The Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) announced that Mosul is surrounded by Iraqi led forces. This announcement was also given by the Iraqi Joint Operations Command. This took a month to do and since November 3rd, Iraqi forces are fighting street by street battles to retake Mosul from ISIS.
This marks the tightest ring the Iraqi forces ever had around Mosul and it is cutting off supplies to ISIS. Until now ISIS had been able to send supplies from Raqqa in Syria to Mosul using the Raqqa/Mosul route where explosives, fighters and suicide squads would pass through freely. But now the PMU announced that this route has been closed down.
The Iraqi led coalition, more than 100,000 strong, still has much work ahead to clear ISIS out of its last strong hold. The press has inquired about military casualties, but the Iraqi military said such information will only be available after the operation is over.