Bill Gates’ Future Smart City

Bill Gate’s newest venture is Belmont, the city of the future. It’s planned to be a ‘smart city’ having all the latest technologies, the most outstanding one is the driverless cars infrastructure built into it.

Bill Gates already invested $80 million in this venture through a company he calls Belmont Partners in purchasing and planning the new town. The company announced that the planning is “with our thoughts looking forward”. The town will be about 6200 acres about 1000 of it devoted to offices and businesses 120 acres for schools and community buildings. The balance will be residential.

“Belmont will create an advanced community with infrastructure that adapts the newest technologies related to digital networks, data centers, manufacturing technologies, distribution models, autonomous cars and autonomous logistic centers,” says the Belmont Partners announcement.

Arizona for years is trying to become the new ‘silicon valley’ in the southwest. They want to be an incubator of innovation and a place that will attract hi-tech companies to come to. Arizona removed a lot of red tape and regulations to remove the legal barriers and facilitate the driverless car systems and Bill Gates investing there is a big push in the right direction.

Details about the city and when this ambitious project will get underway have yet to be announced, but Bill Gates doesn’t like to let things wait.

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