Evolution- What are the Odds?

What are the odds of a DNA molecule being created randomly of its own accord? To even understand the question you need an introduction.  A DNA molecule is a giant chemical combination that is built from a very long chain of smaller building blocks called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of a sugar residue, a group of phosphates, and a nitrogen base that all change according to the nucleotide. Each nucleotide is a “letter” in the chain. This chain is the material of which genes are composed and the sequence of the chain is what makes up the genetic code.

This genetic code gets decoded and translated into amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins These amino acids are necessary for building the cells of living beings, cell function and replication. This code which is a fraction of a millimeter long lives in the middle of every living cell and without which the cell couldn’t live. The translation and carrying out of the instructions encoded in the DNA is an exact, delicate and complex process which also involves RNA and many other ingredients and processes.

We won’t discuss these processes today we will just examine the statistical possibility of the spontaneous creation of pairs of “letters” together with each other or next to each other that would make a meaningful code which would create the proteins necessary to build cells and oversee the cell function including replication.

Researchers estimate that there are between 3.5 to 6 billion possible pairs of “letters”. For comparison sake an encyclopedia has 1.2 million letters.  Sometimes the smallest change in one letter out of a billion can ruin the code and cause the proteins to be constructed in a faulty manner and cause poor cell function.

Let’s estimate the statistical possibility of getting a sensible page of an encyclopedia with the following method: take a box of letters and mix them up and pour them out one letter at a time and line them up one after the other until you have a full page. You don’t have to be a math genius to conclude that a 2,000 letter page created in this fashion would have no chance of containing anything sensible.

Now, continuing in the same manner, what are the chances of making a 600 page encyclopedia that would make any sense at all? How about making an 800 book set of such books making an encyclopedia?  This encyclopedia would have “only” 1 billion letters as compared to the billions needed for a genetic code necessary for life to exist found in every cell of your body.

By the way, our calculations did not include other combinations of information like “reverse reading” of the code, information imparted by skipping, overlapping genes and more which increase the amount of information included in the genetic code as opposed to reading a book that is linear from the beginning to the end. The faith of those who believe in random evolution is stronger than any logic!

Not only do they believe that the genetic code that has over 6 billion letters and gaps, sugar compounds and phosphates that connect the letters, stabilizing proteins, skeletal structure and the envelope and more- all happened  by mutating randomly by themselves. They also believe that these codes also ‘learned’ how to survive for millennia until they could combine with other codes to complete the entire code.

Food for thought, for every successful combination that would take place there would need to be an infinite amount of failed attempts that also should theoretically have survived for all those years.Where are the infinite garbage bins and mountains of refuse of these failed attempts? This successful code which no one planned out it just happened to come of its own accord not only survived for millennia, it also acquired the ability to replicate itself in the most exact manner and these cells grow and reproduce in the exact same way for millennia.

What a wonder! All this happened randomly! This is the faith of the evolutionists! At a convention of mathematicians and biologists they discussed the statistical possibility of spontaneous creation. We can quote a few of their findings. Professor Emil Borel many years before defined something with the probability of less than any odds beyond 1 in 1050 have a zero probability of ever happening.

Let’s illustrate what this means. Such odds are less than those of winning the lottery 8 weeks in a row in a lottery of a million tickets each week.  No one believes that this is possible and after the third lottery in a row this person won they would open a police investigation to figure out how it could happen.

Now let’s go back to the convention. Professor Schutzenberger concludes that the probability of the random creation of a DNA molecule is n1000, meaning one out of a number with 1000 zeros.

These are the odds the evolutionists religiously believe in. This is the same as rolling dice and getting the same number 1500 times in a row or winning the grand prize in a million ticket weekly lottery for three years straight.

We must point out that we didn’t even include the odds of completing a whole cell of its own accord with its astronomical amount of proteins and other substances without which it can’t exist. We also didn’t take into account the formation of tissue and complete organs like the eye, the heart, the brain etc. that the odds of them creating themselves is far beyond any logically possible scenario. The devout followers of the self-development theory base their idea on the claim that with endless time it can happen.

But let’s investigate that. Let’s assume that all the atoms in the whole universe n80 meaning a number followed by 80 zeros reacted with one another a trillion times a second and did this for 15 billion years and through this somehow the first DNA letters formed. You’d still have a number with only 110 zeros after it representing the reactions that took place. But you would need a number with 1000 zeros of random reactions statistically to have a DNA form randomly of its own accord.

The logical conclusion is: Math and statistics both prove that the odds of DNA self-development are non-existent and it couldn’t “just happen”. The logical odds of intentional creation of DNA are far greater than the trillions stacked against self-development to be more exact a number with 890 zeros after it.

Now we come to a truly big question. Why do people choose to believe in something impossible like this? Which possibility would scientists and researchers that deal with probability and statistic possibility find more plausible, intentional design or self-development? It seems their conclusions on what to believe have nothing to do with mathematics or logic.

For illustration sake let us quote from the Nobel Prize laureate, Biologist, Professor George Wald:
“The most advanced machine that man succeeded in making, the computer is child’s play compared to the simplest organism. It is sufficient for man to look at the enormity of the mission to conclude that self-development is impossible. And yet we are here! As a result, I believe in self-development!”   

Was there any logic or any scientific knowledge in that statement? He believes in the impossible by his own admission. How foolish is his blind faith opposite the statement of senior British scientist and astronomer Professor Fred Hoyle that said:

“The odds that life was created randomly are equal to the odds that a tornado swept through a junk yard and created a 747 jet liner from the materials found there.”

The faith the life formed of its own accord has fateful consequences on a man’s basic outlook of life and his actions. To take a position on this issue one must proceed with the highest level of caution and responsibility possible.

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