Litzman quits due to Israel railways Shabbat desecration from being a minister on the Government. Traditionally Agudath Yisrael MK’s wouldn’t take a ministerial post but under extenuating circumstances the rabbis told him to take the post of minister of health. When it became apparent that the railway –desecration of Shabbat is more due to carelessness than to national danger (which is non-existent in this instance) MK Litzman followed the instruction of the Admor of Gur and stepped down so as not to be a partner in this official public desecration of the Shabbat by the government.
Handicapped stipend to be raised to 1.98 billion shekels according to instructions from Minister of labor and social benefits Chaim Katz. The national insurance service drafted instructions to implement the increase.
‘The Israel Road’ a hikers road will soon include Jerusalem and also go through Yesha if the legislation goes through this morning repairing a national travesty of not including Jerusalem or Israel’s heartland in the hiker’s route. Tourism minister Yariv Levin hopes this step will improve tourism in a larger portion of Israel from the Golan to Eilat.
Rabbi Shteinman’s condition is critical but stable and the public is asked to continue praying for his recovery. His name to be said in prayers is Aharon Yehudah Leib ben Gittel Faiga.
World news:
Over 300 killed in Sinai as worshippers in a mosque were cut down with automatic gunfire: 305 were killed including 27 children by terrorists that waved ISIS flags though ISIS has not yet taken responsibility for the carnage. Israel sent it’s condolences to Egypt and said they are prepared to work with Egypt to fight terror.
Ahmed Bakhar a Senior Hamas official said Hamas should not lay down its arms in a sermon on Friday at the Al-Makhteh mosque in Gaza. According to Bakhar using weapons is fine since with the weapons they will “reinstate the rights of Palestinians and “free the land of the conquerors.” This is in response to the PA demand that Hamas lay down its arms to facilitate negotiations with Israel.
Hafiz Saeed, the radical Islamist leader who masterminded the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, which tortured and killed Chabad emissaries Rivka and Gavriel Holtzberg along with 7 others brutally murdered was released from house arrest in Pakistan on Thursday. The American Jewish Congress issued a statement denouncing Pakistan’s light stand against this terrorist and murderer. In addition, Heather Nauert a State Department spokeswoman said that “Pakistan should make sure he is arrested and charged. If Pakistan doesn’t detain Saeed and charge him for his crimes, bilateral relations and Pakistan's global reputation will suffer repercussions.”
Islamic Jihad is determined to retaliate against Israel blowing up its tunnel: On Shabbat, Khaled Al-Batash, a senior Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza, reiterated on Saturday that they are determined to retaliate against Israel for blowing up a terror tunnel leading from Gaza into Israel. The explosion killed 17 terrorists, mainly Islamic Jihad members.
Explosion in Chinese port city: In Ningbo, one of China's busiest ports right near Shanghai a blast killed at least 2 people and injured over 30 people this Sunday morning at 8:55 a.m. local time. Buildings collapsed, and car windows shattered from the blast which is still under investigation. Some want to attribute the blast to damaged gas lines but there are no gas lines in the area. The Chinese economy moves so quickly that often safety measures are ignored. This may have been the case here.