During this weekend spoil yourself with all of the services and amenities and get inspired by lectures in both Hebrew and English.
Featuring: A magnificent Saturday night Extravagant Melaveh Malka Mega Event launching the Hidabroot.com English Website and TV Station.
This is a Weekend for the entire family! Throughout the weekend you will enjoy:
– Luxurious Hotel Accommodations
– Separate Lecture Halls for Hebrew and English Programs
– Glatt Kosher Gourmet Catered Meals
– Around-the-Clock Tea Room
– Exciting Youth Programs
– Infant Day Care
– Exciting Day Camp for Children
– Stimulating Activities for Teens
Featuring Internationally Renowned Speakers:
English Program:
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein
Rabbi Meyer Yedid
Rabbi Paysach Krohn
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
Rabbi Ilan Meirov
Mr. Charlie Harary
Rebbetzin Slovie Jungreis Wolff (Women Only!)
Hebrew Program
Rabbi Zamir Cohen, Founder/Director of Hidabroot Worldwide
Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger
Why a seminar?
When you participate in a seminar you rest, you hear fascinating lectures and also get answers to important questions plagued your life. Instead of spending hours and days searching and discussing the questions that have always bothered you, you get to save a lot of time hearing what Judaism has to say in a concentrated manner. Isn’t it worth 3 days of your time to hear what Judaism a 3300 year old religion has to say? Isn’t it great to get answers in your language?
When you participate in a seminar you’ll be more objective about Judaism, religious people and their conduct. You can ask questions about the Torah and the scriptures during the seminar and get your answers from the best speakers in the Jewish world. These are teachers who understand both sides of the coin; Torah, as well as science and mysticism, Eastern and Western cultures and our original and deeply rooted Jewish culture. These lecturers are worth hearing, even if only to expand your horizons.
Can a TV channel be entirely holy?
It sounds ridiculous, almost a contradiction! But it did happen! Hidabroot established a kosher TV channel, the first of its kind, which broadcasts entirely holy content 24 hours a day. Every household in Israel that has a TV, can access it absolutely free.” This is light years away from the unflattering way the media portrays Judaism today.
Hidabroot became the largest Jewish outreach organization in the world with more than 450 employees, working in Hidabroot offices in Petach Tikva.” Hidabroot believes that due to lack of awareness, many are not familiar with the real beauty of Judaism. So, from its inception, the organization’s mission statement was to show the beautiful face of authentic ethical Judaism. The Hidabroot TV Channel is an important tool to spread that beauty. Be there for our Website and TV station launch!
Today, Hidabroot includes many additional platforms and activities:
- A weekly and a monthly magazine distributed in Israel and around the world,
- An active website that gets approximately 2.5 million hits per month,
- A dating site supervised by matchmakers, and departments offering various assistance such as
- Assistance to the needy
- Fighting against assimilation and intermarriage,
- Preventing abortion and offering assistance to women who choose not to abort.

Besides the intense activity across Israel, the past three years Hidabroot began outreach activities overseas. “Already successful in Israel, we want to reach the public abroad,” explains Rabbi Zamir Cohen. “Each year we get many calls from Israelis, who live throughout the United States and elsewhere, asking for information, marriage counseling and spiritual guidance. Intermarried couples also seek our advice. People ask to participate in and host lectures and activities in their homes and we are happy to accommodate them.”
Meanwhile, the World Hidabroot Project is underway with emphasis on explaining about intermarriage to the American Jewish public. Hidabroot has produced tens of thousands of English language Jewish content articles and programs, with future plans to produce thousands of new programs to be distributed on various platforms throughout the United States. We hope to expand our circle of activity and reach each and every one of the 6,000,000 Jews in America. We also have websites spreading authentic Judaism in 4 languages and we hope to get to 13 languages to reach every Jew in the world!
Perhaps the most significant Hidabroot news for people abroad, is that we managed after much effort, to broadcast the Hidabroot Channel not only in Israel, but all over the world, through a converter that connects to television sets, computer and mobile devices. So now, Hidabroot Channel can be in every home, anywhere in the world. In addition, besides our live broadcasts, viewers can enjoy our huge VOD library, including thousands of uplifting lectures, children's programs, Jewish films, and music. In a month it will be possible to watch two live channels in English and Hebrew, and more using Roku, Apple TV or Amazon Fire TV converters as well as our Hidabroot kosher converter.
Also, Hidabroot in English recently went online. Thousands of lectures from the best American Jewish lecturers, combined with lectures of Israeli rabbis translated into English, are already available. In addition to these hundreds of quality articles, stories and current events are constantly being uploaded. Soon we will also have an electronic magazine of the American Jewish audience.
We chose the days before Rosh Hashana for this weekend because they are days of introspection and great light. These days make it easier for us to improve all areas of our lives. What better way to come into the new year? Rabbi Zamir Cohen wants to clarify an important point: “Hidabroot does not preach. We portray what Judaism’s position is and what it has to offer.
Hidabroot provides individual guidance for a better and correct life in all important areas, ranging from self-control and proper relationships to good deeds which bring balance, satisfaction and happiness to your life. Out of all of American Jewry, most don’t recognize the beauty and truth of Judaism. All they know is only from television and politicians. This means that what they know about Judaism is distorted. Our approach is to lay the information on the table and show that this is Judaism says. If you want it – accept it; if you don’t want it – don’t accept it. But at the very least, you should have the appropriate information to make an informed decision. And there’s no better time to do this than before Rosh Hashana!
Call Hidabroot For more details call 323-984-7349 or email Erezm@htv.co.il