How can I know what verdict I got this Simchat Torah?
A person’s verdict will be signed down for him either on Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur or Hoshana Rabbah.
We have no way of knowing what we will be signed down for. It only depends on you and the degree that you study Torah and keep its commandments and do good deeds, and pray from the depths of your heart to G-d to give you a good decree.
Wishing you a final signature for the good!
Hillel Meyers
When is the Year’s Judgment Finally Signed?
Hello Rabbi. Is it true that until Hoshana Rabbah/ Simchat Torah the king is still “in the field” and one can change the decree signed on Yom Kippur?
You’re 100% right.
Best regards,
Binyamin Shmueli
What is Simchat Torah All About?
It is known that the Jewish people went out of Egypt during the month of Nissan. I read in some place (I think in your website) that the Jewish people accepted the Torah three months after they left Egypt. So why do we celebrate Shavuot only two months after Passover? Also, if we received the Torah on Shavuot, so what is Simchat Torah all about? Please bring some order to my confusion. Wishing you a happy holiday.
What you wrote at the beginning is a mistake. The universally acknowledged time when the Torah was given is the holiday of Shavuot.
Afterwards Moses went up to heaven and after 40 days, he brought down the Two Tablets. But because of the sin of the Golden Calf, he broke them and didn’t give them to the Jewish people. After that he went up another 40 days and received G-d’s pardon for the Jewish people. Then he went down and afterwards went up a third time for another 40 days. On Yom Kippur he returned with the second Tablets. These are the Tablets that remained with the Jews thereafter.
Simchat Torah is a festival ordained by the rabbis in honor of concluding the reading of the entire Torah throughout the previous year. Every Shabbat, another section is read in the synagogue until the entire Torah is finished right before Sukkot. The last section (Zot Bracha) and the beginning of the first section (Breishit) is read on Simchat Torah.
Have a happy holiday.
Are Girls Dancing in the Synagogue on Simchat Torah Unbecoming of a Holy Place?
Hello Rabbi. On Simchat Torah a couple of us girls were dancing in the women’s gallery in honor of G-d, and in the middle, we also laughed and had a good time. Afterwards I felt that maybe our dancing was a little too frivolous. Is it OK to dance in a synagogue? Or maybe it is a holy place and one has to approach this place with reverence?
The dancing was in honor of the Torah so there is no problem at all.
Best regards,
Binyamin Shmueli
Women Dancing With a Torah Scroll
Is it permitted for single or married women (whether modest or not) to hold a Torah scroll and dance with it at a Torah Scroll dedication ceremony or on Simchat Torah?
Never, ever is a woman allowed to dance in front of men no matter what the event is.
Best regards,
Binyamin Shmueli