Homemade Gefilte Fish

What do I need?

1 kg carp

5 eggs

½ kilogram chopped and strained onions

2 whole onions

5 carrots

100 grams matzo meal

100 grams sugar (or less according to taste)

40 grams salt

How do I prepare it?

Mix the fish the chopped onions and spices until you have a uniform mixture chill mixture for half hour in refrigerator.

Boil water in wide pot. Peel onions and carrots place them whole into the boiling water.

Take your fish mixture out of fridge and roll into balls with wet hands. If mix is too watery you can add matzo meal but it may make gefilte
fish come out harder so use sparingly, and chill to stiffen.

Place fish balls into boiling water cover pot and leave on low flame for 1.5 hours.

Chill fish well lay in flat pan cover and store in fridge. Use the carrots from the water for ornament when serving.

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