“I turned to the ’Sheva Brachot’ Site when I despaired and Met My Husband”

“Maybe you should open a card in the Sheva Brachot web site?” Shlomit Diller had heard this advice from good friends who knew she was looking for soulmate. Shlomit knew about the web site and had even read a number of its success stories but was deterred by the fact it was heavily filtered. 

“One night, when I was gripped with despair, I decided to register in Sheva Brachot and open up a card. I listed my name, together with other identifying details. It took a long until I received the web site’s go ahead. But within a few days, I received notices from several men. I read the details on their cards and suddenly understood why the filters were so important. They ensured that I only receive notices from men who were suitable for me according to my criteria and religious level.

The name that caught her eye was Gil Chamani, whose card showed a number of things that were important to her. “We began to write through the web site, and then switched to emails, and then started going out. We would find ourselves going out a long time, talking for hours, without even noticing how the time had passed.”

For Gil, Shlomit was the first girl he had met. “It was divine providence that I sent her a notice,” he says. “She hadn’t written many things in her card, and I had no reason to send her a notice above other girls, but heaven directed me to choose her.”
Shlomit and Gil kept dating and felt that they were getting more excited about each other. Three months exactly after they became acquainted, they went on a trip to Tiberias.

“We prayed at the graves of tzadikim,” says Shlomit. “I remember praying to G-d and asking him that this match should conclude in the very best way possible, with much happiness.”

Gil continued, “Then we went on a boat trip on the Sea of Galilee. It was sunset and the heavens were spectacular. I felt it was the right moment to propose.” Gil proposed right on the desk of the boat in the fading twilight. Shlomit accepted and the two were wed two months later.
Today Shlomit warmly recommends the web site as a way to get to know people from all over the country with compatible religious and personality criteria.

Do you want to star in our next story of success? Join the Sheva Brachot web site now.

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