General Michael Flynn has stepped down from being Donald Trump’s national security adviser. This came after weeks of criticism over his links to Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyev before Trump became president. This contact violates the law as Flynn was a private citizen at the time that was prohibited from mixing into government policies. The discussions he was not supposed to have pertained to the sanctions President Barack Obama imposed after US agencies concluded that Moscow interfered in the US election campaign.
These phone conversations were intercepted and transcribed showing that Flynn as part of Trump’s transition team discussed the sanctions ahead of Trump’s inauguration with Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyev. Flynn was not yet national security adviser.
Former Attorney General Sally Yates warned the White House before she was fired for going against Trump’s Traveler’s Law, that Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail.
Around 11pm Washington DC time, Flynn resigned. In his resignation letter, he wrote:
“Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the vice-president-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador. I have sincerely apologized to the president and the vice president, and they have accepted my apology… I am tendering my resignation, honored to have served our nation and the American people in such a distinguished way… I know with the strong leadership of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and the superb team they are assembling, this team will go down in history as one of the greatest presidencies in U.S. history, and I firmly believe the American people will be well served as they all work together to help Make America Great Again.”
Michael T. Flynn, LTG (Ret)
Assistant to the President / National Security Advisor
Flynn was head of the Defense intelligence Agency and was one of trump’s first supporters and he called for strengthening U.S.- Russian relations. Retired Lt Gen Joseph Keith Kellogg has been appointed temporary acting national security adviser and retired General David Petraeus is being considered to fill the post.