Franco A, (whose name is not yet publicized) a Neo-Nazi who is a German Army officer found a creative way to battle his government’s overly liberal policy of taking in Syrian refugees. He assumed the identity of a Syrian refugee. His plan was to carry out a major terrorist attack and blame the refugees for it. This would delegitimize the refugees and bring great opposition to keeping the refugees or accepting more.
The 28 year old officer was arrested a short time before carrying out his intentions in the town of Himmelburg. He was questioned and admitted his intentions. This past February he was arrested by the Austrian Police for smuggling illegal weapons into Germany but was released for lack of proof against him.
Franco A. explained in his Neo-Nazi ideas in his college thesis why these immigrants and refugees are responsible for the Genocide taking place in Western Europe.
German media is full of discussions about this since this is the first time such a senior officer was arrested for such serious charges. There are those who claim that the German army encourages officers with extreme right views to openly speak their mind even if their words are based on a Neo-Nazi outlook.
Many blame the higher political echelons for the intolerable ease the government can be fooled by anyone who wants to get a false identity.
Everyone understands the problem with this: If an ‘innocent’ German citizen can get a fake identity, what holds an enemy back from getting a false identity, entering the country and carrying out huge terror attacks?