Hezbollah Claims They Shot Down an Israeli Drone

Yesterday the Hezbollah claimed that the Syrian army’s air defense system shot down an Israeli “Sky Rider” drone which entered Syrian air space near the outskirts of Quneitra. The Hezbollah distributed flyers with the picture of the drone and the name “Elbit”.

The IDF confirmed that there was a Sky Rider drone in the area which fell in Syria during a mission but reassured that there’s no chance of getting information from it and that they are investigating the incident.

According to Hezbollah media the drone was shot down by the air defense system in the area of A-Smadania A-Sharkia in Quneitra.

Already on Sunday the media outlets of the Syrian regime reported that they chased a drone out of Syrian air space. A short time later the death of Yasser A Said, from the militia “Powers to defend the homeland” who was assassinated was announced.

It should be mentioned that two months ago a Sky Rider drone fell at the Lebanese border and was captured by the Lebanese. So it’s probable that the picture the Hezbollah showed was from then.

On the same note a drone of the same type fell in Gaza last week. It was in the middle of a mission in the neighborhood of Sijaya in Northern Gaza and the IDF is investigating if the crash was caused by a technical glitch. 

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