Fake Passports Destined for ISIS Terrorists Found in Greek Refugee Camps

Europol officials have carried out a long running investigation followed by a series of raids that unearthed counterfeit passports, leading to fears that terrorists are sneaking into Europe among refugees. Police are monitoring events in Syria, Iraq, Greece and Austria in an attempt to find out where the documents were being used to breach borders.

At least two of the perpetrators of November's terror attacks in Paris had entered Europe traveling on false Syrian documents as refugees.
Italian newspaper La Stampa claims ISIS-inspired terrorists are currently trying to make their way to Austria, via Greece, to establish a European base from which to carry out deadly attacks.

There is nothing new to these reports. Already in fall 2015, an ISIS operative had boasted to western media that more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations among innocent refugees. He said: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, Allah willing. We repeat our call to Muslims in Europe, the infidel West, and everywhere to target the Crusaders in their home countries and wherever they find them.”

Besides ISIS terrorists, a huge headache for Europe are the influx of migrants among whom the terrorists hide. The International Organization for Migration says that 266,026 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea to August 17 – and of these, more than 162,015 landed in Greece. 261 migrants arrived in the Greek islands alone in the 24 hours from Thursday morning to Friday morning.

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