Don’t Become the Next Victim of Human Trafficking

Many of us hit financial hardship at one point or another. But the lowest people possible found a way to take advantage of that. The Police in the US warn people not to respond to signs and advertisements of making money abroad which can be a one way ticket to ending up sold as a slave by human traffickers.

Danielle Thompson a young woman from Kansas posted on Facebook warning young women and girls not to fall prey to this. Seemingly innocent signs which have similar messages of making money abroad at first glance don’t disclose their sinister motive, but if you think just a bit you’ll figure it out.
‘These ads invite people to make money in a way too easy to make sense,’ writes Thompson in her post. ‘I understand that you need money at this time and are prepared to do almost anything for it. But think about this for a moment. Doesn’t it seem strange that someone would send you traveling around the world at his expense and then you’ll still make money too?’

‘Human traffic is not a joke, it happens in our country (US) daily and thousands of young men and women fell in their trap. These signs are but one way for these swindlers to trap innocent people like young boys and girls in their trap and I don’t want to think about where these young people will end up.’

Police posted about the danger waiting in ambush for youth that respond to these ads and ask the public not to call the phone numbers on these ads or respond to these ads at all. ‘You must be very careful and make red flags for yourselves; this would definitely be one of them. Since the summer kidnappings have increased drastically and our responders reported taking no less than 150 calls of people that called these numbers.’ (Note: these numbers were accurate for the beginning of summer and may now be far worse.)

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