service] refusal or Palestinian rights is unbelievable. I am proud to fight for revenge against terrorists and, as long as those organizations are in Be’er Sheva, I will fight them and their lives will be difficult.”

Tobol induced the city’s mayor to withdraw his support for an army refusal event that took place in a public shelter in Be’er Sheva. The organization continued the event at their own expense but Tobol says he hopes next time to prevent them from holding any event in a municipal building, regardless of who pays for it. 

We look forward to the day when rather than cutting their funds, Israel will put these subversive groups outside of the law and prosecute them for their treasonous activities.


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