Huge Explosion in Kabul

At  8:22 in the morning on a main road in the Kabul Wazir Akbar Khan Diplomatic District a sewer tank truck full of explosives somehow penetrated the heavily secured diplomatic area and exploded creating a crater 13 feet deep.  The target of the bombing is not clear though it is clear that most of the victims were civilians including women and children. Damage from the blast extended to even a mile away where windows shattered in many shops and buildings.

The Taliban denies responsibility for the bombing though they are suspect as they started what they call their spring offensive a month ago stepping up terrorist activity.

This area is surrounded by 10 foot high walls that are blast resistant and it houses many government offices and foreign embassies including the US, Turkish, Canadian, Chinese, Iranian, Australian, British and German embassies. The NATO local headquarters is also nearby.

People question Afghan ability to secure itself in light of this bombing. Australia said they would send 30 consultants to help beef up security and the US which already has 8,000 troops there mainly training the Afghanis is now considering its next step and if it should send more troops in to take a more active role.

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