I Just Returned 10,000 Shekels to Someone Who Lost It

Nimrod Elias found a wallet which had over 10,000 shekels in it plus credit cards. He didn’t hesitate for a moment and didn’t think he should keep the money; he just gave it back to the owner as fast as possible.  

He posted what he did soon after and impressed many social media followers with his deeds and thoughts. “I must share something emotional with you that just happened to me now. I’m going down the street and I see a wallet on the side of the street. I open it and see bills and credit cards. After checking it I noticed that all the bills were very orderly just like in a bank. All the 200 shekel notes, all the 100 shekel notes and all the 50 shekel notes were in a neat orderly bunch.”

Elias counted the money and saw the wallet had no less than 10,000 shekels not including the credit cards. “Let’s not be naïve; most of us would take the money, smile and thank G-d,” Elias wrote. But I had a feeling the money was meant for something specific. After checking the credit cards, I was able to find the person from his name on the card and we met. It was then I found out the money was earmarked for an operation for the man’s 10 year old son that was battling cancer.”

“The man burst into tears and I cried with him. He even wanted to give me some of the money out of gratitude, but of course I refused it. These 10,000 shekels may not be mine, but I gained a mitzvah and it made my day! Be good people! It’s worth more than all the money in the world!”

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