90% of Israelis Use Their Smartphones 7.4 Hours a Day

Mastercard’s new global index interviewed 23,000 users all over Europe, the Middle East and Africa concerning the degree of the digital revolution’s penetration to their countries. 

This is some of their findings about Israelis:

* 90% of Israelis Use Their Smartphones 7.4 Hours a Day

* 84% of Israel spend about 4.5 hours on their laptops

* 53% uses tablets two hours a day.

* 91% are sure that digital services will become widespread and available in more areas which will require more advanced security, speed and ease of payments.

* 65% said they would be willing to make payments through a smartphone, 24% through a tablet, 14% through a smartwatch.

* To make payments, 33% would rather have  biometric identification through a fingerprint , 31% preferred a number code (PIN), 29% preferred a code they received by SMS, and 6% by taking a “selfie” picture. Nevertheless, only 9% of Israelis use a biometric identification when making payments.

Most of those interviewed in the poll said they would prefer a smartphone to make payments over credit cards.


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